Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

012: How Much Is Your Whole Person Worth?

So the zombie stood in front of her, even if she didn't do anything, she couldn't move.

Both of them cried out helplessly.

"Qi Lin! Where are you?!"

"It's really scary, woo woo woo..."

Hearing the startled voices of these two people, Qi Lin stood in the monitoring room and asked them through the walkie-talkie.

"Do you know why I brought you to the haunted house?"

Rose and Matsushima Yuna did not expect to hear Qi Lin's voice on the walkie-talkie.

"I don't know, what the hell do you mean?"

Both Matsushima Wuna and Rose were very puzzled, they didn't know what Qi Lin wanted to do.

"I know that your personalities don't get along in normal times, and the things about Sakura Country and the island made the grievances between the two of you even deeper.

"But both of you are mine after all, I don't want you to still argue in front of me."

"It just so happens that today is an opportunity for you two to turn enemies into friends in front of me.

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, he was rejected by Rose and Matsushima Wuna.

"How could it be possible for me to reconcile with her in 06, why should I reconcile with her?!"

"It's as if I want to reconcile with you, but let me tell you, I will never reconcile with you!"

Seeing that these two people continued to confront each other, Qi Lin could only signal the staff to ask the NPC to work harder.

Only by making the two women more frightened can he make them both submit and make peace with each other.

In the end Rose and Matsushima Kirina succumbed.

"We are reconciled, we are reconciled!"

The two couldn't help shouting.

Seeing that the two finally gave in, Qi Lin let the staff go away.

In fact, when he came here, he had already asked his assistant to book the venue of this haunted house, and then let a special haunted house female NPC come over to play.

In order to make these two people calm down a little bit.

He came here to travel, not to watch the two of them quarrel.

After the staff retreated, Rose and Matsushima Suza finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I laughed so hard, you did it on purpose!"

Hearing what Rose and Matsushima Yuna said, Qi Lin patted their heads.

"How many times have you been arguing next to my ears today? This is the only way to make you quiet.

Rose and Matsushima Kira pouted aggrievedly, but the two of them dared not say anything.

After leaving the haunted house, the two of them stopped arguing.

Since yesterday, they have been thinking about being alone with Qi Lin and trying to drive each other away, so they have been arguing.

Now seeing Qi Lin expressing it in this way, he didn't want to hear the two of them quarreling, so they didn't dare to quarrel.

Usually they can do it in front of Qi Lin, because Qi Lin will not be really angry.

But as long as Qi Lin showed a little dissatisfaction, they would immediately restrain themselves.

There are too many women in Qi Lin, and they don't want to be abandoned.

Seeing that Rose and Matsushima Wuna didn't even say a word, Qi Lin sighed and said to them.

"I want you to reconcile, not to make the two of you dumb.

"Don't you want to take me to play? Let's go."

This time, Rose and Matsushima Wuna went out to play with Qi Lin calmly.

They failed to drive each other away, so they simply interlocked each other's fingers with Qi Lin's.

They went to the largest famous scenic spot in Sakura Country, a place name tower, and they took a walk under the tower.

While they were walking, many eyes lingered on them.

It was the first time they saw two women and a man interlocking their fingers.

"I'll go! I'm so envious..."

"There are two such beautiful women... oh my god..."

Hearing the envious words of passers-by, Qi Lin said that it was a lie to say that he was not satisfied.

They went to many famous scenic spots together.

Qi Lin originally wanted to see what entertainment activities were available, but he found that there were basically no entertainment activities worth visiting except for the scenic spots.

So he finally gave up preparing for entertainment, and concentrated on enjoying the scenery.

After that, they went to the highest mountain in Sakura Country. Every time they went to a place, they would get off the car and walk a certain distance by themselves.

They did the same when they went to the vicinity of the mountain. After arriving, they got off the car and started walking.

"No, I have to go to the bathroom.

Kirina Matsushima said to Qi Lin.

Rose also had this idea, so the two went to the bathroom together.

Qi Lin was waiting nearby, waiting and waiting, he suddenly saw a beautiful leaf, so he went to the front to pick up the leaf.

Just as he was putting the leaves out in the sun and admiring them, he heard arguing nearby.

"what do you mean?!"

"What do you mean? Didn't I mean it literally? How much do I ask you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Qi Lin frowned enough. He turned his head and saw that, sure enough, the people who had the dispute were Matsushima Wuna and Rose.

Qi Lin didn't hesitate, he walked over directly.

"what happened?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Matsushima Wuna and Rose threw themselves into Qi Lin's arms with aggrieved faces.

"He asked how much we paid and said he wanted to buy both of us..."

In fact, as long as Matsushima Wuna and Rose are willing, this person will be cleaned up in minutes.

But this time they came out to play with Qi Lin, and they didn't want to do anything in front of Qi Lin.

When Qi Lin heard Matsushima Yuna's words, his face immediately darkened. 360

"You want someone to buy me?"

The man saw Matsushima Wuna and Rose rushing into Qi Lin's arms together, his eyes were red as if they were about to bleed.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky. That's right. You can just make an offer. No matter what price you ask, I can afford it."

"As long as you are willing to give me these two beauties."

Hearing the other party's words, Qi Lin started to laugh out loud as if he had heard some of the funniest jokes in the world.

After laughing, he also said to the other party.

"Then you make a price too?"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the other party thought Qi Lin agreed.

"I'll make an offer, these two beauties are so good-looking, eight figures must be required, just give me a number directly.

When Qi Lin heard this, he shook his head and said.

"You misunderstood me, I asked you to set the price for yourself."

This sentence stunned the other party.

"What do you mean? Why should I ask myself a price? Could it be you...

Qi Lin said directly to the other party before the other party thought about it.

"If you still don't understand, let me give you an example, how much is a hand? How much is a foot?"

"How much are you worth?"

When communicating, they used Sakura language throughout the process. .

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