Xiao Jiang originally thought that no matter how remote or far away the place is, as long as the rent is cheap, she can do it, but now it seems that renting in this place is really easy to encounter danger.

Personal safety is more important than money.

Seeing Xiaojiang's hesitant expression, Qi Lin continued to reply to Xiaojiang.

"Really, you just stay with me in the hotel room for a few nights, and I don't want you to pay, you just need to take me around the local area."

"I'm a tourist here, so you can use your labor to mortgage your money."

"As for this house, I will help you find a house that is more cost-effective."

Hearing this, Xiao Jiang finally reluctantly agreed, and she asked Qi Lin.

"So how did you build your business from nothing and become the richest man in the world?"

Hearing Xiao Jiang's impatient question, Qi Lin couldn't help but burst out laughing. Now he can be sure that Xiao Jiang is a very dedicated careerist.

He thought about it, and then roughly told Xiao Jiang about his entrepreneurial journey.

He didn't specifically say why he suddenly became the world's richest man. He described his entrepreneurial journey as a process of accumulation.

In fact, he himself wanted to convey that.

Nothing can be accomplished overnight, there must be an opportunity, even if such an opportunity comes before you, you must have enough confidence to take that opportunity.

After talking about his entrepreneurial journey, Qi Lin said to Xiao Jiang seriously.

"If you also want to become the richest man in a place like me, then my suggestion is that you start to accumulate from now on. Only when you accumulate to a certain extent, can you be sure to grasp the opportunity when you encounter the opportunity." This time."

After Xiao Jiang finished listening, she nodded half-understood. This theory was just a theory to her.

Seeing the ignorant look on Xiao Jiang's face, Qi Lin smiled, and said nothing more.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's clean up first."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she shook her head quickly, and then she replied to Qi Lin.

"I'm going to live in the hotel room, what else do I have to pack, and when I move out, I still have to pack up."

Qi Lin was originally just to cater to Xiao Jiang, but now he heard Xiao Jiang say that, he nodded with a smile, and then replied to Xiao Jiang.

"Then we won't clean up, let's go out now."

Xiao Jiang and Qi Lin walked out of the house together. They locked the house and put on a safety lock before leaving the house.

They walked side by side to the hotel. The hotel is actually quite far from where Xiao Jiang lives, and it takes at least an hour to walk there.

After the two of them walked for a while, they started to take a taxi.

He didn't plan to walk to the hotel with Xiaojiang, it's one thing to be tired, the main reason is that it takes too much time.

The two of them have experienced quite a lot today. Instead of spending so much time walking outside, it is better to go back and rest earlier.

In this way, I can spare a little more time and energy to go out and play tomorrow.

Xiao Jiang and Qi Lin thought the same thing. After the two of them took a taxi back to the hotel, they went directly to sleep in the hotel room.

When they woke up the next day, the two of them went to the hotel restaurant for dinner together.

Both of them belong to that kind of people who can sleep until noon or afternoon when they sleep.

Today the two of them woke up at almost exactly the same time.

Originally, the two of them wanted to use their mobile phones to call each other first, but when they woke up, they realized that they did not have each other's contact information.

After taking a few mouthfuls of food to wake himself up a bit, Hui Xiaojiang said.

"Let's add a contact information. When I was in the hotel room just now, I wanted to send you a message directly, but when I wanted to find your contact information, I realized that the two of us have nothing to do with each other. There is no contact information."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she nodded in agreement.

"I thought the same as you. I originally planned to send you a message in the hotel room, but I didn't expect that we didn't add it at all."

After chatting for a while, Xiao Jiang gave several travel options, and she belongs to that kind of planning group.

0...seeking flowers...

Wherever she goes, she makes a very elaborate plan.

This precise plan contains when and where to go, including how long to stay in that place.

Qi Lin didn't expect Xiao Jiang to make a special schedule, he covered his mouth in surprise and asked.

"When did you make this thing?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Xiaojiang smiled and Qi Lin replied: "This kind of thing won't take long. I just finished this thing while washing up."

Qi Lin was still a little moved, at least Xiao Jiang really took his words to heart, but being moved is one thing, and whether he is willing to cooperate is another.

He has always been the kind of person who counts where he goes, and he doesn't like too intimate travel, because it will make him feel a little uncomfortable.


So after seeing Xiaojiang's schedule, he browsed it first, and then he replied to Xiaojiang.

"Actually, I think it's enough for us to just go out for a stroll. As for this schedule, I don't think it's necessary.

Xiao Jiang felt a little strange, she didn't think the manufacturing plan represented an unnecessary thing.

"But if there is no schedule, is it possible that we have to wander around? This is too unplanned, and it will waste a lot of time."

It can be seen from this point that the views of the two of them are very different.

Qi Lin replied to Xiao Jiang with a smile.

"But I like to wander around aimlessly. When I walk aimlessly, I don't feel that I am wasting time. On the contrary, I feel that I am enjoying life.

Xiao Jiang couldn't understand this method at all, but she said that she could respect Qi Lin's image.

After all, it was Qi Lin who wanted to travel, not her. After a brief discussion, the two decided to go to a random scenic spot for a stroll.

This hotel is far from the city center, not because Qilin is unwilling to book a hotel in the city center, but because there are no rooms in the city center hotel.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no location in the hotel in the city center, it is impossible for him to book a hotel so far from the city center. .

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