But Qiu Yuelin suddenly thought that the vegetables in the supermarket might not be fresh, so they finally went to the vegetable market.

After arriving at the vegetable market, they began to choose vegetables.

Qiu Yuelin doesn't buy much food herself, and has little experience in choosing dishes.

She picked and picked, and finally picked out a few dishes that looked good.

"This should be pretty good..."

Hearing Qiu Yuelin's words, Qi Lin smiled and accepted all the orders. He put all the vegetables and meat together for the check.

In fact, they bought enough ingredients to feed the entire family for a week.

Qiu Yuelin has no concept of quantity, but Qi Lin doesn't care about such trivial matters. He is willing to spoil his wife, and no one can do anything about him. 820 After they brought all the ingredients back to the villa, Qiu Yuelin started to cook. Although she is not good at buying ingredients, she is very good at cooking.

She is very talented in cooking, and he himself has signed up for a cooking class.

In less than two hours, she had a lunch ready.

It can be said that the lunch was full of banquets. When Qi Lin saw it, he was shocked. He didn't expect such a big battle.

"How did you eat so much?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Qiu Yuelin lowered her head in embarrassment and replied. (cebg)

"I originally wanted you to taste my newly learned dishes, and then I accidentally cooked so many, but it doesn't matter, it's enough for you to grow each dish a little longer."

Seeing Qiu Yelin's expectant eyes, Qi Lin touched Qiu Yuelin's head helplessly, and then he began to pick up the chopsticks and taste them bite by bite.

He will carefully taste every bite and make an evaluation.

Qiu Yuelin's eyes are full of happiness, she really feels like she is dreaming now.

Qi Lin has not been back for a long time, and she has not had lunch with Qi Lin for a long time. This long-lost feeling makes her feel that even if it is a dream, she is unwilling to wake up.

After tasting all the dishes.

Qi Lin felt that his stomach was also full, and he burped directly after eating.

"It can't be done, I feel that I have eaten enough, so don't cook so many meals next time.

Qiu Yuelin replied with a smile.

"Got it, I won't do it next time!"

"By the way, why did you come back so soon.

Hearing Qiu Yuelin's question, Qi Lin replied to Qiu Yuelin,

"Actually, it's not a big deal, I just miss you, so come back to see what's going on with you, don't you welcome me?"

When Qiu Yuelin heard this, she immediately replied with her eyes wide open.

"I don't welcome you. Don't talk nonsense. I think about your return every day. When you came back today, I thought it was a dream."

"How long are you going to stay with me today? You're not going to go to another woman's place at night, are you?"

When Qiu Yuelin said the last sentence, her mouth pouted.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Qi Lin pinched her bulging cheek and said.

"Okay, can I not go to other people's place tonight?"

"Who are you pouting for?"

After Qiu Yuelin heard this, she immediately replied with a smile on her face, "I knew you were the best, then we agreed, today is my time, you can't go to other women."

Qi Lin—Xiang kept his promise, since he promised Qiu Yuelin, he would not go back on his word. .

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