The assistant told Qi Lin an address, and then said to him: "At that time, you said that you just threw the suitcase away, but we were afraid that there were things you needed before, so we kept carrying them for you."

"I'll have something delivered to you right now if you need it."

Qi Lin responded lightly. With a suit, he doesn't have to go out to buy a dress.

The person called by the assistant arrived soon, and when he arrived at the hotel, Qi Lin glanced at the suit in the other party's hand, which was custom-made, "He didn't remember wearing these ten styles.

He thinks it should be the one that has not been worn after private customization.

After solving the suit problem, Qi Lin went to the nearby park to climb the mountain. It was already night when he came back from climbing the mountain, and he went into the hotel to take a shower and prepare to sleep.

A Yuan has already sent him the address of the event, and asked him to arrive at the place on time at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Since Qi Lin had agreed to him, he would not break the contract, and he specially spared his evening time.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Qi Lin went out early to get his hair done. He didn't intend to wear makeup, but A Yuan told him to put on makeup, saying that the event was full of cameras.

If he wore makeup, he would look better on camera. Qi Lin didn't want to wear makeup, so he simply asked someone to make his hair look better, so that he wouldn't look too rude.

After Qi Lin finished his hairstyle and put on his clothes, it was exactly five o'clock when he arrived at the place. As soon as he arrived at the place, he saw many staff members and many stars in big dresses.

Seeing so many people in front of him, Qi Lin was silent for a while and didn't know where to go in. Just when he was a little melancholy, his cell phone rang.

"Mr. Qi? Where are you now?"

Qi Lin knew that the other party was A Yuan's staff, so he simply told the other party where he was now, and then waited for the other party to pick him up.

After a while, a boy in a sweatshirt ran up to him, looked at him in surprise and asked, "Did you come here by this car?"

Qi Lin glanced at the Porsche behind him. He didn't think there was any problem with it. Originally, he planned to drive another car over.

But because the color of the other car was too eye-catching, she chose to keep a low profile and drive a black Porsche.

The staff saw Qi Lin nodding, but he didn't say anything more. After bringing him to the event site, the staff asked him to find a seat that was a bit off, and they would come to find him after A Yuan finished participating in the red carpet.

When Qi Lin saw the crowds of people at the scene, he suddenly felt a little regretful. He felt that he shouldn't have come to this place.

There are too many people here, and it is not his home field, so he will be very bored here.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin sighed helplessly. He knew that he would not come. Just when he (Zhao's) was thinking so, his arm was touched by the person next to him.

"`"Who are you?"

When Qi Lin heard the other party's question, he tilted his head in some doubts, not understanding why the other party came to him on his own initiative but didn't introduce who he was, and asked him who he was.


Qi Lin asked with some embarrassment: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then Qi Lin asked: "Aren't you a star?".

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