Traveling alone is still too lonely.

Go to a new place, meet new friends, and eventually he will go.

He left traces in the lives of others, and others left traces in his lives.

It sounds romantic, but in fact, he is constantly saying goodbye.

Qi Lin saw that Zhao Min liked traveling so much, he thought maybe he could go with him.

The other party likes traveling so much, maybe they can experience a better experience during the journey.

When Zhao Min heard this sentence, she opened her eyes suddenly, she doubted her ears a little.

"what did you just say?!"

Qi Lin patiently repeated what he just said.

"Do you want to travel with me?"

"If you are worried about the cost, I can lend it to you first, and you can just pay me back in installments."

In fact, Qi Lin can just give her a sum of money directly.

It's just that he was afraid that the other party would reject her.

He thinks Zhao Min doesn't look like someone that 17 would accept his help for no reason.

In fact, Zhao Min did exactly what he thought.

She looked at Qi Lin suspiciously: "Why do you want to help me for no reason? Could it be that you are interested in my body?!"

Speaking of the latter, Zhao Min's face became terrified.

Qi Lin was stunned, and after a while, he asked Zhao Min dumbfounded: "I don't have this idea, I just think you like traveling so much, we can go play together."

"Maybe we can have new experiences during the journey."

"And, even if I really like you, you don't have to be so afraid?!"

Zhao Min took two steps back silently: "This is not the same. I heard people say that there has been a new scam recently, and they have tricked you into some innocent and ignorant girls."

"They'll lure these girls far away and sell them all off!"

It was only then that Qi Lin realized that what the other party meant by looking at the body was to sell the internal organs.

After he understood, he felt even more dumbfounded.

"Of course I didn't mean that. The choice is yours. Before I leave, you can think about it carefully."

Zhao Min was also stunned, seeing Qi Lin's serious expression, she put her hands on the ground, then lowered her head and said: "I will think about it carefully.

"Let me be your tour guide for a few days."

"I'll take you around the more famous local attractions!"

Qi Lin nodded in agreement.

Because this is a coastal area.

So the famous places are also places near the sea.

There are often tourists here, so these famous scenic spots are often full of people.

The places Zhao Min took him to were basically places that were not very well-known on the Internet. In her words: Since you want to see the scenery, of course you can't go to places with huge crowds.

Qi Lin felt that what she said made sense, she was there to see the scenery, not the head, so she followed Zhao Min into various places to see the scenery very obediently.

The two of them gradually became familiar with each other. Every day during the day, he would go to see the scenery with Zhao Min.

Time passed day by day.

A week is coming up soon.

They have already visited all the nearby attractions.

The final countdown is two days.

Qi Lin went to Zhao Min's shop and asked Zhao Min.

"Would you like to come with me?"

Zhao Min replied without hesitation: "Let's go!"

Qi Lin didn't expect to hear such a decisive reply from her. After he was taken aback for a moment, he asked Zhao Min in a teasing tone: "Aren't you afraid now that I sold you?"

Zhao Min patted himself and said, "I'm not afraid now! After getting along with you these few days, I think you are a good person!"

"I've always trusted my instincts, there's no way you're going to sell me out, are you?"

Seeing Zhao Min's trusting eyes, Qi Lin couldn't tell that he might not be a good person. In fact, he didn't think he was a good person either.

"Okay, since you agreed, you have to pack your things, and we will leave the day after tomorrow."

When Zhao Min heard this, she immediately smiled slyly: "Don't worry, I've already prepared it!"

Only then did Qi Lin realize that she had already thought about it.

"Then don't you need to tell your family?"

Zhao Min shook her head, her voice lowered: "I... my family had an accident, so I'm the only one, you don't have to worry.

Qi Lin didn't expect that Zhao Min's family members were gone, so he closed his mouth and replied to Zhao Min after a while: "I'm sorry."

Zhao Min smiled and said to Qi Lin, "It's all right."

Because he was not sure whether Zhao Min would go out with him, Qi Lin only booked one plane ticket. After confirming that the two of them would go out together, he booked another plane ticket

The departure time is the morning of the day after tomorrow. After booking the air ticket, he said to Zhao Min: "The departure time is after ten o'clock in the morning of the day after tomorrow. I won't be coming tomorrow. You can use the time tomorrow to deal with your own personal affairs.

After leaving this sentence, Qi Lin went back to the hotel.

This country is relatively small, and he has visited all the places he can go in the past two days, so he plans to stay in the hotel room all day tomorrow without going out.

After dinner in the hotel, he rested directly in the room.

The next morning, before he woke up, he was woken up by a knock on the door. He walked to the door impatiently and opened the door 477, thinking it was room service.

It turned out that it was Zhao Min.

Zhao Min smiled excitedly and said to him: "Hello!"

Qi Lin was silent for a few seconds. He closed his eyes and opened them again. After confirming that it was not his hallucination, he asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Min replied to him: "Because I really don't know what else to deal with. I have already closed the shop and packed all the luggage."

When she said this, she showed Qi Lin the suitcase in her hand.

"I really don't have anything to do later, so I came here to find you."

Qi Lin sighed helplessly: "Then just call me and I'll go find you."

Zhao Min shook his head firmly: "That's not okay, I want to give you a surprise!"

Qi Lin stepped aside to open the door and let Zhao Min enter the room, then he asked Zhao Min, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Zhao Min shook his head honestly: "I haven't had time yet, and I want to eat with you."

When Qi Lin heard this, he went directly to the bedside table and called the room service to bring the breakfast.

"I haven't stayed in a hotel before, I didn't expect the hotel room to be so luxurious..."

Qi Lin booked the largest suite, and seeing Zhao Min's curious gaze, he said directly to Zhao Min. .

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