Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

016: There Is A Handsome Guy At Eleven O’Clock

Xiao Jiang nodded, she opened the door of the hotel room, and then Qi Lin said.

"I'm planning to go back today. I've stayed in the room for two nights. It's not good to stay here all the time. I have to pack everything up."

Qi Lin nodded with a smile. After the two exchanged a few words, they separated.

Qi Lin went downstairs to eat the buffet. As for Xiao Jiangze, he simply packed his things and returned to the previous rented room.

Only when Xiaojiang returned to her rented room did she feel that she had returned to reality. Such a poor environment is her current status quo. 08 She feels that she should not cross class, she thinks she is out of place.

Faced with a lot of thoughts in Xiaojiang's heart, he really didn't know at all.

Although he didn't know why Xiaojiang suddenly alienated him, he didn't think it mattered.

Tourism is like this. Every time you meet people and things, not everyone is a good person, and not everything is a bad thing.

Of course, he doesn't mean that Xiao Jiang is not a good person, but that there may only be such a little overlap between the two of them.

After eating, Qi Lin took a car alone to the scenic spots in the city center. There were still quite a lot of people in the scenic spots in the city center, but not as many as yesterday.

After a few laps, he went to eat in various famous restaurants.

When he finished his meal, it was night again. He originally wanted to just go back to the hotel, but he found that there were several bars nearby, and the atmosphere in the bars seemed to be very good.

You must know that he has not been to a bar abroad.

Seeing so many bars open near him, his desire to have fun was instantly hooked.

Qi Lin didn't hesitate for long, and soon, he entered the bar.

After entering, he saw many beauties and handsome men, all staying in the bar. This bar is a clear bar, a place dedicated to drinking, and there are people singing beside them.

He found a random place to sit down, and then started to order.

Since he was the only one, he didn't order a lot of wine, but only ordered a mixed drink.

After ordering the wine, he sat on the chair and listened to the music, while looking at where he was going tomorrow.

At this moment, Xiao Jiang was outside the bar. She didn't want to come out today, but her friend insisted on pulling her out.

"Let me tell you, these are some newly opened bars recently. I heard that the atmosphere is pretty good, and the new stores offer great discounts."

"Choose yourself, which one do you want to go to?"

Hearing the friend's question, Xiao Jiang casually pointed to a family without interest, and then the two of them left together. As soon as they walked in, she heard the exclamation of her friend 887.

"My God?!"

Hearing the sound, she turned her head and took a look.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Jiang's friend gasped: "I saw a super handsome guy! It's at eleven o'clock, look!"

Xiaojiang is not interested in handsome guys, she just met Qi Lin this morning, frankly speaking, Qi Lin is the most handsome person she has ever seen, she doesn't think she can see handsome guys more handsome than Qi Lin in the bar.

Although she lacked interest, she still turned her head and took a look.

This look directly made her eyes bigger.

Isn't this person whom her friends call the best handsome guy Qi Lin?!.

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