Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

170: You Told Me To Buy It, So I Did It

Nana didn't appreciate it, she said directly to her agent: "If you have something to say, say it quickly, if you don't have anything to say, I'll take the person away."

The manager shook his head helplessly. He looked at Qi Lin and said, "She is afraid that I will bully you."

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. The reason why he wanted to talk to his agent was to reassure him. He and Nai Nai had only known each other for less than three days.

If he was in the position of agent, he would not be at ease, so he gave the other party a chance to understand himself.

The manager wanted to say something, but he paused when he saw Qi Lin's face. After a while, he asked Qi Lin with an uncertain tone: "Have we met before?"

Qi Lin shook his head: "I'm not from my country, you probably haven't seen me before."

The agent frowned, and Qi Lin replied, "I don't know why, but I always feel that you look familiar, as if I've seen you somewhere.

When Qi Lin heard this, he immediately knew where the other party had seen him. If he guessed correctly, it should be in a financial magazine.

But he wasn't going to say it himself, so he just smiled when he heard the manager's question in a soliloquy.

The agent didn't bother him for long, and he quickly put his doubts behind him.

"Okay, I want to ask where did the two of you meet? And when did you meet?"

Nana patted the table vigorously: "Didn't I say that? This is my friend, and my friend can get to know you as much as you want, can you stop talking in this interrogative tone?!"

The agent sighed: "I'm just asking, don't you need to be so angry?"

Seeing that these two people were about to quarrel again, Qi Lin replied quickly: "The place and time were at the event two days ago, and I took him out."

When the agent heard the answer, he nodded in satisfaction, and then he asked a few more innocuous questions, and Qi Lin answered them all, while Nana waited impatiently by the side.

After the manager said a few words, he said to Nai Nai who was sitting next to him, "I'm thirsty, can you go outside and buy me some water?"

There is no electric kettle in the old house, and usually Nana would buy drinking water directly, but now there is no drinking water in the house.

"...You told me to buy it?!"

Qi Lin knew what the manager meant, and he responded in a timely manner: "I'm a little thirsty too, can you bring me a bottle of mineral water?"

Nana was a little hesitant. She didn't want to leave the house at all. After all, there were many lessons learned from the past. Some of her friends didn't want to play with her after chatting with her manager.

She was really scared, but she didn't want to make her new friend thirsty. After struggling for a while, she said (okay?): "Well, it's nearby anyway. I'll buy it for you."

After finishing speaking, she told Qi Lin: "Don't be afraid, if he bullies you, just tell me, and I will help you deal with him!"

The manager didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and when Nana went out, he asked Qi Lin, "What's your purpose for approaching Nana?"

Qi Lin was a little frightened. What the other party asked before was irrelevant. Once Nana went out, the other party's questions were a little harsh. .

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