But the waiter had no choice but to squat down and clean up. After all, if he didn't clean up, he would lose this job, and he would lose other jobs.

When he was in the back kitchen, he asked the manager. The man in front of him is the richest man in the world, that is to say, he has even met the boss of the country.

This kind of person is not something he can provoke. If this person really holds a grudge and puts him on the blacklist, I am afraid that no restaurant will use him in the future.

Thinking of this, the waiter could only clean up the debris on the ground more carefully.

When Qi Lin ate at first, he just threw things on the ground bit by bit for the waiter to clean up.

After he was full later, he directly made things difficult for the waiter.

The waiter was a man, but he still couldn't help but get red eyes when he made things difficult in public.

He really wanted "240" to leave immediately, his self-esteem would not allow him to be insulted in front of everyone.

But when he thought about his future, he still forcibly endured it.

Seeing how the other party endured the humiliation, Qi Lin asked the other party with some interest.

"I see you seem very angry, do you really want to hit me now?"

The waiter was really angry. Seeing Qi Lin's appearance now, he really wanted to punch him in the face.

But he didn't dare. If he really did this, he would be finished, and it would be impossible not to lose everything.

So he could only force a smile out of his face and Qi Lin replied.

"how could be?"

"You are so kind, and you gave me a chance to change, how could I be angry?"

Qi Lin saw the smile forced out by the other party, he smiled and shook his head.

"It seems that your skill is not good enough, you really should take a good look in the mirror, how stiff the smile on your face is now."

"Okay, I'm almost done eating, call the manager over."

Hearing this, the waiter stood up from the ground, because he squatted on the ground for a long time to pack things, so he felt a little dizzy when he stood up.

"I'm going to call the manager now, please wait a moment."

After the waiter finished speaking, he turned around to look for the manager. The manager knew that Qi Lin was coming to look for him, so he immediately trotted out from the back kitchen.

"Mr. Qi, have you finished eating so soon? Why don't you have some dessert?"

When Qi Lin heard what the manager said, he smiled and replied to the manager.

"I've ordered so many desserts and I haven't finished them yet, that's all right, hurry up and tell me how much it is."

As Qi Lin said, he took out his wallet and planned to swipe his card, but the manager smiled and bowed at this time.

"Mr. Qi is like this. It is already an honor for you to come to our restaurant. How can we collect money from you again?"

"This meal is free."

When Qi Lin heard this, his hand paused, and then he directly stuffed the card into the manager's hand.

"Don't look like this, you will make me feel that I am really a beggar. I came here to eat the king's meal."

"Wait a minute and let the waiter say it's right, the waiter has designated me in his heart.

When the waiter heard this passage, his face turned green. Qi Lin didn't connotate him anymore, but made it clear that he was angry with him.

When the manager heard Qi Lin's words, he didn't know what to do. His old man had already issued a death order, and Qi Lin could not pay the money.

Qi Lin saw the manager standing there and didn't intend to move, so he looked over and said.

"What's the matter, are you still planning to collect money? All right, if you don't plan to collect money, I don't think you need to open this restaurant."

"Let me think about it, who should I talk to first..."

When the manager heard Qi Lin's words, he was so frightened that Qi Lin immediately replied.

"I'm going to swipe my card now! Can I give you a discount!"

"Our boss has issued a death order and cannot make you pay. If you insist on paying, we can only give you a discount."

Qi Lin was too lazy to entangle in this kind of shit, no matter how much money he could afford, he replied to the manager.

"Okay, hurry up and get it, and I'll leave when I'm done."

The manager immediately nodded back.

"Okay, I'm going right now!"

After the manager left, the waiter looked at Qi Lin expectantly, and Qi Lin kept playing with his mobile phone as if he hadn't seen it.

The manager's speed is still very fast, he quickly completed the checkout and payment procedures, and then went out to send Qi Lin. 0

Just when the waiter thought that this matter was going to pass, Qi Lin went to the door of the restaurant, and the manager said back.

"I still feel that the attitude of the waiters here is not good, you understand what I mean?"

When the manager heard this, he immediately understood what Qi Lin meant. What Qi Lin meant was that he still didn't want this waiter to stay in the restaurant.

"I understand Bai Ming, don't worry, I will tell him to leave today."

When the waiter heard this passage behind him, his face turned pale in an instant. He didn't understand why he was fired for being so conscientious just now.

This is what he got for humiliating the audience just now, and the waiter felt that he couldn't bear it.

So he rushed forward to Qi Lin and questioned him.

"Since you never thought of forgiving me from the beginning, why do you make me do so many things?!"

"Is this interesting to you? Don't think that you are the richest man in the world, you can do whatever you want, and you can do anything!"

When Qi Lin heard these words, he smiled and replied to the other party.

"Actually, you're right. I really didn't intend to forgive you from the very beginning. I kept you by my side just to make things difficult for you."

"But that's all you asked for, and I have to tell you that being rich really means being able to do whatever you want."

"Like what can you do to me now?"

*1.2 Didn’t you say it yourself? If you don’t have money, don’t come to this high-end restaurant to eat. Then if you don’t have money, don’t come to me. "

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he walked away directly with Pa Songshan in his arms.

The waiter's eyes were red and he couldn't help but shed a few tears, so it is said that the man does not flick his tears lightly, but in this case, he still couldn't help feeling that he was wronged.

Seeing the aggrieved look on the waiter's face, the manager couldn't help but said to the waiter.

"Okay, don't act as if you have been wronged by the sky. In fact, if you didn't speak rudely to others first."

"If you say that if you don't have money, don't come to the restaurant to eat, can you treat you like this?!"

"This can be regarded as a lesson for you. You pack up your things and leave, and I will pay you your salary."

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