Yanyan Villa.

When she heard the phone call from Dean Huamei Zixin, saying that Qi Lin was seriously injured and had been sent for emergency treatment.

Yan Yan, who was 7 months pregnant with a big belly, went dark and almost passed out on the spot.


Seeing that Yan Yan was on the verge of falling, Mei Orchid, Bamboo and Juju panicked for a while, so she hurried over to help her.

"Prepare the car! Prepare the car and go to the hospital immediately.-"

Yan Yan didn't care about her body, she bit her moistened lower lip, her beautiful eyes flushed and ordered.

Gorgeous Zixin.

Emergency operating room.

Looking at Qi Lin's unscathed body, the doctor who was about to perform the operation was stunned.

This person was not injured, but the person who sent it said that Qi Lin had suffered a serious gunshot wound. What should he do now?

outside the door.

There were still a few policemen standing.

It is definitely impossible to go out unharmed, or to convict Qin Han in the future.

After Qi Lin thought for a moment, an idea came to his mind.

"Give me an opening in the abdomen, burn it with fire, and sew it up.

Qi Lin said lightly to the chief surgeon.


The attending doctor was even more shocked and flustered at the moment, not knowing what kind of excitement Qi Lin was playing.

"Ah, what? Hurry up and do what I tell you. If someone outside finds out that I've been injured in a fake way, do you think you'll be safe?"

Qi Lin's dark eyes glanced lightly at the chief surgeon.

After listening to Qi Lin's words, the chief surgeon was sweating profusely on his face.

Smart, he already knew that he seemed to be involved in some kind of struggle.

Although the person in charge of Huamei Zixin is Yan Yan, but the core figures in the hospital like the chief surgeon understand that Qi Lin is the biggest boss behind Huamei Zixin.

Now the boss is angry, if I don't do what he ordered, I'm afraid my family will be really in danger.

The chief surgeon who is known as the most authoritative surgeon in China, his hands trembled slightly when he performed the operation for the first time.

No injuries, but let me take the bullet?

Not to mention him, this kind of surgery can be said to be unprecedented.

Asked online, has anyone had this surgery done?.

Very urgent.

Although trembling, the psychological quality of the chief surgeon is still excellent.

In the end, he bit the bullet and operated on Qi Lin.

"No need for anesthesia."

Just when the knife was about to be performed, Lin Lin said lightly.

The chief surgeon was even more confused at this time.

How to operate without anesthesia? Isn't this killing people?

Could it be that the boss wants to follow the example of Guan Yu and scrape his bones to heal his wounds?

"Boss, are you sure you don't..."

Qi Lin: "Don't talk nonsense, you can go out if you keep talking."

How dare the chief surgeon go out at this time.

Whatever the boss says is what it is, at worst, wait until the boss is in so much pain that I can't stand it, and then add anesthesia.

The operation begins.

As the sharp scalpel cut through the epidermis, dermis, and fat layer, a fine layer of sweat beads appeared on Qi Lin's forehead.

It is conceivable how painful this kind of surgery is without anesthesia, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

But Qi Lin resisted abruptly, and didn't shout from the beginning to the end.

As a qualified villain, Qi Lin can't tolerate being in a coma, or being in a state where his life is in the hands of others.

If he fell into a coma and the doctor wanted to kill him, even he, a reborn person, would have to confess here.

The heart of defense is indispensable, which is why Qi Lin is unwilling to take anesthetics.

Opening the mouth is not the most painful.

When the mouth is opened.

Qi Lin raised his hand: "Bring the plate over here."

The surgeon who was sweating profusely didn't understand what Qi Lin was going to do, but he still brought a metal plate over.

In order to prevent things from leaking, the chief surgeon sent away all the nurses and assistants, and completed one operation by himself.


Qi Lin let go of his fist.

Suddenly, a steel bullet landed on the plate, making a crisp sound.

This bullet is the bullet of the pistol that Qin Han is holding.

With this bullet, when Qin Han is sentenced, he will be completely speechless.

Seeing this bullet, the chief surgeon reacted.

Since it is a bullet removal operation, how could there be no bullets.

It seems that the boss has already prepared everything.

But the chief surgeon knew that he should ask less questions, otherwise there would be more trouble in the future.

He kept silent and began to heat the scalpel on the alcohol lamp.

After the scalpel was burning red, stick it directly on Qi Lin's wound.


A smell of burnt meat filled the operating room.


Qi Lin clenched his fists and made the sound of his knuckles cracking, but he remained silent.

The chief surgeon couldn't bear to turn his head away, and didn't even dare to look at it.

But in his heart, he already admired his boss.

"The more tenacious a person is, the more ruthless they are."

"If you are so cruel to yourself, you don't feel ashamed to others!"

"Today's incident must not be revealed in the slightest, just as it never happened.

The chief surgeon warned himself in his heart.

The last hurdle is sewing. ..........20

The first two levels have passed, and this last level is not casual.

Qi Lin closed his eyes and let the chief surgeon suture.

"Boss, the operation has been completed."

When everything was settled, the chief surgeon finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said cautiously.

"Send me to the special care ward to rest, and hand the bullets to the police outside."

Qi Lin said with a tired face.

"Okay, I'll call someone to do it right away."

The chief surgeon nodded quickly.

A few beautiful young nurses were called, and Qi Lin was pushed to a luxurious and quiet special care ward.


He took out the bullet himself: "This is the bullet taken from Mr. Qi Lin's abdomen."

The four police officers looked at each other.

"Xiao Zhang, you give the bullet to Bureau Blue, and the three of us stay here to continue protecting Mr. Qi.

Xia Sha has been guarding outside.

at first.

She thought that Qi Lin was faking his injury and sent him to the hospital for an examination.

But as soon as Qi Lin arrived at the hospital, he was pushed into the operating room, and then the operating lights were turned on.

At this time, she realized that something seemed a little wrong.

She couldn't sit down at ease for a moment, her beautiful eyes turned red again, she walked back and forth outside the operating room, clasped her hands together, as if she was praying for something.

Three hours.

Xia Sha has never felt for a moment that living a life like a year is actually so difficult.

Until Qi Lin was pushed out.

Xia Sha rushed up immediately, grabbed the edge of the push bed, and cried, "Qi Lin, are you okay?"

Qi Lin's lips were pale and dry.

Nonsense, lost so much blood, why not dry it?

"It's okay, the bullet has been taken out, it should be fine."

Xia Sha held Qi Lin's hand tightly with a pair of jade hands, and cried: "You fool, you are obviously seriously injured, and you still want to play a game of sincerity with me? We have known each other for so long, don't you still not see me? Love you, do I only love you alone? Why do you have to make fun of your own life?"

Qi Lin forced a smile: "I think it's worth it if you can admit that you love me. For the next period of time, I will ask you to take care of me."

Hearing Qi Lin's absurd words, Xia Sha both loved and hated this bastard, wishing she could punch him a few times.

But when she thought that Qi Lin had just finished the operation and had just returned from the closed gate of the ghost gate, she felt very distressed again.

"Don't do stupid things for me in the future, I will be by your side for the rest of my life."

Xia Sha wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, her beautiful eyes were softer than ever before, and caressed Qi Lin's forehead. .

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