Xiao Jiang became angry and used his little powder fist to hit Qi Lin hard.

"You are really bad!"

After Qi Lin was hammered by Xiao Jiang, he immediately took two steps back with a seriously injured expression on his face.

"You are finished, you wounded the world's richest man, and the Interpol will soon take you away.

Xiao Jiang was so teased by Qi Lin that the two of them laughed together. After laughing, Xiao Jiang still felt unbelievable. She couldn't believe that the real richest man in the world was standing next to her.

You must know that she is just an ordinary person who is struggling on the average line of living standards.

Now that the world's richest man suddenly came by his side, this kind of thing would be incredible for anyone.

"Then why did you suddenly come to our country?"

Qi Lin originally wanted to answer normally, but when he turned his head and saw Xiao Jiang's confused expression and the ready-to-frown expression between his brows, he couldn't help thinking of teasing her again.

"Do you really want to know?"

Hearing Qi Lin's mysterious question, Xiao Jiang answered Qi Lin cautiously.

"Of course I want to know."

After Qi Lin heard Xiao Jiang's words, he nodded, and then leaned into Xiao Jiang's ear and said.

"Actually, I came here this time for an international mission. You also know that I am the richest man in the world. As the richest man in the world, I have a lot of pomp when I go out."

"If it wasn't for this mission this time, I wouldn't be so low-key."

Xiao Jiang's eagerness to move was almost on her face, and she asked Qi Lin excitedly.

"Then what task are you here to accomplish this time? Could it be about our country's major events?!"

Seeing Xiaojiang's excited mouth raised, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing and replied, "You really believe it?!"

When Xiao Jiang heard the question, the confusion in her eyes almost overflowed.

"What do you mean by that `"?"

Her question was not answered.

Seeing Qi Lin's uncontrollable smile, she almost understood what Qi Lin meant.

"I got it! You lied to me on purpose, right?! You don't have any international missions at all, you came to us just for tourism!"

Qi Lin's smile gradually subsided, and he replied to Xiao Jiang.

"Look, can't you guess it now?"

Xiao Jiang became angry again, and the two fought and fought for a while. After a while, Xiao Jiang began to ask Qi Lin in doubt.

"Are you really only here for tourism? Not for some international assignment?"

Qi Lin really thinks Xiao Jiang's character is quite interesting.

"What's the matter? Is it possible that the richest man in the world must have some tasks to go out, and he has to lie at home all day, with more than a dozen security guards nearby?"

When Xiao Jiang heard the question, she shook her head obediently, and then Qi Lin replied.

"I used to think about the life of the richest man in the world. I think the richest man in the world should eat, drink and have fun every day, and then go out with hundreds of bodyguards and luxury cars to pick him up.

When she said this, she looked at Qi Lin with her eyes, and then said to Qi Lin with disgust: "But you now..."

Hearing this, Qi Lin said to Xiao Jiang angrily.

"If I wanted to have that kind of life, I could have it in minutes, to be honest.

Chapter 407 The robber was caught?

"The reason why I didn't live that kind of life is because I think that kind of life is too boring."

"Meeting someone with your personality is also a kind of pastime for me."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she immediately jumped up from the ground, and she pointed at Qi Lin in disbelief and asked.

"So you think I'm just your entertainment?!"

Qi Lin nodded with a proud smile and replied, "That's right, that's what it means.

Xiaojiang knew that Qi Lin was just joking with her. In fact, she hadn't calmed down yet, so she took advantage of this incident to turn around and walk away.

The two walked side by side one after the other. It didn't take long for Qi Lin to receive a call from the police station. They had already caught the perpetrators and needed them to go there.

It wasn't long before they went back, because they were not sure how long it would take to catch someone, so Qi Lin gave Xiao Jiang a hotel room, and they are in the hotel room now

After knowing that the prisoner had been caught, Xiao Jiang's mouth opened to the maximum. She never thought that the police could have such high efficiency.

Xiao Jiang swallowed nervously, then she pointed to the phone and asked Qi Lin.

"Otherwise, you can ask again, maybe they caught the wrong person, or accidentally got the wrong person..."

Hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Qi Lin fiddled with his mobile phone, and then said to Xiao Jiang: "What's the matter? I can't bear the hotel room I opened for you, and now I don't want to go to the police station?"

When Xiao Jiang heard Qi Lin's question, she denied it without thinking: "'~How is it possible? I can't wait to go back now, okay?!"

Hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Qi Lin started laughing again, and the two of them soon went to the police station together again.

The one who came out to greet them was still the fat chief they had seen before.

Every time Xiaojiang saw the smile that the chief showed when facing them, she would feel uncomfortable.

Because the director looked at them like he was looking at living coins that could walk.

Qi Lin felt Xiaojiang's discomfort, and he said to the chief.

"Stop talking so much at the door, didn't you say that the prisoner has been caught?"

When the director heard this, he immediately replied with a very perverted alignment and the young general.

"That's right, those robbers are already in the police station, come on, let's go in and apply.

After the chief finished speaking, he greeted the two of them and entered the police station together.

As soon as the two of them entered, they saw people handcuffed to the chair. They raised their brows, and then said to those in handcuffs.

"Are you the ones who robbed my house?"

Hearing Xiao Jiang's question, those people looked up at Xiao Jiang, and then they lowered their heads as if they didn't hear anything.

Before Qi Lin started to speak, the director next to him couldn't help it, and he slammed the table with a folder.

"What's your attitude, didn't you hear the victim is asking you?!"

The few people were startled by the sound of folders knocking on the table. After listening to the director's words, they looked up at Xiaojiang again, and then they lazily rolled their throats in response.

Seeing their attitude, Xiao Jiang felt mixed emotions in her heart. If it wasn't for Qi Lin, these people probably wouldn't have fallen into the hands of the police so quickly. .

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