Qi Lin is leaving tomorrow, and the girl still feels reluctant to part with him.

So that night, the girl decided to invite Qi Lin to dinner.

After Qi Lin knew about this, he teased the girl and said.

"Now that you have money, you dare to treat me to dinner?"

When the girl heard the question, she was very embarrassed and Qi Lin replied.

"Although I really don't want to admit it, this is indeed a fact. When I didn't get my salary before, let alone treat you to dinner, I almost couldn't afford it myself.

"It's different now, I got the subsidy!"

Seeing the girl so excited, Qi Lin was quite happy. He agreed to the girl, anyway, it was just a meal, and she couldn't eat enough.

After the girl decided to invite Qi Lin to dinner, she took the lead to find a restaurant. Unfortunately, that very delicious restaurant was closed today.

"Why is it closed today?"

The girl was very disappointed. She looked at the waiter standing at the door with a disappointed face. When the waiter heard the girl's question, he replied to the girl.

"It's like this, because the water and electricity in the store suddenly went wrong, so we can't cook 々||..."

Today is a working day, logically speaking, they should be open now, but due to a sudden accident, they had to temporarily close for a day.

The girl was very disappointed, she managed to have enough money to treat Qi Lin to dinner, but now because of these accidents, she was unable to treat him to this meal.

"Actually, we can wait a little longer, maybe the water and electricity will come after a while."

When the waiter heard what the girl said, he answered the girl dumbfounded.

"But we have let the chef go now, and the boss has told us that it will be closed today."

"If it doesn't work, you can come over tomorrow."

After the girl heard this, her mouth immediately shrunk, Qi Lin was leaving tomorrow, why did she bring Qi Lin here?!

Qi Lin saw the girl's aggrieved face, he thought for a while, then walked to the girl's side and said.

"Forget it, let's go, they probably won't open today."

The girl bit her lip and finally left.

The two of them walked aside, and the girl burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, I promised you that I would take you to a very delicious restaurant, but now..."

Qi Lin saw the girl crying so badly, and said to the girl.

"...Actually, you can fulfill your promise in another way."

The girl looked at Qi Lin suspiciously, with tears still on her face, Qi Lin smiled and replied to the girl: "You can't take me to a delicious restaurant, but you can cook delicious food Feed me."

The girl obviously didn't think there was such a way, she was stunned, and after a while, she asked Qi (Nuo) Lin.

"Are you serious?"

Qi Lin asked the girl.

"Do I not look serious?"

The girl swallowed her saliva. In fact, she never thought of this method at all, because she felt that her cooking skills were not good.

But since Qi Lin has already said that, so what if she satisfies Qi Lin once?!

Thinking of this, Qi Lin nodded without hesitation, and then said. .

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