The main idea of ​​this paragraph is that she still regards Qi Lin as a friend, but her friend is too rich, and she is friends with such a rich friend

The burden is too great.

At this time, Qi Lin finally knew why Xiao Jiang alienated him inexplicably, and the relationship was really because of the relationship between that firework show and a mountain.

After knowing the reason, Qi Lin just felt dumbfounded, because he didn't think it was a big deal because of "270".

But obviously, Xiao Jiang felt that this was a big deal, and he sincerely explained the reason why he was alienated from Qi Lin.

This logic seems to be quite reasonable.

But in fact, as long as you think about it a little bit, you will find that there are many loopholes.

After Qi Lin received the news, he thought about it seriously for a while, and then he felt that Xiao Jiang really didn't need to have such a reaction at all.

But it is definitely useless to say it on the phone. If he said it on the phone, he would have no idea whether Xiao Jiang's response was true or false.

So he thought for a while, and then asked Xiao Jiang.

"Or I'll come to you tomorrow, and we'll clean up the house first.

After Qi Lin put down his mobile phone, he became an isolated person. Thinking that Xiao Jiang was going to clean up the house with him, he took a deep breath. What he hates the most is cleaning the house.

But since other girls have proposed it on their own initiative, then he must follow suit.

"It doesn't matter if you clean up the house. I can do it by myself. After cleaning up, we can have a meal together tomorrow and talk about what you said to me today.

When Xiaojiang heard this, she wanted to refuse, but she didn't know where to start. During the time of hesitation, Qi Lin quickly agreed for her.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this, there is no need to say too much."

Xiao Jiang originally wanted to say something more, but Qi Lin didn't give him a chance to regret it at all. After he finished the last sentence, he said directly to Xiao Jiang.

"Tomorrow I will go directly to find you, you just stay at home and wait for me."

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he directly disconnected the phone.

The next day, Qi Lin went to move early in the morning. The reason why he went there so early was because he was afraid that Xiao Jiang would get up too early and "pack up everything before he arrived...

With this conjecture, he drove to the downstairs of Xiao Jiang's house.

Because the place is too remote, the car can't drive in at all, so after driving to the downstairs of the house, he walked several hundred meters on his own legs, and finally arrived at the door of Xiaojiang's house

Qi Lin glanced at the time, he set off at 6:30 in the morning, and it was almost 7:30 when he arrived here.

He first found the house number, and then he knocked on the door. After about two or three seconds, there was a familiar response from inside.

"Who is it?"

1.4 Xiao Jiang is packing things in the house now. There is a saying that although a sparrow is small, it has all internal organs. Now her house is a sparrow with all five internal organs.

All the furniture and things here can be used, and if she wants to move, she has to remove all these things.

Because of this, she hasn't packed all the things since six o'clock in the morning. .

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