Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

578: The Wedding Of The Century, Qi Lin's Daughter Qi Appears!

"What are you doing?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Yuna's actions continued unabated: "Mr. Qi Lin will choose to believe me only if he shows 100% sincerity."

two hours later.

Qi Lin swears.

Yuna is definitely a stunner among the Caucasians, one in a billion.

Qi Lin couldn't find even a single flaw in her body.

Both body and soul.


Qi Lin raised his eyebrows.

Yuna nestled lazily in Qi Lin's arms, and said sweetly, "Do you like it?"

"Give me your most important thing, what do you want from me?"

Qi Lin looked at the rose petals blooming on the bed sheet and asked lightly.

Yuna's tender lips kissed Qi Lin's mouth, and said with a smile: "You are the strongest man in the world, and only the strongest man in the world can give me real freedom.

"I want to break away from the control of the beautiful country government and the round table faction. I want to be Mr. Qi Lin's woman, assist Mr. Qi Lin, and become the real controller of Blue Star."

Yuna knows too many secrets.

Although she doesn't know Qi Lin well enough, but with Yuna's wisdom and Qi Lin's strength, this sentence is definitely not empty talk.

"Roundtable faction? Is there such an organization on Blue Star?"

"Tell me and listen."

Qi Lin caressed Yuna's white and greasy shoulders.

"Pretty Country is just a puppet, and the Round Table faction is the real controller of Blue Star..."

With Yuna's narration, the ultimate secret on the blue star was revealed.

There is the traitor Yuna.

The round table faction lost in a complete mess, and Qi Lin knew the bottom line clearly.

In order not to be cleared the rights layer.

In the end, the Round Table faction chose to succumb to Qi Lin.

And Qi Lin holds the strongest technology of Blue Star, controls the round table faction, and becomes the real talker of Blue Star 773.


Qi Lin is also planning to clean up the bugs Wang Cheng, Yu Chen, and Chen Jiawei himself.

But now he has become the talker of the Round Table faction.

Just one sentence.

These few bugs were easily wiped from the blue star.

As a result, Qi Lin gained another 30,000 points.

at the same time.

Qi Lin issued a search order for the Round Table faction.

Do all you can to hunt down people who are suspected of being the son of luck, and then bring them to Qi Lin, and have the system identify whether they are the son of luck.

The Round Table faction represents the people in power all over the world, that is to say, it has used the global power area.

In this way, it is much easier to find the child of luck.

In just one month, a dozen children of luck were found.

And their end is also very simple, they are blocked directly.

Time flies.

Came on 8/08/04.

Qi Lin received an invitation from Felicia.

The wedding of the century prepared by the family for the two has already begun, and only Qi Lin is waiting for the groom.

Buzz family.

Tens of billions of assets look scary.

In fact, ranking in the world, it is not even a third-rate family.

Let alone getting into the round table pie.

But now, the happiest ones belong to them.

Qi Lin is already the richest man in the world on the surface, with assets worth several trillion yuan, and has mastered the most advanced technology of Blue Star.

Secretly, he is also the leader of the Round Table faction.

The Baz family married their daughter to Qi Lin, and they were directly promoted from a third-rate family to a first-rate family.

Felicia also represented the family, entered the round table faction, and took a place.

Do you think they can be unhappy?


Notre Dame de Paris.

Blue Star's richest man.

The wedding of the round table master.

As long as there are famous political and business celebrities from various countries in Blue Star, they are all here, and they are even proud of it.

Felicia wore a pure white wedding dress, as beautiful as the goddess of beauty in Greek mythology.

The back garden of Notre Dame.

The only ones who can enter here are Qi Lin's relatives, except for the heads of state and the rich and powerful.

Qi Lin and Felicia stood surrounded by flower gardens, and the Pope personally held the wedding ceremony for them.

Guest seating area.

Yan Yan smiled pretty, and coaxed the baby in his arms: "Yanyan, look at your villainous father, he found you another aunt.

She didn't marry Qi Lin first, so she had no objection at all.

Now she is the master of the harem, even if Felicia sees her, she should respectfully call her sister Yan.

Like Qi Xueyao, Yan Yan also gave birth to a little princess for Qi Lin.

Adhering to the habit of not being too lazy to name them, the daughter of the two was named Qi Xiaoyan, and was coquettishly moaned by Yan Yan.

But who is Qi Lin's father? In the end, Yan can only accept this famous minister.

"Next, we invite the piano princess of the world, Ms. Wang Siling, to play a song 'Dream Wedding' for Mr. Qi Lin and Ms. Felicia

The Pope smiled and let everyone look at the White Crescent Piano on the lawn.

Wearing a princess dress, the greenness faded away, and the self-confident Jiang Yu repeated on her pretty face.

