Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

570: The Daping Floor Is Ready, Waiting For You

Huaxia Brothers Film and Television Company mainly focuses on movies, and doesn't particularly care about TV dramas.

The one I really want everyone to be familiar with is "My Leader, My Regiment", but that was several years later.

"Baby Project? This movie is really interesting, and it also invited the Hong Kong double best actor, but do you think it will save you from being beaten?"

"If you just use the theater chain to control the Huaxia Brothers, they probably won't be convinced if they lose. How are you preparing for the filming to let the bullets fly?"

Qi Lin returned to the ward again.

However, Yan Yan found out about him sneaking out of the ward.

Not only Xia Sha, who was in charge of taking care of Qi Lin, was criticized by Yan Yan, but Zhang Man, who was the target of Qi Lin's harassment, could not escape the grievance of being trained by Mai on the phone.

Obviously it was the villain Qi Lin who came to find her "030", so why did she still blame her in the end?

This incident is just a small episode.

At present, the most important thing for Zhang Man is to have a life-and-death contest with Huaxia Brothers.

It's definitely not enough to rely on her strength alone. Zhang Man dared not call Qi Lin to go to Tangren Entertainment this time.

She drove by herself and came to the hospital to find Qi Lin.

"I've gathered all the actors you asked me to find, and I'm just waiting for our master to provide the script.

Zhang Man stuffed the peeled jackfruit into Qi Lin's mouth.

In 2003, jackfruit, a tropical fruit, had not yet been included in the ranks of fruits consumed by the general public.

They are all shipped by air, so the price is extremely expensive, and it is definitely not affordable by ordinary people.

But this is a special escort ward, and the person staying here is the big boss of Huamei Zixin.

Not to mention that he wants to eat jackfruit, even if he wants fresh hairtail fish, he has to get it from the deep sea under pressure.

Qi Lin smiled and held out his hand.

Xia Sha handed a script to Qi Lin.

"Hurry up and get ready. The Huaxia Brothers have always believed that we can't make a TV series. The only movie we made was a collaboration with Zhou Xingxing. Now I'm going to slap him in the face and let him know what it means to be crushed by strength." .”

With the script, Zhang Man felt much more relaxed.

She has a mysterious confidence in Qi Lin, as long as it is something Qi Lin has confidence in, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

"Thank you, my lord~"

Zhang Man took the initiative to sip Qi Lin with a smile.

After the kiss, she leaned into Qi Lin's ear and said charmingly: "My lord, I will call you when my relatives leave. I bought a flat in the center of Jianghan, and you haven't been there even once. This is our future home, I want to spend a romantic night here, and tell you secretly, I bought a lot of interesting clothes, you have things you can't think of, and there is nothing I can't get out of."

After listening to Fairy Man, he couldn't help saluting.

"I don't think we need to wait so long..."

Qi Lin wanted to catch Zhang Man, but Fairy Man moved quickly and quickly, straightened up and fled away.

"Heck~ I don't dare to mess around here, if Sister Yan catches me, I will be expelled from the Qi family tree.

"However, even though I don't dare, it doesn't mean I don't have the guts."

Zhang Man blinked, and then opened the door of the ward.

A girl who was both familiar and unfamiliar to Qi Lin appeared at the door, with a pretty face flushed, pink and tender, like a delicious little apple.

"She has something to ask for you, let me bring her over by the way, you two can talk slowly."

After speaking, Zhang Man closed the door intimately.


Jiang Shuying gave Qi Lin a timid look.

Today, she is wearing a warm yellow floral dress, with a pair of strappy stiletto heels on her white and tender feet.

The arrogant high ponytail has also been coiled up, showing a very gentle young woman's temperament.

Qi Lin said that he likes her sexy, but the contrast between being 19 years old and pretending to be Yujie.

Jiang Shuying kept it firmly in her heart.

"Who called you here?"

Seeing that Jiang Shuying found her on her own initiative, Qi Lin couldn't stop laughing.

Jiang Shuying was scolded, she lowered her head in fright, she said aggrievedly: "I, I miss the boss.

Qi Lin said lightly: "Let's talk about reality, I just treat you like a doll, you should also miss your boyfriend."

Jiang Shuying raised her head, her pretty face was rarely serious: "I don't mind being treated as a doll by the boss, if I don't even have the qualifications to be the doll of the boss, that would be the real sadness. As for my boyfriend, it's just a title, yes The reason why the boss likes me more, I don't have any feelings for him..."

Qi Lin was expressionless.

But Xia Sha, who was wiping Qi Lin's mouth, was speechless.

Is the entertainment industry in such a mess?

A nice girl who looks younger than herself, how could her thoughts be poisoned like this after meeting Qi Lin a few times?

"You do know me quite well."

Qi Lin looked at Jiang Shuying with interest.

The beauty in front of her has both the agility of a young girl and the enchanting charm of a sister Yu.

The last time it was just a hasty tasting, Qi Lin became interested again when he saw Jiang Shuying, who was stepping on heels, wearing a floral dress, curvaceous and graceful, with a more beautiful figure.

Seeing that Qi Lin was no longer angry, Jiang Shuying was very happy. She said another thing that almost made Qi Lin speechless.

"Boss, I know you like to play games. This time I brought Hu Ge, and he is watching at the door of the ward."

Jiang Shuying blinked her beautiful big eyes and said.


"Did you tell Hu Ge about this?"

Qi Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

Jiang Shuying nodded: "It won't be long, and he has always wanted to kiss me and hold my hand at 0.0 recently. If I don't tell him, I have to find a reason to refuse him."

Qi Lin held his forehead: "What about Hu Ge? Is he not angry?"

Jiang Shuying smiled slightly: "He's angry, but that's all, he can't protect me, and even if the boss doesn't come to me, I will be unspoken by the potbellied director in the future. He is also an actor, and he wants to leave soon. gone."

"Hu Ge didn't break up with me. I think it's good. The boss must think so too."

Qi Lin: "……………

When did he think so?


"Mrs. Shasha, I want to eat porridge with preserved egg and lean meat. Go out and buy some for me."

Qi Lin said to Xia Sha who was on the side. .

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