All the way unimpeded.

Zhang Ye and Zhang Lei came to the meeting room of Sugarman Film and Television.

And Zhao Wenqi was taken to the president's office by the lady at the front desk.

The difference is that Zhang Xi also persuaded her a few words.

"When you see Mr. Qi, tell him this is a gift I prepared for him."

"Also, please appease Zhao Wenqi first, tell her that I'm going to prepare presents, and let her obediently wait for me there.

The lady at the front desk did the same.

When she came to the door of the president's office, she asked Zhao Wenqi to wait at the door for a while.

After entering the soundproof president's office, the lady at the front desk relayed Zhang Ye's words to Qi Lin.

"He asked you to bring a woman over and said it was a gift for me?"

Qi Lin asked with interest.

The lady at the front desk nodded truthfully: "Yes, he also said that this girl is his girlfriend.

This sentence made Qi Lin stunned.

Zhang Ye's girlfriend?

What kind of plane is this kid playing?

Could it be that he was too afraid of himself, so humble that he offered his girlfriend to Qi Lin to appease his anger?

Besides, who is he, Qi Lin?

Can he like the woman Zhang Ye played with?

Zhang Man was very thoughtful, and she reminded her: "Be careful there is fraud in it. Last time, Zhang also threatened to make me kneel down and apologize to him. I don't believe that he is so kind as to give you a beauty. He wants to kill you." It's his real purpose."

Zhang Man's caution is indeed correct.

But this time, she was really wrong to blame Zhang Ye.

"System, is there any problem with the woman Zhang Ye brought?"

Ask the system when things go wrong.

System: "After the system's identification, the girl outside the door is not murderous, but a Common person.

The identification of the system will definitely not go wrong.

Furthermore, in the hands of Qi Lin, the god of free combat, any assassination is like a "Zero Four Zero" scene, and it is impossible to succeed.

"You go back to work at the front desk first."

"Qianqian, go and bring someone here."

Qi Lin instructed the little secretary.

The little secretary named Qianqian nodded, then opened the presidents and brought in Zhao Wenqi, who was still ignorant.

When Zhang Man saw the sweet face of the girl in front of him, he knew it was time to leave.

She didn't feel any threat from this girl.

As a female killer, she has the same formidable identification ability, so she doesn't think this girl can pose any threat to Qi Lin.

It seems that this is really an apology.

And he also knew about Qi Lin's hobbies, so he even offered his girlfriend.

This kind of flexible character, if the character matures, can become a hero.

However, the more such a character, the more murderous intentions arose in Zhang's heart.

She had the same idea as Qi Lin, and Zhang would surely die too.

"Where is this, here?"

"Where's Brother Zhang Ye? Why didn't I hear him speak?"

Zhao Wenqi's sixth sense faintly sensed that there was something wrong with the environment here, he said in a panic.

Qianqian knew what her mission was.

She took over the burden of the little secretary at the front desk, and helped Zhao Wenxian walk to the lounge in the president's office and sit down.

"Mr. Zhang Ye went to prepare a surprise. Before that, he told Ms. Zhao not to take off the wrapping tape, and he will come over later."

Although the voice was changed, the little secretary's voice was softer and more pleasant.

This made Zhao Wenqi, who is also a girl, feel a little relieved.

at this time.

Qi Lin also followed Zhao Wenqi in.

Looking at the girl sitting on the couch with a sweet and pretty face, he smiled meaningfully.

Qi Lin never expected that the girl Zhang Ye sent was actually the goddess who would haunt countless men in the future.

Some people may not recognize the name Zhao Wenqi.

But when it comes to Qin Yumo and the goddess of black silk in "Love Apartment", it's all at once.

That pure black is long and straight.

That black belly is seductive and intelligent with vixenism.

Those straight and well-proportioned black silk legs in high heels.

Even Qi Lin in his previous life inevitably had fantasies about this popular goddess.


This goddess is 18 years old again, and she is still blindfolded sitting in front of her. Lin is really interested.

He just quietly admired the future goddess Qin Yumo.

Look at her playful face, her ruddy and tender lips, her long white silk legs, and her curvaceous gym suit.

ten minutes later.

It feels like the time is almost here.

Qi Lin gradually approached Zhao Wenqi.

"Brother Zhang Ye, are you here?"

Zhao Wenqi hurriedly saw someone approaching her, and asked nervously.

Qi Lin didn't speak, but put his arms around Zhao Wenqi's small waist, and then kissed her directly.


Fresh masculinity.

And that domineering kiss.

Before Zhao Wenqi could react, her mind was already blank.

ten minutes later.

Zhao Wenqi's heart was still beating.

"Brother Zhang Ye, did I take off the blindfold?"

She wanted to take off the strip of cloth.

Qi Lin blocked it.

