Hearing this, the man sneered twice, and he took out a cigarette from his pocket to smoke.

After Xiao Zhang glanced at the side, he couldn't help but said: "We can't smoke here."

When the man heard Xiao Zhang's words, he immediately glared at Xiao Zhang and said, "Why can't you smoke?! I can smoke if I want! It's none of your business!"

Xiao Zhang was beaten fiercely, and his eyes turned red all of a sudden, but he didn't say anything, just lowered his head + hugged the plate and didn't speak.

The manager sighed, he asked Xiao Zhang to back up behind him, and then said to the man: "It's not that we don't want to accommodate you, it's just that this private room has already been booked by someone else, if no one has booked a private room, we will I will definitely give this private room to you.

The man didn't listen to what they were saying, he only had one thought now, and that was to grab this private room.

In fact, he didn't have any important business, he just wanted to bring a few guests over for dinner.

It's okay if you don't eat here, but for some reason, seeing Qi Lin looking at him with casual eyes, he wants to make things difficult for him.

Of course, the man would not speak out his thoughts, he still said with an unreasonable attitude: "So what? I am a VIP customer in your store!

Now when the manager hears the word VIP customer, he feels like he has a toothache.

Ever since the other party set up a VIP client with them, they have been asking them in front of them.

The manager felt that he was going to cast a shadow on the VIP customer now, just when he was still planning to say something to the other party.

Qi Lin spoke.

"Are there any procedures for VIP customers?"

The manager didn't expect Qi Lin to be able to speak. He was stunned for a moment before he realized that the other party was the guest who booked the private room.

"Ah... there is no need for any formalities, just register."

When Qi Lin heard this, he nodded, and then said to the manager very naturally: "Then help me apply for a VIP customer, and see how he treats VIP customers as treasures."

I also want to experience it. "summer

The manager didn't expect Qi Lin to make such a move, so he was stunned again. Before he could react, the man stepped forward to Qi Lin and asked.

0...asking for flowers...

"What do you mean? Are you against me?!"

Qi Lin was not afraid at all, he stared straight into the man's eyes and replied, "Shouldn't I ask you this question?"

For some reason, the man looked into Qi Lin's eyes, and a feeling of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

Before he could react, he turned his gaze away first.

After he realized what he had done, his anger suddenly ignited, and he couldn't believe that he avoided Qi Lin's gaze.

Qi Lin didn't care much about this matter, he just thought the other party was quite interesting, and the other party didn't look like someone who wanted to use this box urgently.

If he had to describe the behavior of the other party, he felt that the other party was like a person who wanted privileges.

The manager looked at this increasingly chaotic situation, and he felt like he had a head for two days.

This VIP guest has been making trouble with them for several months. Before that, they had always indulged as much as they could, after all, they were also their own guests. .

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