"Where is this place? Who are you?"

She said exactly the same question as Qi Lin said just now.

Those three big guys are obviously already familiar with how to answer,

After all, almost everyone who was tied here by them would ask these two questions.

After the girl knew that she had been kidnapped and asked her family to give money, she began to scream and struggle: "Can you do this!"

The big men didn't expect the girl to scream and struggle suddenly, they were stunned for a moment and then started beating her.

The girl was beaten until her body was covered in bruises, but she still refused to give out her family's phone number.

Even refused to say his own name.

Those big guys were completely convinced, they didn't expect the two people who abducted today would be so extreme.

One is too obedient, the other is too disobedient.

Qi Lin saw that the girl was beaten up with bruises all over her face.

He thought for a while, and then said to those big guys: "Or I'll pay her ransom..."

When the big men heard this, they looked at Qi Lin with unbelievable eyes, as if they were looking at a mentally handicapped and taken advantage of.

Qi Lin cleared his throat, and he said to these big men: "I think she doesn't want to say it so much, there must be some (daab) secrets..."

"If you really can't do it, just contact the assistant I told you just now, if you ask her for a little more money, she probably won't say anything."

When these big men heard this, they were all silent. They had never seen anyone who liked to deceive themselves so much.

But there was no harm to them anyway, so they quickly followed the instructions.

Sure enough, the assistant agreed to the men's words, and he transferred 30 million to the card again. Because the amount transferred was very large, it would take at least a few days to receive the amount.

These men decided to wait for the money to be fully received, and then they would start with Qi Lin and the girl.

During this time, they will not let these two people die.

So these two people have been living in the house well.

"May I have your name?"

When the girl heard Qi Lin's question, she didn't answer immediately. After a while, she replied, "My name is Wang Dong."

"Why are you helping me?"

When Qi Lin heard the girl's question, he laughed, and then replied to the girl: "Anyway, I have more money, so it's okay to help you."

After the girl finished asking, she stopped talking, and Qi Lin knew that Wang Dong must not be the girl's real name.

However, he is not interested in the girl's real name, mainly because the past two days have been too boring, and he can't wait to find someone to chat with.

On the third day, the assistant finally brought it over.

They successfully rescued the girl and Qi Lin. When Qi Lin walked out, the girl was still in a trance.

The big guys didn't expect that the assistants would call the police over. What they called was not the domestic police, but the local police.

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before, but the local police simply ignored it. If it wasn't like this, they wouldn't be so rampant.

They did not expect that the local police would be so gracious to help solve this matter this time.

It wasn't until after they were arrested that they realized that the person they arrested was the richest man in the world, but that's a story for another time. .

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