Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

553: Let My People Kidnap Me? Still You Can Play

"You are the only one who knows how to use dirty tricks, right? Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

If the struggle on the surface can't be done, then he will directly put Qi Lin to death, and use physical means to solve this love rival.

"Go and contact the local speaker right away, I want to kill Qi Lin."

Qin Han said angrily.


The deputy manager was shocked.

"This, this is not too radical, this is against the law!"

The manager is a little embarrassed.

Qin Han said with a sneer: "Everyone is using unconventional means, and you still talk about breaking the law? If Qi Lin doesn't die, we're really doomed, you know?"

"If you don't want to do it anymore, you can just leave, anyway, there are many capable people, and I don't lack you.

Qin Han took all the anger from Qi Lin on his subordinates.

"Yes, yes, I will do it now."

The deputy general manager was sweating profusely, and he was also reluctant to part with this high-paying job.

Moreover, as long as he does it in a concealed manner, no one may know about it.

Qi Family Villa.

Qi Lin was shaking the red wine glass at this time, and Chu Chun was standing beside him with his mobile phone.

On the phone, Chen Yanmeng's voice came.

"Boss, the deputy general manager of Qin Yin's Haidilao just approached me.

Chen vowed to hold back a smile and said.

Qi Lin said lightly: "You brat talk nonsense together, don't play tricks on me here."

373 Chen Yanmeng didn't dare to babble anymore, and hurriedly said: "This kid doesn't even know that I belong to you. I sent people to make trouble at the gate of his Haidilao, which made him restless and unable to do business at all. Now this The boy is in a hurry, and he is going to attack you, the boss, so he asked the deputy general manager to come to me for help, saying that as long as he can kidnap you, he can pay whatever he wants.


Hearing Chen Yanmeng's words, Qi Lin couldn't help but laugh too.

The person who asked him to kidnap him, is there such an interesting thing in this world?

"Boss, what should I do now? The deputy manager doesn't know yet and is still waiting in my office, or I'll let him..."

Chen Yanmeng made a gesture to make him disappear.

Qi Lin's black eyes were full of meaning.

He has never done anything to Qin Han, in fact, there are his considerations in it.

Xia Sha hasn't won yet, this girl is hindered (bfce) by her relationship with Lan Yuxi, she just refuses to admit her feelings.

This time Qin Han attacked him, it was a good chance to take down Zhensha.

"You don't need to do anything to him. To take this task, remember to pay a higher price, just 200 million. My imposing big boss, it's worth the money.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Chen Yanmeng looked terrified, as if he had heard a joke from hell: "Boss, stop joking, how dare I kidnap you, when the time comes, people won't chop me up.

Qi Lin said lightly: "Are you afraid of Madam? Are you not afraid of me, the boss? If you don't do what I say now, believe it or not, I will chop you up right now?"

Chen Yanmeng shrank his head, of course he was more afraid of the boss: "I see, boss."


Qin Han's office.

"Boss, I have already negotiated with the other party, they are willing to kidnap Qi Lin."

The deputy general manager came back to report.

Qin Han's face brightened: "When are they going to do it?"

The deputy general manager coughed dryly: "They said they will do it after the money has been transferred."

Qin Han's expression suddenly became displeased: "Aren't they the ones who kidnap people first and then give money? And at most give half of the deposit first, how much does the other party want?"

The deputy general manager said with a bitter face: "The other party said that they didn't have 200 million yuan to kidnap the big boss of Shrimp King, so they wouldn't do it. Qi Lin's background is quite strong in the local area.

Qin Han's face was cold, and he didn't speak for a moment.

But it didn't take long before he made a decision in his heart.

Nodding his head, Qin Han said: "Qi Lin's security is tight, and he is still the leader of Jianghan City, so the cost of kidnapping him is reasonable.

"Send the money to the other party, but you can only send half of it first, and the other half will be settled after the other party brings Qi Lin to me."

The deputy general manager got the exact news and nodded with a smile: "Then I will reply to the other party right away."

Time flies.

One night a few days later.

Inside Villa One.

"It's so late, where are you going?"

Seeing Qi Lin getting up to leave, Qi Xueyao's pretty face was slightly annoyed.

When the time came to June, Qi Xueyao was 8 months pregnant and was approaching her due date.

Qi Lin has been quite honest during this time, and has been accompanying Qi Xueyao in Villa No. 1.

Qi Lin, who has been out on the rabbit, will go out at ten o'clock in the evening, which is really suitable

Qi Lin blinked and said with a smile: "Someone is going to kidnap me, and the other party has even paid me a deposit. How can I, the protagonist, be absent?"

Qi Xueyao instantly understood Qi Lin's words.

This is obviously a play directed and acted by this guy himself.

Kidnapped Qi Lin, but the person he was looking for was Qi Lin's subordinate [Isn't the other party too cute?

Knowing that Qi Lin was not in danger, Qi Xueyao said angrily, "You are the only one who can play, remember to come back early, your little one is too big now, making it difficult for me to turn over at night, without your help, I can't sleep well. "

"I'll bring you supper later."

Qi Lin kissed the corner of Qi Xueyao's mouth, and then kissed.

In an abandoned factory, Qi Lin was sitting on a chair surrounded by people.

These younger brothers, who are usually vicious and vicious, stood there respectfully at this moment, not even daring to breathe.

Chen Yanmeng is now the chief rudder of the entertainment industry in Jianghan City.

Because of his decisive and brutal actions, he was feared by countless younger brothers.

But now, there is such a big boss, but he stands in front of Qi Lin respectfully, and reports to him the recent situation of the entertainment industry in Jianghan City and the progress of Qin Xiang.

Boss, Boss, can they not be respectful to such a legendary existence?

Jianghan City in June has gradually become sultry.

Behind Qi Lin, a younger brother fanned him.

On the chair next to it, there were freshly cut fruits. Qi Lin occasionally picked up a piece and threw it into his mouth.

It's not like being kidnapped in these small days.

"Boss, Qin Han has to call to verify before he will pay the remaining 100 million.

Chen vowed to report the situation to Qi Lin in a low voice.

Qi Lin said casually: "Then show him."

Chen Yanmeng smiled wryly: "But boss, with your current state, who would believe that you were kidnapped, not even tied with a rope, and served with good food and drink.

Qi Lin said unhappily: "Are you out of your wits or something? You wouldn't say that I'm the one the client paid 200 million for. I'm afraid that something bad will happen. I want to serve you with delicious food and drink, and so on." When the customer comes, it will be handed over to the customer.”

Chen Yanmeng's eyes lit up, and then Hanhan touched his head and said, "I'm so stupid, I'll call the other party right now.'

Only in front of Qi Lin, the cold-blooded and cruel Chen Yanmeng would be as stupid as that little bastard back then.

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