Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

561: Goal: Earn 1 Million Points And Live Forever!

After Yan Yan listened, she nodded: "You know your mistakes, and you have the sincerity to admit your mistakes. You are a kind and reasonable girl. Take good care of Xiaolin during this time. From today on, you are also a member of our Qi family." .”

This can be regarded as Zhenggong's acknowledgment of the status of the new concubine.

There was a trace of surprise on Xia Sha's pretty face, and then she nodded emphatically: "I will take good care of Qi Lin, and get along well with the other sisters."

have to!

This has been deeply rooted in the bones of PUAs.

In the past, Momo Haw was unwilling to agree to be Qi Lin's girlfriend.

Now being PUAed by Yan Yan, I still feel that it is a great fortune in life to be able to become Qi Lin's woman.

"First of all, you need to change your name. Who is Qi Lin? Qi Lin is the head of the family. Is that what you call the head of the family?"

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes looked at Xia Sha again.

It was Gujing Wubo's eyes, but Xia Sha murmured in her heart, saying that she couldn't stand it.

"Then? That's called husband?"

Xia Sha asked tentatively.

Yan Yan laughed and said: "Called husband? Are you married to Xiao Lin? Even I am not married to him, do you want to be the official?"

"No? No!"

Xia Sha waved her hands again and again in fright as the treasonous hat was buttoned down.

As soon as she entered the door, the concubine wanted to be the main palace. Isn't this a big treason and what is it?

21 Looking at Xia Sha who was terrified, Yan Yan stopped teasing her: "You can choose Xiaolin, Darling, Darling, etc. Anyway, don't let me think you don't respect him. .”

Xia Sha nodded, feeling a little relieved.

Then she quietly glanced at Qi Lin who was watching the excitement: "My dear~"

This is quite sweet, it seems that she is afraid that Yan Yan will talk about her again.

"My wife Sasha is good~"

Qi Lin blinked and responded to her with a smile.

Xia Sha's pretty face flushed slightly, but her heart was sweet.

"It's all your fault, you guy, for making my mood fluctuate so much."

"I'll go back to rest first, and I'll see you every day from now on."

With the support of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, Yan Yan got up and was slightly angry.

Although she really wanted to stay with Qi Lin.

But she is still a pregnant woman after all, and there are many sources of various bacteria and infectious diseases in the hospital, so it is not good for the baby to stay here.

Qi Lin could also understand, he blinked at Yan Yan and said with a smile: "Take a good rest, I will be able to see my little baby in three months, I am looking forward to it."

With a hint of a smile in Yan Yanmei's eyes, she gave Qi Lin a white look: "You should coax your sister Xueyao, she is pregnant before me, and the first thing you will see is your big baby.

After Yan Yan left.

Xia Sha felt relieved, and lightly patted her chest: "Xiaolin, you Zhenggong wife's aura is too strong, right? I was almost scared to death just now.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "Sister Yan Yan is the wife of Zhenggong, I haven't decided yet, Xueyao is also a strong contender.

Qi Xueyao and Xia Sha are old classmates.

She compared it in her mind, and then shook her head: "Xueyao does have the temperament of a lady, but in my opinion, it is still a bit immature to compete with sister Yan Yan for the lord of the palace. I think she should be dead... "

Speaking of this, Xia Sha sat by the bed, pinched Qi Lin's face, and said with a smile: "I don't need to guess, you are the grand master of our Qi family, and whoever becomes the master of the main palace in the end is not you." In a word, those of us little women, who don't want to please you, so as not to be punished by the empress."

Qi Lin heard that it was interesting, and said deliberately: "What about you? Never thought about being the lord of the palace? Why don't you sit in this seat?"

Xia Sha was frightened by Qi Lin's words, she quickly covered Qi Lin's mouth: "This is a bit of a joke, as far as my city is concerned, even Xueyao can't compare with it, let alone sister Yan Yan, she took a look at me , I was so frightened that I would still be my concubine honestly~"

Xia Sha puffed her mouth, her self-pitying appearance was really cute.

