The resistance of the staff was obvious, Qi Lin took Jian Bai's hand, and then said to the staff: "Call your manager out. 17

The staff member shook his head and replied, "Sorry, our manager is not in the store right now. 17

When Qi Lin heard the staff say this, he didn't ask any more questions, and went directly to the side to make a phone call.

When he came back from the phone call, he said "two eight three" to Jian Bai: "Let's wait here.

Jian Bai didn't know what Qi Lin wanted to do, but she still listened to Qi Lin very much.

The two stood there and waited for a long time. The staff didn't know what they wanted to do, so he frowned and asked Jian Bai and Qi Lin, "Are you all okay?"

"If there's nothing else, I'll wash it off."

Qi Lin didn't say a word, just looked at the staff quietly.

The staff saw that Qi Lin was silent, he pursed his lips and turned around to leave, but when he turned around, his cell phone rang, he took a look, and found that the manager was calling.


The manager lost his temper on the phone.

"Where are you now? Who did you meet? What did you do?!"

When the staff heard the question from the manager, he was stunned. "He replied to the manager: "What's wrong? I just have two customers here..."

The manager suppressed his anger, and he said to the staff word by word: "Did they ask you to repair the claw machine, I tell you, no matter what they ask, you must do it!"

The staff member heard something was wrong, and he asked the manager: "So those two people called you?"

The manager didn't answer, he just dropped a sentence of advice: "I advise you not to offend the two of them, and immediately apologize to them and fix the crane machine

Before the staff could open their mouths to ask questions, the manager hung up the phone directly.

The staff looked at the hung up page on the phone screen in a daze. After standing there for a while, he finally returned to Qi Lin and Jian Bai.

"I'm really sorry... It was my problem just now, and I will repair the claw machine for you now."

Jian Bai didn't know what happened at all, she just heard Qi Lin say to wait here for a while, and then saw the staff take the initiative to apologize to them..

The staff moved very quickly, and he quickly tightened the clips inside the claw machine.

"It should work now, you can try it."

When Jian Bai heard this, she nodded, and then began to control the claw machine. After the internal clips of the claw machine were tightened, it was basically accurate with one grasp.



"The third one!"

After grabbing it hard, Jian Bai lost interest in the claw machine.

"Forget it, let's go play something else."

Qi Lin had no objection, he just followed Jian Bai around.

The two of them stayed in the game hall until 5.5 in the evening.

Jian Bai's hands are full of dolls, and there are many trophies.

"Actually, today is my birthday."

Qi Lin didn't expect that Jian Bai would suddenly mention this matter, he was stunned for a while, and then he replied to Jian Bai: "Sorry, I don't know about this matter, if I know about it I wouldn't ask you out today."

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