Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

165: The Reason For Familiarity, I Have Seen The Structure Of The Lock

"Do you usually live in this place?"

When Nana heard Qi Lin's question, she nodded at Qi Lin and said, "Yes, why do you seem surprised?"

Qi Lin didn't hide his emotions, he replied to Nai Nai: "Because you don't look like you are short of money, I thought you should live in the villa."

Nana couldn't help laughing again, and after she laughed for a while, Qi Lin replied: "Actually, what you said is indeed true, I am not short of money, and the reason why I live here is because I am used to it.

While talking, Nana walked into this building. There was a big lock hanging on the door of the old house. If you want to go in, you have to take out the key and unlock the lock.

Nana stood at the door, as if she had encountered some difficulty, Qi Lin saw her standing at the door without moving, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Did you forget to bring your keys?"

When Nana heard the question, she turned her head and looked at Qi Lin with an innocent face and said, "That's true. I went to the event yesterday, and I was still wearing a dress. How could I have a key with me.||."

"It's even more impossible to have a key in the suit I changed later."

After Nana finished speaking, she was a little downcast.

"Forget it, I'd better contact my agent and ask him to send me the key. I was going to rebel once."

When Qi Lin heard this, he thought to himself: They are already rebellious enough now, and none of the actors under his company dared to be so rampant.

But Qi Lin didn't say what he was thinking, he looked at the big lock, and then took off the clip on Nai Nai's hair.

Nana was caught off guard and clutching his hair, it took him a while to realize: "What are you going to do, don't you want to pry open the door lock of my house?"

Qi Lin replied helplessly to Nai Nai: "What else?"

Nana smiled and replied, "Maybe you are a pervert and want my hairpin as a souvenir on purpose. y

Qi Lin shuddered all over, he never did this kind of thing, this kind of thing can only be done by crazy fans, he himself thinks this kind of thing is quite disgusting.

After Nana stood at the door and looked at it for a while, she asked Qi Lin, "Have you ever knocked on the door lock? Why are you so proficient?"

When Qi Lin heard the question, he replied quite speechlessly: "Of course I haven't knocked on the door lock."

"As for the reason why I am so proficient, it is because I have seen the structure of locks."

As soon as Qi Lin finished speaking, the lock was opened. Nainai looked at Qi Lin with admiration and said, "You are amazing! You didn't get rich by opening locks, did you?"

Qi Lin didn't want to talk anymore, he felt that if he continued to talk to the other party, he would be infected by the other party's stupidity.

After entering the gate, they encountered another small difficulty, that is, there was another door inside (it was Zhao's), and this time the door was a coded door, so the difficulties they encountered were not enough to be afraid of breaking through.

After entering this house, Qi Lin found that this house was quite homely.

"Are you alone here?"

When Nana heard the question, she nodded: "Aren't you talking nonsense? There is no trace of other people living here..."

Qi Lin lightly sunned, he didn't say anything, and followed Nana into the corner room. .

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