Hearing this, Xiao Jiang's friend quickly patted Xiao Jiang on the back.

"Okay, if you don't feel well, then you can go back quickly."

When Qi Lin heard Xiao Jiang's words, he pursed his lips, and after Xiao Jiang said goodbye to him, he got up from the chair directly.

"Since you're not feeling well, I'll take you home. 11

Xiao Jiang and her friends were all stunned. The two of them did not expect Qi Lin to make this decision.

Xiaojiang's friend thinks that Qi Lin is really handsome. If she wants to pursue Qi Lin, if she wants to pursue him actively, the best way to enhance her relationship is to chat alone.

That's why she took the initiative to bring up what happened just now.

067 wants Xiao Jiang to go home first.

What she didn't expect was that Qi Lin offered to send Xiao Jiang back.

Xiao Jiang was stunned for a while, then she quickly waved her hand and replied to Qi Lin.

"No, no, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I can still go back by myself."

Qi Lin didn't agree with Xiaojiang's words. He still remembered that Xiaojiang's house was once entered by robbers.

"Have you forgotten what happened in the house you rented before?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Xiao Jiang pursed her lips a little guilty. Indeed, through this incident, she fully realized that her home was not completely safe.

After a lot of arguing, Qi Lin was finally asked to send Xiao Jiang back.

Xiao Jiang's friends could see that Qi Lin was not interested in him, so after Qi Lin insisted on sending Xiao Jiang home, she did not propose to be company with him.

"Okay, if neither of you can drink, then I will drink alone."

Xiao Jiang looked at his friend with some concern: "Are you really okay? Otherwise, I'd better stay with you."

Xiao Jiang's friends often come to this street. Although this street is not safe, she doesn't think she will be in danger, so she shook her head quickly after hearing Xiao Jiang's words.

"No, no, it's really good that you don't need to go back, and go to rest early after you go back.

Xiaojiang saw (ajfg) that her friend tried her best to refuse, she thought about it, and finally went back first.

Qi Lin and Xiao Jiang walked together on the way back. When they went back, neither of them spoke.

Qi Lin saw Xiao Jiang bowed his head in silence, he sighed, and then asked Xiao Jiang.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Xiaojiang didn't expect Qi Lin to ask such a question, she looked at Qi Lin in astonishment, and then Qi Lin replied.

"Of course not, why do you think so?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he stopped directly, and then he asked Xiao Jiang.

"If I didn't do something wrong, then I would like to ask, why did you keep alienating me? I don't think I did anything bad."

From Qi Lin's point of view, this matter is really inexplicable. He carefully helped Xiao Jiang prepare a surprise, but the result was that the other party took the initiative to alienate him.

Xiao Jiang also knew that what she did seemed a little unreasonable, she frowned in embarrassment, not knowing how to describe her feelings.

"You don't have to worry so much, just say what you think in your heart."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Xiao Jiang sighed leisurely, and after a while, she replied to Qi Lin.

"Actually, I didn't mean to do this."

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