Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

144: Can You Make An Angry Expression?

If it was a trick in the past, it is actually not impossible, he can use this matter to pass the time, and experience the life of a trick by the way.


When the other party heard Qi Lin's answer, he laughed with eight big teeth.

"I knew you would agree, don't worry, the price I will give you will definitely be more expensive than other people's.

When Qi Lin heard this, he couldn't help laughing. For some reason, whenever he went out to travel, someone would always ask him for money. In fact, he was the one who was least short of money.

However, he didn't say anything in front of the other party, he just walked back with the other party obediently.

08 They went back to the crew by another route, and now the whole crew is overwhelmed by the group performance.

That playboy said that something happened to his family, and then temporarily let the whole crew go up and down.

The appearance of this character is very good, and they have no way to temporarily find a group that matches the character, so they can only keep looking for help to see if there is a suitable person to introduce them to them.

Just when the whole crew was in a state of desperation, the man next to him spoke.

"You don't need to look any further, I've found someone!"

Hearing his words, the director immediately turned his head to look over. After Qi Lin noticed the other party's scrutinizing eyes, he stood there and let the other party scan him without any fear.

The director looked at Hao for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"Very good! That's right! It's him!!!"

"A Yuan, where did you find such a treasure, it is exactly the same as the character we are looking for!"

The director was very happy. He originally thought that today's scene would be postponed until later.

You must know that they also spend a lot of money to start the machine every day, and losing a day's play points is equivalent to losing hundreds of thousands for them.

Hearing what the director said, Ah Yuan said with a smile: "This matter will not be clear for a while, let's bring people in first."

The director also nodded, anyway, now that the actors have been found, they are not in a hurry, after bringing them into the crew, the director asked Qi Lin: "Have you ever filmed a movie before?

When Qi Lin heard this, he was silent for a while. He had indeed filmed before, but it was his own self-made scene.

At that time, he took the photos to coax Xia Taotao, and the photos were very unprofessional, and he didn't have any expression during the whole process.

Qi Lin thought for a while, and finally shook his head. After the director saw Qi Lin shaking his head, he glanced at A Yuan, and A Yuan immediately explained to the director: "This is the person I randomly pulled over from the side of the road. Anyway, he The appearance is very similar to the character.

"It doesn't matter even if he stands there without any expression, anyway, we just need a background board to provide a few words993.

The director's brows were tightly frowned, and he was almost in a knot. He took a deep breath and said to Qi Lin, "Can you...make an angry expression?"

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then adjusted his facial features to be expressionless. When he was angry, his face was expressionless.

Seeing Qi Lin's expression, the director swallowed his saliva and finally said with difficulty: "Forget it, let it be like this, at worst, I'll let him say a few lines less."

When A Yuan heard this, he laughed happily. He didn't want the crew to stop working today. His schedule was full, and he couldn't shoot the scene this time, and he had to postpone it to a later date. .

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