When I travel, I don't pay attention to it, just because I don't have the conditions to pay attention to it. Of course, the most important reason is because he is lazy.

As long as he wanted, he could airfresh all kinds of fresh ingredients from various countries at any time, but he didn't want to make such trouble.

Now that he has returned to China, he must of course ensure the quality of life under the condition that there is no trouble.

This private restaurant is only for him. Although the store is very large, he is always the only customer of "Two Seventy" here.

The assistant didn't go in with him, he was waiting for Qi Lin outside.

As soon as Qi Lin entered the door, the boss came out to greet him very warmly.

"President Qi, long time no see?"

Hearing the boss' greeting, Qi Lin smiled at the other party and nodded.

"Has there been any new cuisines recently?"

The boss Qi Lin replied: "There must be, we have researched all kinds of flavors, but I don't know what kind of flavor you want to eat now.

When he said this, it was like magic, and he took out a menu from the side, and the dishes on the menu were densely arranged in a row.

All these dishes were researched by the chef, and they were specially researched for Qi Lin.

After all, Qi Lin is their major shareholder, because the boss.

When Qi Lin went out to travel, they didn't have to do anything every month, they just specialized in cooking. Anyway, even so, they could still receive a super high salary every month.

Qi Lin's eyes were dazzled from looking at the menu, he rubbed his eyes, and then he handed the menu to the boss.

"Forget it, you can choose whatever you want, you can serve me whatever taste I ate before.

The boss didn't say anything, and responded with a smile.

After about ten minutes, the food was brought up one after another.

These meals are all delicious in color and fragrance, and Qi Lin still prefers to eat local food. After he smelled it, he began to read with chopsticks.

The food was indeed delicious, and he put down the bowls and chopsticks after eating two full bowls.

As soon as he put down the bowls and chopsticks, a waiter immediately came up to clean them up.

He had never seen this waiter.

So I looked at the waiter more.

The boss is a person who is very good at observing words and expressions. When he saw Qi Lin's eyes and stayed on the waiter for a few more eyes, he knew that Qi Lin had paid attention to this waiter..

He immediately stepped forward to introduce Qi Lin.

"This is the newly recruited waiter in our restaurant. The previous waiter resigned because she got married and became pregnant and went back to her hometown."

"This waiter is new to us."

After Qi Lin heard the boss's introduction, he nodded and asked the waiter.

"how long have you been here?"

The waiter is a little girl who looks quite young, with a round face and big eyes, she looks innocent and harmless.

When the waiter heard Qi Lin's question, she lowered her head and Qi Lin replied.

"It's been nearly three months."

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and said to the 3.4 waiter.

"How old is it for so long?"

When the waiter heard this, she replied Qi Lin.

"Although I look younger, I am actually twenty-five years old."

When Qi Lin heard the answer, he opened his mouth in surprise. He really didn't expect the waiter to be twenty-five years old.

In fact, if the waiter said she was eighteen, he would believe it. .

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