Qi Lin first taught the girl the correct gestures, and then he told the girl to correct the angle. The whole teaching was very professional.

But billiards can't be learned overnight. The two of them played for more than two hours, and both of them felt tired, so they sat aside to rest.

The girl took the initiative to ask Qi Lin.

"Does Mr. Qi often fight here?"

Qi Lin shook his head at the girl and replied.

"No, just occasionally."

After the girl heard it, she immediately replied to Qi Lin.

"Then you are so talented, you can play so well just once in a while, you can even go to 467 to become a professional player."

Qi Lin smiled and didn't speak. The two of them chatted one after another. In fact, the two of them had very few topics, and Qi Lin didn't want to reveal too much personal information.

So at the end of the chat, they had nothing to talk about.

Just when the girl was racking her brains to find a new topic, Qi Lin suddenly asked the girl.

"Have you met me before?"

When the girl heard Qi Lin's question, she answered Qi Lin with some doubts.

"No, I haven't seen you before"

Qi Lin nodded: "Then I think you know me quite well, where did you know me?"

The girl smiled awkwardly, but she did not deny Qi Lin's words.

"After all, you are the big boss of our store. As an employee in the store, you should know what kind of identity the big boss of our store is."

When Qi Lin heard this, he didn't continue to say anything. After the two played billiards for a while, they got into the car and went back together.

After getting in the car, he asked the girl, "Where do you live?"

The girl Qi Lin said, "Are you going to send me back?"

Qi Lin nodded, although he thinks this girl is really pretty, but he has seen a lot of pretty beauties, not every good-looking person, he must (cgaf).

The girl knew that Qi Lin was going to send her home, she pursed her lips, and suddenly said to Qi Dui.

"Actually, I still have time. We can go shopping again, or wherever you want to go, I can go together."

Qi Lin turned his head and said to the girl: "I think I should express my meaning very clearly, the two of us are not suitable."

The girl's eye sockets were filled with tears all of a sudden, she cried and asked Qi Lin of the Emperor.

"Can I ask why? Is there something I just did wrong?"

The girl really found it very strange. She obviously felt that she and Qi Lin got along very well. Why did Qi Lin suddenly say that he wanted to send her home? She thought it might be because his performance just now was not good.

Qi Lin shook his head at the girl, and he replied to the girl.

"It has nothing to do with you, it's because I'm tired and want to go back first."

When the girl heard this, she lowered her head and stopped talking. After a while, she said to Qi Lin.

"Then can we exchange a contact information? We can also hang out together later if you have time.

Qi Lin shook his head and refused. The girl knew that Qi Lin meant that he didn't intend to keep in touch with her.

She sighed, and then told the assistant where she lived. .

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