Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

033: It's Hard For Me To Handle This Too

As soon as they entered the office, they were greeted warmly by a bald man.

"Hello, hello, you are Mr. Qi, right?!"

Seeing the other party's enthusiastic attitude, Qi Lin nodded to the other party and said, "Hello, my name is Qi Lin."

The other party nodded and said excitedly: "Oh, you can come to a small place like ours, it really makes us flourish!

The girl didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so enthusiastic, she froze for a moment, then she asked the other party,

"No, we just want to come and report a case."

"Something about this restaurateur..."

Before the other party waited for the girl to finish speaking, he directly started talking on his own.

"Actually, we have heard about this restaurant before. We heard that they employ some small staff, and often do not pay these small ~ full wages.

"Did you also encounter a similar situation - huh?"

When the girl heard this, she immediately nodded in empathy. She has been working in this store for nearly half a year.

In the past six months, she has never received a full salary.

The boss always has a reason to withhold her money, and sometimes the reason he finds is completely weird, and this kind of reasoning can't convince her at all.

If it wasn't for this reason, she wouldn't have planned to leave so easily.

After all, it is really hard to find a job these days.

"Yes, this is exactly what happened to me, is there any way to solve this kind of thing now?"

When the other party heard this, the expression on his face became tangled and embarrassed.

"Actually, this kind of thing is also very difficult for us to deal with. You know that this kind of thing is generally out of our control."

The expression on the girl's face immediately turned into disappointment. Seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, Hai thought that this matter could be resolved.

In the end, I didn't expect that it was just a waste of work.

The other party was talking based on the look on the girl's face, seeing the neuropathy on the girl's face, out of disappointment, he immediately continued to speak.

"Actually, we can't solve this matter..."

The girl frowned deeply. She didn't know what the other party wanted to do. If she could solve it, she said she could solve it, and if she couldn't, she said she couldn't solve it.

……… Ask for flowers…

Said it could be solved and said it couldn't be solved, she didn't know which answer to believe.

"So is it fixed or not?"

When the director found that the girl's attitude had gradually become impatient, he replied to the girl.

"If you want to solve it, you can definitely solve it, it just depends on whether you can show some sincerity.

The girl had never encountered such a thing, so he had no idea what the other party meant.

She glanced at the director suspiciously: "So what sincerity do we need to show, we beg you?"

The director burst out laughing, he had never seen such a simple person, he cleared his throat, and then said to the girl.

"If just saying one please can make other people do things for you faithfully, then I am willing to say ten thousand please."

The girl really didn't understand now, she didn't know what the director wanted to do.

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath, and then said seven directly to the chief. .

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