Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

557: Life And Death? Qi Lin Played With Electric Flowers

"Qi Lin!!!"

The next second, she cried and rushed towards Qi Lin's direction.

She couldn't care about anything else, such as her own safety, Qin Han and guns.

In her eyes now, only Qi Lin had fallen under Qin Han's gun.

"No! It's none of my business, he came up to grab it himself, he pulled the trigger himself."

Qin Han stumbled back a few steps.

At this moment, Qin Han didn't notice at all that the people in the abandoned warehouse Curry had disappeared without a trace.

Including Chen Yanmeng who "kidnapped" Qi Lin, and his horse boys.

"Qin Han, you bastard, why did you kill him!"

Xia Sha's temper belongs to Pepper, but she has never scolded anyone.

At this time, holding Qi Lin, she was already crying with pear blossoms and rain, staring at Qin Han with a pair of beautiful eyes, filled with hatred.

Qin Han: "……………

He could see that he had no chance of winning Xia Sha's heart in his life, because he killed Qi Lin.

in addition.

After all, Qin Han is just a rich second generation, not some vicious person.

Although he felt that Qi Lin was not killed by himself, would the police believe his words?

Once the police came, thinking that he might spend the rest of his life in prison, even eating peanuts, he was terrified to death.


He still has no enjoyment of glory and wealth!

He is so rich, what kind of woman can't get it?

You can never sit still!

"Go back to Xinguo, as long as I go back to Xinguo, with my dad's energy, I will definitely be fine.

It seems that Qin Han's feelings for Xia Sha are not so sincere.

When encountering a crisis, he could not care about Jiasha, so he slipped away first.

And he did.

While Xia Sha was holding Qi Lin and crying, she was heartbroken.

Qin Han quietly walked away from the abandoned warehouse.

Qi Lin was shot?

This is of course impossible.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the environment in the abandoned warehouse.

After confirming that everyone had left, a smirk of a successful scheme appeared in the black eyes.


Qi Lin coughed twice, then slowly opened his eyes.

At the same time, he squeezed a bag of pig's blood that broke his abdomen.

"Qi Lin, you, are you not dead?"

When Xia Sha heard Qi Lin's cough, Li Hua's rainy face froze.

In the next second, Xia couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Then, that shot hit me in the stomach... Listen to your tone, do you really want me to die?"

Qi Lin said with a 'weak' face.

Xia Sha shook her head desperately, tears rolling down: "I don't want you to die, why would I want you to die, Qi Lin, you must hold on, I will call an ambulance right now!

Seemingly remembering something, Xia Sha panicked and wanted to use her mobile phone to call an ambulance.

Qi Lin held her cold little hand, smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, there is no need to call an ambulance. Although this shot missed my head, it also hit my kidney. I am afraid that I will It's not working......

Hearing what Qi Lin said, Xia Sha burst into tears again, shaking her head and crying, "No, you'll be fine, you're such a bad person."

***: "......"

She was hurting herself even if she was about to die, this Xia Sha has a lot of resentment towards herself.

"While, while I am still breathing, I have a few last words to say to you, don't interrupt my words, or I will die with regret.

Qi Lin said weakly.

Xia Sha held Qi Lin's hands tightly with her white and tender hands, and she was almost dying of crying.

As long as she thinks that Qi Lin will leave her immediately, she feels that the sky is about to fall.

"Woooooo, you, you say, I won't interrupt you."

Qi Lin smiled gratifiedly.

"Sasha, do you love me? Love between men and women, I want you to tell the truth.

Qi Lin asked the first question.

How could Xia Sha have thought that Qi Lin's routine was so deep that he would even fake his death.

The two are already in the final stage of farewell, Xia Sha finally no longer hides her heart, her fair face, actively sticks to Qi Lin's face, giving him warmth.

Wet tears wet Qi Lin's face: "I love you, I love you bastard, but why do you want to be with Yuxi? Do you know how much suffering I have suffered since I met you? I not only have to endure You are approaching step by step, and you have to control your own thoughts. I am afraid that my sister will find out and scold me for being indiscreet. I am afraid that my brother-in-law will find out and arrest you and shoot you.

"Why don't I love you, I just love you so much, that's why I never promise you."

Hearing Xia Sha's words, Ou Lin suddenly felt apologetic.

He has no grievances with Xia Sha, on the contrary, he has been deceiving Xia Sha all along.

He didn't expect that this girl would be so affectionate towards him to such an extent.

"Sasha, I love you too, just like you love me, cough"

Qi Lin smiled and wanted to touch Xia Sha's face.

While crying, Xia Sha helped the weak Qi Lin to put his hands on his fair face.

"."I'm so stupid, what are those gossips compared to life and death? It would be nice if I promised you earlier, at least I won't leave any regrets in this life.

"You're so rich and capable, you're going to have a headache about me and Yuxi, and you'll definitely find a solution.

Qi Lin sighed: "It's too late to say these things now, while I still have breath, I want you to promise me one thing."

Xia Sha cried even louder: "Woo, don't say one thing, as long as you are fine, I will promise you ten thousand things.

Qi Lin said weakly: "I want you to promise me that after I die, you are not allowed to find a boyfriend, you are not allowed to get married, and you will have my photo at home, and you will talk to my photo every day, calling you husband, can you do that?" ?”

Qi Lin's play is a bit fancy, obviously he pretended to be shot, and he still teased Xia Sha like this.

Xia Sha, who didn't know it, buried her face in Qi Lin's neck, and cried: "I will never find a boyfriend again in my life, don't be afraid, if you really die, I will transfer the shares of Shrimp King to you." Yuxi, come to find you again, and I will have a baby (good Zhao's) with you, and we will be husband and wife again in the next life."

Qi Lin: ……………”

I'm going, isn't this Shasha's wife too affectionate? Did she die for love?

Qi Lin felt a little flustered, he was playing so big, and when Xia Sha knew the truth, he didn't want to fight for himself!

But the play has already reached this point, and Qi Lin can only continue to act.

"I want to hear you call me husband, can you?"

Qi Lin's voice gradually weakened.

Without thinking about it, Xia Sha cried and shouted: "Husband! As long as you are well, I can call your husband every day from now on, Qi Lin! Take heart, the ambulance will be here soon!"

"Before you die, can you kiss me?"

Qi Lin's voice was almost inaudible.

Xia Sha is crying helplessly and desperately like an unsupported child.

Seeing Qi Lin's gradually weakening breath, she slowly lowered her head, and kissed Qi Lin's mouth with cold but soft lips. .

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