Zhao Wenqi's slightly drunken face was stunned for a moment, and then she said shyly: "Brother Zhang Ye, I know what you are thinking, but... as long as you are willing to treat me well, I am willing to be your girlfriend."

Looking at the girl who was as weak and deceitful as a little white rabbit, Qi Lin sighed.

Silly and sweet girl.

It is easy to give sincerity, but it will be painful for a lifetime.

But he is not a kind gentleman.

Qi Lin gently took off Zhao Wenqi's ballet shoes and played with her white silk feet.

Delicate soles.

About 36 yards.

The arch curve is also very beautiful.

Zhao Wenqi thought Qi Lin was tickling her, and moved her toes mischievously, protesting.

Please close your eyes when it gets dark.

Zhao Wenqi fell into a drowsy sleep.

Zhang Man, who was sitting bored in another office, received a call from Qi Lin.

The little secretary Qianqian was pinching Zhang Man's shoulder.

Hearing the content on the phone, her small face turned pale.

Sure enough, Zhang Man immediately hung up the phone and said to Qianqian: "Go to the CEO's office, the time has come for the boss to need you, take good care of him.

Qianqian was on the verge of tears, and was a little panicked: "Mr. Man, I, I haven't talked about a boyfriend yet."

Zhang Man's face was calm: "Don't tell me these things, think about your younger brother who is still locked up for fighting and making trouble, and think about your gray-haired parents."

"It's an honor in your life to be able to take care of the boss. Maybe the boss won't remember your name in the future, but you can be regarded as a member of the Qi family and can protect your honor for the rest of your life."

richness. "

Zhang Man didn't know that Qi Lin was planning to mass-produce the immortality potion.

But her words are not drawing a big cake.

As long as it is Qi Lin's woman, whether it is a collectible or a vase, whether it is a doll or a Persian cat, as long as she has no double heart, maintains a loyal heart, and takes Qi Lin as her absolute obedience and interests, then she will have the opportunity to get what ordinary people can't. Imagine lifespan.

Qianqian wiped away her tears, her mood gradually settled down.

The boss is handsome and rich, and she always dreams that when she wakes up in the morning, she blushes and comes back to collect the sheets at night.

Qianqian hasn't dated yet, but any girl like her can't accept that she is just a dispensable bed warmer.

But the reality is cruel.

Not to mention that she is afraid of Zhang Man, and she still owes Zhang Man a huge debt, but that she has already come into contact with Zhang Man's too many secrets, and Zhang Man will not let her leave here.

Tightly hugging Boss Man's thigh and making the big boss love her more is the foundation for her to settle down in the future.

Figured it all out.

Qianqian's beautiful eyes showed a hint of shyness, and she, in a black silk suit and short skirt, stepped on her high heels and walked towards the president's office.


In particular, the scope of work of a personal secretary is very large.

late at night.

Still very tired, she struggled to get tired, tidied and dressed the boss, and cleaned the room at the same time.

"Qianqian, right? Southwestern Finance's school flower? I met you when I went to your school to play.

Qi Lin pinched Qianqian's fair chin and said with a smile.

Qianqian's pretty face froze for a moment, she didn't expect Qi Lin to recognize her.

That's right.

Qi Lin did know Qianqian, but that was from his previous life.

At that time, Qi Lin was still the rich second generation, driving a luxury car to Southwestern Finance and Economics to pick up girls.

On the way, he met Qianqian, who was plainly dressed and was going to the school job fair with her resume.

At that time, Qi Lin was astonished as a heavenly man, and his heart was beating.

Already an old bird, he decisively went up to strike up a conversation.

However, the result was not as good as expected.

Qi Lin ate the ashes from his nose.

Qianqian is a work-study student, keeps herself clean, and has excellent academic performance. When she was in college, she rejected many wealthy second-generation "rare young women with ideals and ambitions.

However, it was still in 2004, and the atmosphere was not as exaggerated as worshiping money in later generations.

In the end, she joined a venture capital fund and invested in many classic projects, becoming a golden-collar lady in the workplace.

Needless to say, Qi Lin later, his family's company went bankrupt, the rich second generation became poor in an instant, and he and Qianqian were no longer in the same world.

Qi Lin didn't expect that, with so many coincidences in the world, Zhang Man actually recruited her into the company, and successfully PUAed her, making her willing to be his canary.

This can be regarded as a little make up for the regrets of the previous life.

"I like your clean, hard-working, motivated and sincere temperament. If you just want to be a secretary, then just take good care of me in the company. If your dream is to become a business woman elite who can't lose to men, Then show me your own strength, maybe in the future you will be so shining that everyone will be surprised.

Qi Lin smiled and said to Qianqian.

Qianqian is already a broken jar, and the reality has smoothed out her beautiful qualities......

