The latter two people never communicated on this topic again, and all their communication was based on homely topics.

After eating the steak, the two of them separated, because Xiao Jiang still needed to go back and move, and she didn't want Qi Lin to help.

Qi Lin wandered here alone for a week, and then he flew to another country by plane.

This country is a little poorer, no matter if it is a hotel or a hotel here, it is not possible to book online. These hotels and hotels cannot be found on the Internet.

Therefore, Qi Lin can only look for hotels and hotels after arriving.

It was already after night when the plane landed, and he immediately went to look for nearby hotels and hotels as soon as he got off the plane.

After searching carefully, he found that the matter was much more serious than he had imagined. There seemed to be no hotels or hotels nearby, only some small shops.

These stores basically sell some daily necessities, and he basically didn't see any restaurants nearby.

After discovering that this place was really remote, Qi Lin's expression became very serious. He had to find a hotel where he could live as soon as possible.

But now it seems that this matter seems to be more difficult to complete.

He wandered around for a long time, and he was still carrying a very large suitcase in his hand. He just wandered on the street. It didn't take long before he finally saw a hotel.

This hotel is very small and dilapidated at first glance, and half of the light boards on it have been extinguished due to disrepair.

He pulled the suitcase and walked over, and then asked the boss who was sleeping next to the front desk.

"Hello, is it possible to live here?"

Hearing the question, the boss slowly opened his eyes, and then asked Yang Yang to stand up and Qi Lin replied.

"Okay, how many people are there?"

Qi Lin had a normal conversation with the other party, and after saying that he only needed a single room, the boss continued to ask him.

"Are you here alone?"

The boss's eyes made Qi Lin feel a little offended, he frowned, if it wasn't for the vicinity, he would only see this hotel, he would definitely not stay here.

This hotel is not clean at first glance, and the place is very dilapidated, and the owner's eyes that want to slaughter a lamb make him very uncomfortable.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, and then replied to the boss.

".々Whether I come here alone or not, please open a room for me.

When the boss heard this, he curled his lips, and reluctantly gave Qi Lin a key. Even the computers in places like theirs are very old.

So the boss just registered it on the paper with a pen, and handed the key to Qi Lin.

The price of a single room in a hotel is more expensive than that of a hotel room. Qi Lin knew that the boss must have cheated him on purpose, but he didn't say anything (the money was good), since he was not short of money anyway.

He would rather find a dilapidated place to live than to sleep outside.

After receiving the key and paying the bill, he went directly upstairs. His room was at 301 on the third floor.

There is no elevator here, only very narrow small stairs, it seems that his luggage is relatively small, there is only one big suitcase on top.

He dragged the suitcase and slowly moved to the third floor. .

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