Hu Ge sent his girlfriend Jiang Shuying to the door of the president's office.

"Shu Ying, I've already recommended you to the president. When you meet the president, don't be nervous, just show your strengths."

"You are an art student who graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy, and your acting skills are no worse than mine. As long as the CEO takes a fancy to you, you can become a real actor just like me.

Sugarman Company bought the copyright of Legend of Sword and Fairy.

In order to achieve the effect of the previous life, Zhang Man listened to Qi Lin's advice and basically assembled the original cast of Legend of Sword and Fairy.

And Hu Ge also relied on this TV series to become a hot little fresh meat from an unknown student in the Shanghai drama.

Jiang Shuying is Hu Ge's girlfriend who was talking about on the show, and the two have a very good relationship.

Halfway through the filming of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Hu Ge introduced his girlfriend Jiang Shuying to the director.

Because Hu Ge performed well in the play24, and Jiang Shuying was also a seedling who graduated from STA, the director gave Jiang Shuying a female character who was not a heroine but had a lot of lines.

Originally, Zhang Man would not care about such a small matter.

After Hu Ge finished filming The Legend of Sword and Fairy, he was considered a well-known actor.

At the celebration banquet held by Sugarman Company, Hu Ge had the opportunity to toast to a company bigwig like Zhang Man.

He still loves Jiang Shuying very much, and recommended his girlfriend immediately, hoping that Zhang Shi would give her a chance to play an important female role in a TV series.

Zhang Man is still very optimistic about Hu Ge, after all, this handsome guy has online acting skills, and he will definitely be the company's cash cow in the future.

After giving him some noodles, Zhang Man asked Hu Ge if he had brought Jiang Shuying.

Hu Ge did not dare to call Jiang Shuying his girlfriend to the outside world, because when celebrities signed contracts, there was a stipulation that they were not allowed to fall in love for a few years.

Once you violate the regulations, you will face being fired from the company and you will have to pay huge compensation.

Hu Ge was overjoyed and immediately brought Jiang Shuying over.

Zhang Man looked Jiang Shuying up and down a few times, and there was a hint of meaning in her beautiful eyes.

Zhang Man had long thought of preparing a birthday present for Qi Lin.

At the beginning, the candidate she chose was Liu Feifei.

Liu Feifei is full of aura, and her tender voice is sweet and childish, which can arouse a man's desire to protect.


After seeing Jiang Shuying, Zhang Man dismissed this idea.

She could tell at a glance that this Jiang Shuying was Hu Ge's girlfriend. When the two young people looked at each other, there was a tacit understanding that ordinary people didn't have.

Compared with Liu Feifei's childishness, Jiang Shuying's beautiful eyes are full of apricots, and Gu Pan is full of beauty. She is obviously only a little girl under twenty years old, but she has a charming temperament of a royal sister.

A pair of beautiful legs are straight and well-proportioned, and the skin is the cool fair skin that girls are most envious of.

A pair of jade feet is simply the embryo of the foot membrane, the arch of the foot is beautiful, and the ten white and tender toes are extremely cute.

Not only has the aura of a 28-year-old girl, but also has the charming temperament of a mature Yujie.

People with real vision will definitely choose this little fairy instead of Liu Feifei.

Zhang Man suddenly noticed in his heart.

"Okay, let her come to the president's office to find me in a few days, and I'll give her a brief interview, and if she passes the interview, I'll give her a chance."

Zhang Man readily agreed.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang, thank you Mr. Zhang!"

Hu Ge was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

He didn't know that this was not helping his girlfriend to win opportunities, but pushing his girlfriend into an endless abyss.

The screen returns to Zhang Man's office.

"Which one is Jiang Shuying? The president let you in."

Zhang Man's secretary walked out of the office and asked Hu Ge and Jiang Shuying who were anxiously waiting at the door.

Jiang Shuying immediately raised Bai Nen's slender arms: "I, my name is Jiang Shuying."

The secretary nodded: "Come in with me."

Hu Ge also wanted to go in and have a look.

But he was directly blocked by the secretary: "You just wait outside for news, the president only let Miss Jiang go in alone.

Hu Ge smiled awkwardly and could only wait outside the office.

After Jiang Shuying entered the office, she anxiously looked at the position of the president's desk.

But upon seeing this, Jiang Zong was stunned.

The expected picture of the president sitting in a chair waiting for him did not appear.

According to rumors from the outside world, the cold and ruthless CEO is actually sitting in the arms of a handsome and outrageous man, like a docile Persian cat.

At this time, the two people looked at themselves with a look of examining objects.

That's right, it's the eyes that look at the item, as if you are like an exquisite work of art, waiting for the right buyer to choose.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuying shuddered, and couldn't help but look back at the little secretary who led her in.

But at some point, the little secretary who brought her in had long since disappeared, and she was left standing alone in the middle of the office.

Jiang Shuying didn't know.

Zhang Man's little secretary was selected by her from among 340 countless beautiful fresh graduates.

Her appearance is placed in the art school, which is also at the level of the department flower. If it is an ordinary undergraduate university, it is even the school flower.

Needless to say, Zhang Man's ability to tame his subordinates, especially women.

At the beginning, the female subordinates were used as pawns, and they were given to those customers at critical moments to obtain corresponding resources for themselves.

But now, Zhang Man's tame female subordinates are all serving Qi.

As long as Qi Lin is interested that day, Zhang Man will give this cute and beautiful secretary to Qi Lin to appreciate carefully.

This little secretary has already been brainwashed by Zhang Man as a PUA, and he completely obeys Zhang Man's orders unconditionally.

Therefore, even if they see the intimacy of Qi Lin and Zhang Man, or some female stars are carefully appreciated, they will turn a blind eye.

Even after appreciating, they will take the initiative to clean up the messy lounge.

"President, CEO~"

Jiang Shuying felt that she seemed to be trapped in a weird atmosphere, and she was extremely nervous.

But she didn't yell like an ordinary little girl, or run away in a panic.

This alone made Zhang Man nod appreciatively. .

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