But hearing Qi Lin's words, her pretty face gradually became astonished, and then the extinguished light in her beautiful eyes was lit up again, shining like stars.

"Boss, thank you for understanding me~"

Mou Hanwu suddenly felt that the future was not so gloomy.

Qi Lin smiled: "It's not that I understand you, but the more excellent and pure you are, the more interesting it is to play.


Qi Lin's words almost choked to death.

But Qianqian didn't care anymore.

On the outside, she is pure, upright and kind, and strives to be herself who she likes.

In front of the boss, just let him go. He likes to keep his appearance like this, so he will keep his appearance like this.

Zhang Man is Qianqian's idol, her swift and resolute, calm and decisive wrist has always been the object of love debt learning.

But such a strong female president is still obedient in front of Qi Lin, and she is willing to be a lover.

What can I do as a little secretary?

Perhaps it was the conversation between the two that disturbed Zhao Wenqi.

The silk scarf on her beautiful eyes has slipped off.

slowly open

With her blindfolded eyes, she saw Qi Lin at the first sight.

You know, she is now in the mode of getting along with her future husband.


First she looked at Qi Lin dumbfoundedly, and the next second, Zhao Manqi yelled loudly to find a cover.

The screaming continued for a long time, and even Qianqian helplessly covered her ears.

When Zhao Wenqi gradually calmed down her panic and anger, she questioned Qi Lin in the first sentence: "Who are you? Where is Brother Zhang Ye?"

Qi Lin blinked: "We met in a dream just now, who am I? I have been staying in this room for several hours, who am I? As for Zhang Ye you asked, he

Now in the drawing room, waiting like a dog for me to spare his life.

Zhao Wenqi: "........."

Qi Lin's words were a bit convoluted, Zhao Wenqi wanted to clarify.

However, after the little girl sorted it out, she suddenly stared wide open.

"You! You are shameless! Woohoo, you are actually strong against me, I want to call the police and arrest you!"

Zhao Wenqi found out sadly that if it was really what Qi Lin said, then wouldn't she be gone now.

Qi Lin's expression was calm: "Catch me? Did you think about a problem there? This is my company, and you are sleeping in my lounge. I didn't help the family, so who sent you here?"

who sent me here

Qi Lin's words were already awakening Zhao Wenqi's memory.

She gradually remembered.

Zhang also said that today is the day when the college entrance examination results are released, and in order to celebrate her success, he wants to bring himself out and give her a surprise.

I also trust Zhang Ye very much, obediently listen to him, and blindfold myself.

He obediently listened to him, and followed a strange girl to a strange place.

"That's not the case! Brother Zhang Ye wouldn't treat me like this! You must have kidnapped me, right? Wuwu, you bad guy, I hate you to death, I want you to return my innocence!"

Zhao Wenqi was deceived by Zhang Ye and fell in love.

Girls will not fall in love with Qi Lin immediately just because he is so handsome, and want to give birth to 0.2 monkeys for her.

She is desperate and sad that she has become a dead flower and a willow tree.

In order to escape this despair and grief, she can only hypnotize herself. It was Qi Lin who kidnapped her, and Zhang didn't know it.

Zhao Wenqi didn't care that she was a weak girl and was still injured, so she jumped up and wanted to open her mouth, crying and biting Qi Lin.

Qi Lin frowned, and didn't know what it meant to be sympathetic to the fragrance and cherish the jade, so he pushed Zhao Wenqi to the ground.

Fortunately, the ground is covered with soft and expensive carpets.

Otherwise, at this height, Zhao Wenqi would definitely fall and get injured.

Qianqian is also a girl, and she knows the cause and effect.

Betrayed by one's own boyfriend, the despair is suffocating.

She limped over and helped the weeping Zhao Wenqi to sit up.

"The love brain is the most stupid, Zhang Ye will easily believe what he says, no wonder he gave me you as a gift."

"Even if he doesn't give you to me this time, maybe next time, you will be given to another bad old man as a bargaining chip."

Qi Lin showed no mercy and hit Zhao Wenqi with a sneer.

Zhao Wenqi cried hoarsely, and she still couldn't believe that she was betrayed by Zhang Ye: "You are the brain of love, brother Zhang Ye is so kind to me, how could he treat me like this? If

Brother Zhang Ye knows that you are bullying me, so he will never let you go. "

Qi Lin covered his forehead. For this kind of paranoid woman who doesn't cry when she doesn't see the Yellow River, Qi Lin can only let her watch a good show with her own eyes.

"Qianqian, turn on the TV monitor, watch her, don't let her run around, she will know what her Zhang Ye big brother is after a while."

Qi Lin left this sentence and went straight out of the president's lounge to the conference room.

There, Zhang Ye and his son were still waiting for him.

PS: The finale of this book is coming soon, thanks to the brothers who accompanied me all the way, it will not exceed the end of the month.

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