Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

287: Is It So Funny, Laughing For So Long

It didn't take long for Qi Lin to realize that there seemed to be several people behind him, not only him, but also Zhao Min.

Zhao Min was a little upset, and turned her head to look behind her. The person following them was the person who had been staring at her when she entered the restaurant.

Without hesitation, she took out her mobile phone and planned to call the police, but Qi Lin stopped her.

Qi Lin said to Zhao Min: "It doesn't matter, just walk like this.

When Zhao Min heard this, she hesitated for a while, and finally chose to listen to Qi Lin's words, and walked forward without calling the police.

It was already late at night, and there were fewer and fewer passers-by on the street. The two of them walked more and more sideways, and walked directly into a small alley.

When they were about to walk out of the alley, the people behind them finally caught up with them.

"Don't go, let's chat!"

Hearing what these people said, Qi Lin turned his head and asked these people.

"What are you going to do?"

When the few people heard this, they looked at each other, and then they laughed and replied.

"Don't you know what we are going to do? If you are sensible, take off your clothes by yourself. If you are not sensible, then you have to be beaten by us and let us do it again."

When Qi Lin heard this, he showed his eight teeth and smiled ironically.

"Just relying on you, are you worthy of letting us take the initiative?"

Seeing Qi Lin's arrogant appearance, these few people looked at each other, and then they took out a knife from their arms.

They pointed to Qi Lin with the tip of their knives, and then said to him.

"So arrogant? I advise you that it's better not to toast or eat fine wine, our temper is not that good."

Qi Lin saw the knife as if he hadn't seen it, and his attitude was still the same as before, he replied to these people.

"Coincidentally, my temper is not very good..."

Those few people saw that Qi Lin's attitude was still as arrogant as ever, they didn't continue to say anything, they gave each other a look, and then all gathered around to plan a group fight.

Qi Lin was not afraid at all. He was fighting against several people. These people had never practiced martial arts at all, and they basically just waved their fists casually.

It was as simple as crushing a few ants to death for him to knock down these people. After knocking all these people down on the ground, he said to these people.

"What did you just say?"

These few people were all lying on the ground and howling. They didn't expect that they really encountered a hard stubble today. Instead of touching Qi Lin with the tip of the knife in their hands, they twisted their arms.

They wailed on the ground and begged for mercy.

"We were wrong, brother, and we dare not do it again!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he just smiled and said to them.

"That can't be done, you just talk and don't practice fake moves, did you just say that you want us to take off our clothes, or else, you take off your clothes yourself.

"Walk twice on this street. If you do this, I will let you go."

All of them refused.

But Qi Lin didn't give them a chance to refuse. He picked up the tip of the knife on the ground, and then patted the cheeks of these people with the knife.

"Do you want to do it? If you don't do it, I'll have to use some tricks. Don't forget, there is no surveillance in this alley."

These people were a little scared. Qi Lin seemed to be a person who really knew how to do things. They didn't want to risk their lives.

In desperation, they had no choice but to strip off their clothes and wander around in the street.

Before walking a few steps, the police found them. The police didn't condone them seeing these people running naked at night, they took them directly back to the police station.

After Zhao Min watched the whole process, she just found it very funny.

Seeing that Zhao Min had been smiling for several minutes, Qi Lin asked Zhao Min helplessly.

"Is it so funny? Laughing for so long?"

Zhao Min smiled and nodded and replied: "It's really funny, they were threatening us just now, but now you are forcing them to run naked on the street hahahaha!"

Qi Lin shook his head helplessly, there was still a little distance from the hotel, he was a little worried about Zhao Min's legs, so he asked Zhao Min.

"Is your leg really okay? If you have any problems, remember to tell me, don't hide it."

Zhao Min waved his hand indifferently and replied.

"It's really nothing, you can rest assured!"

Qi Lin didn't know whether what Zhao Min said was true or not, but this place was only a little away from the hotel. He thought about it, and finally returned to the hotel with Zhao Min.

When he was about to return to the hotel room, he found that Zhao Min was walking a little strangely. So he forcibly dragged Zhao Min to his hotel room.

When Zhao Min was dragged into the hotel room, she was still trying to be brave.

"..." I've said it all, there's really nothing wrong with my legs, why don't you believe me?"

Qi Lin believed that his words were unfounded, so he took off Zhao Min's shoes, and as expected, he saw that Zhao Min's ankle was completely swollen.

After Zhao Min's shoes were taken off, she didn't dare to say a word, and Ou Lin asked Zhao Min with a black face.

"That's what you said. There's nothing wrong with it. If I didn't find out, what are you going to do with it?"

Zhao Min muttered and replied.

"It just looks a little exaggerated, I don't feel anything myself."

"Just take a break and you'll be fine."

Qi Lin wouldn't believe Zhao Min's nonsense. He looked around and found a clean white towel. After soaking the white towel in hot water, he wrung out the hot towel and placed it on Zhao Min's ankle. superior.

After Zhao Min's legs felt the temperature of the hot towel, she couldn't help but let out a sigh.


Qi Lin first helped Zhao Min's legs for a few minutes, then he removed the hot towel and began to massage Zhao Min's legs carefully.

Zhao Min was a little embarrassed, she wanted to move her foot away, but Ou Lin didn't give her this chance.

"If you don't want your leg to swell into a pig's hoof the next day, I suggest you not to move casually now.

Qi Lin's massage technique was specially learned from a doctor, and Zhao Min felt very comfortable when he was pressed. Looking at Qi Lin's serious side face, Zhao Min said that he couldn't help but be moved.

She has been warning herself that Qi Lin is already a married man and has many wives, she must not be tempted by Qi Lin, but such things as being tempted are never in her hands.

When Zhao Min fell into a trance, Qi Lin finally stood up. .

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