Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

159: There Is An Art Exhibition At This Late Hour

Qi Lin asked suspiciously: "Is there still an art exhibition at this late hour?"

Qi Lin asked suspiciously: "Is there an art exhibition at this late hour?"

Nana nodded: "This art exhibition is open 24 hours at any time, as long as you want to go in anytime, of course, you have to go to appreciate it, if you want to spend the night there, it must be no."

Qi Lin nodded, and then asked Nai Nai to lead him the way. The art exhibition was very close, so he didn't drive there. The two of them chatted while walking [09 was about ten minutes away.

After arriving at the place, Qi Lin found that it was indeed much more beautiful than he had imagined. There was a white door at the entrance of the art exhibition.

There are security guards on both sides of the door, and the security guards nodded to them when they saw them.

Qi Lin turned to Nana and asked, "Do I not need a ticket to come here?"

Nai Nai opened the door and went in and replied, "Of course you don't need it. Didn't you tell me? This is a 24-hour art exhibition. You can go in whether you have a ticket or not. You can go in anytime you want."

Qi Lin didn't say anything more, he opened the door with Nai Nai and went in, once he entered, he felt that he had entered a new world, there were canvases everywhere, there were colors and scenery on the canvas, it looked really beautiful.


Seeing Qi Lin couldn't help admiring, Nana said proudly: "This is the new world I discovered. When I discovered it before, I always wanted to find someone to come and see it with me."

Qi Lin asked Nana: "Isn't this art exhibition newly opened?"

Nana Qilin explained and replied: "It is true that it is newly opened, but this art exhibition has always existed.

"The canvas in this art exhibition should be changed frequently."

When Qi Lin heard this, he didn't say anything else, he just admired this place wholeheartedly, but it was half an hour after he finished admiring this place.

The two of them went out to the art exhibition together, and then sat down and chatted at a nearby coffee shop.

"I didn't expect that you are quite artistic. I just wanted you to go in and take a look, but you still appreciate it.

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled at Nana, turned on his mobile phone and clicked on the album.

"This is my previous painting, you can take a look."

When Nana heard Qi Lin's words, she took the phone and carefully looked at the pictures in the album, and then he found that the pictures in the album were very beautiful.

"Could it be that you drew all these words?"

Qi Lin nodded to Nana: "That's right, I drew them all. I originally wanted to open an art exhibition before 317, but because of various things, it didn't happen later. 17

When Nana heard this, her eyes lit up and she said, "Why don't we cooperate to open an art gallery?!"

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and asked, "Could it be that you have a way?"

Nana replied proudly: "Of course I have a way, don't forget, I am

Qi Lin waited for her to continue, but she stopped the topic again as if she was concerned about something, and changed the topic.

"Anyway, if you take my word for it, we'll put together an art show."

Qi Lin thinks this idea is quite good. .

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