Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

036: You Shouldn't Call The Police, Right?

"So you want him to bring someone over to block you? Why? Why do you want him to bring someone over to block you?"

Hearing the girl's question, Qi Lin said to the girl.

"You don't need to know about this, anyway, you just need to meet him in the police station then."

After he finished this sentence, he took his mobile phone and went out directly.

The girl originally wanted to catch up, but because she was wearing pajamas, she had to go back and change first.

By the time she finished changing her clothes and wanted to catch up, Qi Lin had already disappeared.

At this moment, Qi Lin had already walked into the alley, and he knew that there were people secretly following him all the time, "Song is that these people haven't made any moves yet.

Since these people dare not move, then he will take the initiative to create a good opportunity for these people to move.

Things developed exactly as he had imagined. When these people saw him entering the alley alone, they immediately came out to block him.

One of them was the boss who just came out of the police station. When he saw the boss, Qi Lin laughed all of a sudden, and then he said to the boss.

"Is this what you call a helper?"

When the boss heard this, Qi Lin replied with a fierce face.

"To deal with people like you, these brothers are enough."

After Qi Lin finished listening, he nodded, and then he asked the boss seriously.

"Well, let me tell you something serious, if I ask you to let me go now, how much will you ask me for?"

When everyone heard this, they quickly looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect the boss to ask such a question, and they were a little confused for a while.

After a while, greedy expressions appeared on their faces, their eyeballs rolled, and then they began to discuss beside them. After discussing for a while, they negotiated a quota.

"Just give us five million directly."

Hearing the number five million, he nodded without blinking his eyes.

They agreed when they saw Qi Lin so decisively, and they all felt that they were not in reality.

They always felt that there was something strange about this matter, but they couldn't tell what was so strange, so they directly said to Qi Lin.

"Could it be that you don't have any money, and you deliberately want to get rid of us first?"

Qi Lin was very calm. He took these people directly to the bank and began to withdraw money.

Seeing that Qi Lin really had a lot of money on the display screen, the boss and his brothers couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

They have begun to regret it now, and they want to grab Qi Lin's money now.

But they also know how to cast a line to catch big fish.

Anyway, Qi Lin is right under their noses, and it will be very easy for them to get money again when the time comes.

Thinking of this, they have already begun to think about their happy life after getting the money.

Just when they Chang (Wang Dehao) was thinking about the future, a police siren suddenly sounded outside the door, and they now have a conditioned reaction to this sound.

".||You should call the police, right?!"

Hearing the boss's question, this lamp lowered its head and pursed its lips and smiled.

"You guys aren't too stupid, Jian."

The boss and the others thought it was unbelievable, obviously they had been staring at Qi Lin closely.

How did Qi Lin manage to call the police right under their noses?!.

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