Qi Lin moved his head directly.

"What are you doing? You're still injured. If Sister Yan Yan finds out, I'm going to be miserable again."

Xia Sha blushed pretty and immediately stopped Qi Lin's actions.

It's not that she doesn't want to kiss Qi Lin, the two of them broke through the layer of paper, so of course she also wants to be sweet and crooked.

But the problem is, she is afraid of Yan Yan.

"Then I don't move, why don't you come and kiss me?"

Qi Lin blinked and said.


In the end, Xia Sha still felt sorry for Qi Lin, that bastard.

Besides, Qi Lin is greedy for himself, doesn't it also mean that he loves himself very much?

Xia Sha bit her lower lip lightly, her beautiful eyes misty.

In the end, she gave Qi Lin a blank look, and then walked over slowly.

three days later.

A piece of news shocked the entire Huaxia, even Shiyuan.

Qin Han, the eldest son of Qin, one of the wealthy families in Xinguo, was prosecuted by the Jianghan City Court on suspicion of kidnapping and murdering Qi Lin.

Because of the solid evidence and the presence of witnesses and material evidence, Qin Han was directly sentenced to life imprisonment without bail.

He was imprisoned in the strictest prison in Jianghan City.

The entire Jianghan City is Qi Lin's base camp.

As long as Qin Han goes in, never think about coming out again.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for killing Chio Matsushima, the son of luck, for awarding 100,000 points.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for killing the son of luck, Qin Han, rewarding you with 10,000 points."

Qi Lin, who was recuperating in the ward, received a reward from the system.

Every time you kill a child of luck, you can get 10,000 points for sealing.

These points are equivalent to money, and you can buy all items in the system mall.

According to the system, as long as he has enough points, he can buy everything in each plane.

Elixir of Immortality.

Nuclear fission armor.

Two nanometer lithography machine.

Luanniao space carrier.

Future technology and more.

Qi Lin remembered that he had killed four sons of luck and obtained 40,000 points.

Including these two sons of luck, there should be 60,000 points, right?

"Ding! The host currently has 60,000 points, do you want to exchange them for items in the mall?"

Seemingly knowing what Qi Lin was thinking, the system reminded him.

Qi Lin asked with a smile: "How many points are there for a two-nanometer lithography machine?"

System: "Two nanometer lithography machine 500 points."

Qi Lin was surprised: "So cheap?"

System: "The child of luck is precious and hidden deeply. The host may never meet one in his lifetime. To kill a child of luck can only get 10,000 points, so the points

Duke of Zhou. "

After hearing these words, Qi Lin 047 nodded in agreement.

There are few children of luck, and they have to find a way to kill them.

And Qi Lin remembers, a bottle of immortality potion seems to cost one million points, right?

In this way, I will obliterate 100 sons of luck.

In this way, points are indeed very precious.

"System, after the immortality potion is exchanged, can it be produced with Blue Star's current technology?"

Qi Lin wants to live forever, but he also wants to bring his female family with him, otherwise after his female family dies, he will be accompanied by endless loneliness.

Qi Lin didn't want to taste this feeling.

System: "Blue Star Technology cannot copy the potion of immortality, but the host can spend 100 points to exchange blueprints.

"Oh? Then can I directly exchange blueprints now?"

Qi Lin's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the blueprint of the immortality potion to be so cheap.

Qi Lin, who seemed to have found some bug, hurriedly asked the system.

System: "It cannot be exchanged, only the immortality potion can be exchanged before the blueprint can be exchanged."

***: "......"

It seems that this BUG is not impossible to get stuck.

"Points, points! I have to gather a hundred children of luck before I die."

"Yu Chen and Wang Cheng, these two fleas are still jumping around. They used to want to let it go and play again. Now that I think about it, there should be no need to stay, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

In Qi Lin's eyes at this moment, Yu Chen and Wang Cheng are no longer human beings, but two strings of numbers representing 20,000 points.

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