Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

563: The Prince Of The Entertainment Industry

If they were facing other female stars, International Zhang, Xiao Yanzi and the others would definitely not be convinced, and they would not go up to say hello, lest they look inferior.

But Zhang Man can't.

Although she is beautiful and beautiful, these big stars have no choice but to go up to toast Zhang Man with a respectful attitude, and praise Zhang Man's temperament and appearance not like ordinary people in the world.

This is the difference that power makes.

No matter how popular these stars are, they are just actors.

But what about Zhang Man?

He is the president of Sugarman Entertainment, in charge of a billion-dollar company, countless film and television resources, and the life and death power of all the stars.

Annoyed her, a ban order goes on, no matter how hot you were before, you will end up cool in the end.

"These female stars are quite beautiful, but they have been polluted by the entertainment industry. They are all oily and philistine, and they probably won't have any innocence. Our master should look down on such women."

After dismissing these female stars, Zhang Man shook his red wine glass and shook his head.

Rose has become the biggest underground talker in the peninsula. As long as she says a word, she can send the goddess of the girl group that countless men in the peninsula dream of day and night, to Qi Lin's arms.

Zhang Man is not to be outdone here.

Only women who have the ability to help Qi Lin share his career and make suggestions are eligible to become members of the harem.

And those star girl groups and 620 are just vase playthings in Qi Lin's collection. Zhang Man doesn't think these women will pose any threat to her.

Therefore, she didn't mind at all, and found some young girls with aura for Qi Lin to change Qi Lin's taste.

Just when Zhang Man was thinking about what birthday gift to give Qi Lin, a man with a tall and straight figure but a little frivolous footsteps came over with a red wine glass.

Along the way, many people greeted him politely.

"Young Master Zhang, send my regards to your father."

"Young Master Zhang, if you have any suitable resources, you must remember me."

"Young Master Zhang, can you give me a second female lead! No! Movie sources for the third female lead, you can do whatever you want tonight.

Zhang also.

The young owner of Huaxia Brothers is the son of Zhang Fu, the chairman of True Brothers.

His status in the industry is equivalent to that of a prince. As long as he wants to, there is no female celebrity that Zhang can't sleep with.


These female stars have come too easily, and Hou Zhang's appetite has changed recently.

He set his sights on Zhang Man, the president of Sugarman Entertainment.

Zhang Man's mature temperament, sexy and charming figure made him unable to extricate himself.


In order to get Zhang (cbaf) Man, he even investigated Zhang Man's past and background in advance.

Impatiently pushing a second- and third-tier female star aside, Zhang Ye finally walked in front of Zhang Man.

"Miss Zhang Man, would you mind having a drink?"

Zhang also smiled and raised his red wine glass.

Zhang Man naturally knew Zhang Ye too.

At present, Sugarman Entertainment is not the leader in the industry, and compared to the Huaxia Brothers who have filmed several classic movies, they are still a little immature.

So, she must not offend this young master.

Zhang Man smiled slightly, raised his wine glass and took a sip, as a response to Zhang Ye.

Seeing that Zhang Man didn't have any abnormal attitude, Zhang Ye's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had something to play tonight.

After he took a sip of the red wine, he continued to smile and said, "Mr. Man, I don't know if you have heard the news. Our Huaxia Brothers are going to cooperate with Brother Long to shoot a movie. I wouldn't tell the details to ordinary people, but I can tell Man Anyway, the name of this movie is Baby Project, and there will be handsome Gu in it, so it will definitely be a hit."

In two thousand years, Brother Long was still the guarantee of the box office. As long as he participated in the show, no matter how bad the script was, many people would be willing to buy it.

What kind of person is Zhang Man?

She climbed from the bottom, and she did not know how many men she had seen.

She saw through this idea at a glance.

Take out a movie resource to attract yourself, and then release the sweetness, as long as you agree to date him, let yourself participate in the stock.

For this little Karla Mi's way of picking up girls, Zhang Man blushed for him.

Look at how Qi Lin fell in love with Zhang Man in the first place?

No need for any foreplay, just forcefully kiss Zhang Man, trying to get her first kiss away.

After the kiss, the City People's Decoration Company, which is worth hundreds of millions, will be handed over to Zhang Man for management.

Zhang Man, who had a strong desire for power at the time, was so blocked that he had nothing to say.

Later, Qi Lin handed over billions worth of Sugar Man Entertainment to Zhang Man for management. Which woman would be tempted by such an unprecedented way of picking up girls?

But this one is also funny.

He thought Zhang Man could be tempted by just a movie with an investment of over 100 million and an unknown dividend?

Zhang Man felt that this young man, who had been smooth sailing under his father's protection and hadn't suffered much yet, could go back to rebuilding his brain.

"Baby Project? It sounds interesting, so congratulate Mr. Zhang in advance for the big movie sale."

Zhang Man pretended not to understand, and replied with a half-hearted smile.

Seeing that Zhang Man was not on the set, Zhang Ye said again unwillingly: "Mr. Man, don't you mean to be tempted? Your Sugar Man Entertainment has been filming TV series and has not made any progress in movies, but you must know that the TV series The profit, compared to the profit of the movie, is not enough to watch at all.

The endless entanglement is very annoying.

If it wasn't for Zhang Ye's father's face, Zhang Man would have turned around and left.

"What does Mr. Zhang mean?"

Zhang Man asked casually.

Zhang also thought that Zhang Man's heart was moved, and said with a smile: "I mean, I don't know if Boss Man has time tonight, after the dance is over, we can find a coffee shop to talk slowly, I don't mind at all baby On the plan's investors, there is one more company's name.

Zhang Manmei was speechless for a while.

If she guessed right, this kid came here just to pick her up.

Not to mention now, even before meeting Qi Lin, it is impossible for Zhang Man to like Zhang Ye, a dude who only relies on his parents.

"I'm sorry, Sugarman Entertainment doesn't intend to dabble in movies yet, so I can only say sorry to Mr. Zhang for his kindness.

Zhang Man smiled lightly and directly rejected Zhang Ye.

Zhang Man's refusal was unexpected by Zhang Ye anyway.

Because of Zhang Ye's status as the prince of the entertainment industry, he has always been able to pick up girls smoothly, and this is the first time he has tasted the feeling of being rejected.

Especially in the distance there are a few men pointing here.

This made Zhang Ye's complexion gradually ugly, and he couldn't bear it.

"Boss Man, you don't want to give me any face anymore?"

His tone was a little impatient.

Zhang Man is the person who knows Qi Lin's power best.

Let alone Zhang Ye now, even Zhang Ye's father, Zhang Lei, is not enough for Qi Lin.

The smile on her face also gradually disappeared: "I don't know what advice Mr. Zhang has?"

Zhang Ye finally couldn't restrain the evil fire in his heart, and said with a sneer: "You don't have to drink a toast, don't think that I don't know what you were doing before you entered Sugarman Entertainment, you are just a publicist who pulls business, you are too flamboyant, Now that I have some status, I just float up and don’t know who I am.”

"Let me tell you, if you don't agree to my conditions today, don't blame me for not reminding you, be careful that you won't survive this year.

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