She waved to Qi Lin sweetly, and then began to play.

The melodious tune made all the guests mesmerized.

The day of the bar mitzvah.

It was also the day when Wang Siling became the piano princess of the world by virtue of her own strength.

She finally gave her innocence to her beloved Lin big brother.

Next, her wish is to give birth to a cute baby for big brother like Sister Xueyao and Sister Yanyan.

The exchange of diamond rings is over.

It is a time for guests to enjoy meals and chat with each other at will.

"Honey, don't drink too much, I'll wait for you in the manor, Felicia loves you

Felicia's beautiful eyes looked at the man in front of her with love.

If she was doing it for investment, at this moment, she has been completely conquered by Qi Lin's temperament and demeanor. In this life, everything (dabb) in her life will belong to this man.


Qi Lin kissed Felicia's tender lips, and watched her being escorted away by Chun Xia Qiu Dong.

Chun Xiaqiu Dong has become Qi Lin's personal maid and also the bridesmaid of this wedding.

All four gave their innocence to Qi Lin.

But what makes Qi Lin funny is that it was Qi Lin's Chuchun who was innocent at the latest and conceived first

Although it's only been a month, it's not particularly noticeable.

"It's not good! It's not good! Lin big brother [Sister Rose is lucky to come here and sister is fighting."

A slim young girl ran over holding a pink and jade-carved baby girl, her pretty face flustered.

Qi Lin laughed: "Guo'er, why are the two of them fighting again?"

It turned out that the girl was Lengshuang's daughter, cashew nuts.

Jiang Guoer muttered: "Sister Wu Nai said that Sister Rose has crossed the line, and Sakura Country is her territory, so it's fine to help her at first, but now she's pointing fingers."

"Sister Rose said that Sister Wuna went too far first, and now the peninsula is all ninjas trained by the Matsushima family."

Listening to Jiang Guoer's words, she couldn't help laughing.

Matsushima Yuna has taken control of the entire Sakura Kingdom and has become a member of the Round Table faction.

Rose is not bad either, elected to become the president of the peninsula, and also a member of the Round Table faction.

"Don't pay attention to them, if you want to beat them, let them beat them enough, when Mrs. Yan Yan sees them, both of them will be punished.

Qi Lin smiled and took the little princess from Jiang Guoer's hand.

This is Kirina Matsushima and his precious daughter.

Everyone should have guessed the name.

It's called Qi Xiaonai.

"Little Nana, why do your eyes look like your mother's, so cold, it will be amazing when you grow up."

Qi Lin kissed Qi Xiaonai's puffy face and smiled.

"Papa~Zoukai, Huhuza~"

Qi Xiaonai pushed Qi Lin hard with her small arms, her big beautiful eyes were full of resistance.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing such a lovely daughter, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing.

"Xiao Tao, take good care of Yanyan."

Yan Yan also noticed that Matsushima Wuna and Rose were fighting.

Although the two of them were just grudges, restrained and didn't use heavy hands, but with so many guests, wouldn't this embarrass the Qi family?

As the master of the harem, can she ignore it?

Xia Taotao's pretty face suppressed a smile, and quickly took over Princess Yanyan.

"What's so funny?"

Qi Lin came over with Xiao Nainai in his arms, and asked with a smile.

Seeing Qi Lin, Xia Taotao's pretty face blushed slightly, and she remembered that night again.

She is Xia Sha's distant sister, and has followed her since Xia Sha took over her mother's restaurant.

It also witnessed Qi Lin becoming the richest man in the world from a student.

Originally, she was just a small Common waiter, but with the expansion of King Shrimp, she has now become the vice president of King Shrimp.

Although he is in a high position, the habit of blushing when he sees Qi Lin can no longer be changed.

Of course, the most important thing is that night.

Xia Sha was so sleepy that she asked Yuan to come.

She knew that Qi Lin had been greedy for Xia Taotao for a long time.

Anyway, I can't control it, it's better to make Qi Lin cheaper.

In this way, Yuan Tiaotiao also became Qi Lin's woman.

Most importantly, she never resisted from beginning to end.

After Qi Lin fell asleep, even though the rose petals were blooming and tired, Xia Taotao still blushed and peeked at Qi Lin.

The man she fell in love with, whom she felt had a huge disparity in status and was not worthy of her, finally wanted her.

"Boss Qi~"

Xia Taotao prepared to explain in a low voice.

Qi Lin's face was serious: "What do you call me?"

Xia Taotao was taken aback, and finally shouted shyly with a small face: "Husband~"

Qi Lin rubbed Xia Taotao's little head with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Next time Shasha has time, please tell me anytime, I want to do it again."

Xia Taotao blushed even more, what was she going to do after hearing this letter. .

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