The police panicked, and the robbers couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

Now that Qi Lin has reached the outer layer of the hotel, the police don't need to worry too much, they are not continuing to communicate with the robbers.

They forced their way into the hotel directly, and Qi Lin returned to the ground safely in this messy environment.

Five hours later, he appeared in the police station, and he didn't know what was going on with him. The number of times he appeared in the police station during this period was very high.

After briefly explaining the cause and effect, he sat by the side and waited for others to finish their notes.

The police treated him very enthusiastically. They knew that Qi Lin was the richest man in the world, so they were afraid that they would not treat him well.

Qi Lin looked at the police station with people coming and going, and he suddenly felt a little tired. He felt that it was time for him to consider returning to China first.

He kind of misses his daughters and wives.

He has always been a character who does what he says and does it. After having this idea, he did not hesitate for a moment and called his assistant directly, asking the assistant to arrange a private jet to take him back to the country directly.

Handling didn't say anything, they directly transferred a private jet from nearby to pick up Qi Lin.

After Qi Lin greeted the chief of the police station, he boarded the private jet.

After another five hours, he finally returned to his country.

When he just got off the plane, he felt dizzy for a moment. Too many things happened today, so he had to go back and take a rest.

Not long after he got off the plane, the assistant hurried over to pick him up.

"I'm really sorry, the car broke down on the road..."

The reason why the assistant apologized was because he failed to receive Qi Lin in time. Qi Lin didn't care about such things. After hearing this sentence, he just wiped his hands.

"Go back first."

When the assistant heard this, he nodded quickly, then ran in front of Qi Lin, and opened the car door with one hand.

Qi Lin sat in the back seat, he rubbed his temples, and then said to his assistant.

"Go back to Villa No. 1 first."

The assistant understands that what Qi Lin needs most now is to rest, he replied Qi Lin.

"Okay, do I need to tell the ladies about your return?"

Qi Lin shook his head and replied: "No, I'll go directly to give them a surprise when the time comes."

The assistant didn't say anything more, he sent Qi Lin back to Villa No. 1, and then left the villa.

The next day, it was already noon when Qi Lin woke up. Too many things happened yesterday, so he couldn't help falling asleep when he arrived at the villa in tenth school last night.

When he woke up at noon today, he could obviously feel that his spirit had improved a lot.

037 He originally wanted to have a simple lunch in his villa, but seeing that there was nothing in the refrigerator, he finally decided to eat at his wife's house.

He has too many wives, so he chooses where to go like choosing a concubine.

Because he must have eaten in the past, so she chose to go to the home of a wife who cooks better food.

This person is Qiu Yuelin, and he hasn't been to her house for a long time.

After choosing his destination, he asked his assistant to pick him up.

Qiu Yuelin lived in Villa No. 9. When he passed by, there was no movement in the villa. .

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