Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

048: I Feel A Little Uncomfortable Sitting Like This

These robbers will only talk like a lion.

The robbers didn't know the psychological activities of the police, and they thought they were right.

In fact, they did guess half right, they just didn't guess that the richest man in the world was in the hotel they hijacked.

They felt that they could take advantage of the situation to ask for more money, and the reason why they came to Jieshi Hotel, besides asking for money, "is to enjoy this eye-catching feeling.

They actually lied to the guests in the hotel. From the beginning to the end, they never thought of releasing them. They even planted bombs in the hotel.

They have seen many terrorist organizations in the news, and they also want to plan their own terrorist attack. It took them several years to plan this event, and they have decided to use this event to start a good start.

Qi Lin had no idea what the robbers were thinking. He was thinking about how to save himself in the hotel lobby.

He is not a fool, he knows that these robbers must be planning more than these things.

If these robbers were ordinary robbers, then he could really stay in the hotel living room with peace of mind, waiting for others to rescue him.

But the problem is that he feels that these robbers are not ordinary robbers at all, they are very likely to be terrorist organizations, and they may even plan a very major terrorist attack.

And they are the victims.

It was impossible for Qi Lin to just sit and wait. He checked his surroundings, and then he found that the number of people in this organization was actually not very high.

Now there are one or two hundred people in the hotel lobby, and there are only a dozen robbers watching them. Since they all have guns in their hands, no one dares to resist.

The number of robbers in the lobby of the hotel is the largest, and the number of robbers on the second and third floors and the upper floors is very small.

He had observed when he was running before that the number of powder receivers on each floor was about two to three.

This hotel is very high-end and has a very large space. There are more than 20 to 30 floors on the 20th floor. With so many floors, there are not hundreds of people, so they must not be able to take care of them.

Qi Lin didn't know why they chose such a big hotel to commit crimes, which was not a good thing for these people, but the reason why these people chose this hotel was not his business.

...asking for flowers...

One of the most important things he needs to do now is to escape from here first.

Thinking of this, he moved a little bit, but in the end he only moved a bit, and he got the attention of the robbers next to him.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the other party's question, Qi Lin froze for a moment, then he replied to the opponent.


"I'm a bit uncomfortable sitting like this, so..."

Before Qi Lin finished speaking, he hit his head, and the other party was very angry.

"I don't care what your reason is, you'd better stay here obediently, don't move anything, not even your fingers.

"If you still dare to move, then don't want your fingers."

The opponent's vicious threats did not have any impact on Qi Lin. After taking a loud breath, he began to observe the robbers around him.

If he was the only one here, he could have a lot of room to play, but it's a pity that there are too many hostages here, and he doesn't have much room to play. .

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