"What do you mean by that? Didn't you just say that you would drive us out?"

Hearing this, the hotel manager shook his head quickly, and Qi Lin replied.

"I didn't mean that, I didn't know you..."

"Do you need to rest now? I will ask the front desk to open a presidential suite for you right now!"

When the big star heard this, he had a puzzled look on his face. He didn't quite understand what the hotel manager meant.

"Haven't we already booked this hotel?!"

The hotel manager had no blood on his face, and replied to the big star.

"I'm really sorry, our current boss has been replaced by this gentleman..."

The big star's eyes widened in disbelief, he couldn't believe his ~ears.

"Who are you lying to?!"

"Isn't your boss the one surnamed Wang-?"

The hotel manager swallowed, and he replied to the big-star.

"Just two minutes ago, he had been sold to Mr. Qi.

The big star glanced at Qi Lin and Xia Taotao, and then he glanced at the hotel manager.

"I think you are kidding me?!"

The big star felt that the hotel and Qi Lin were in the same group. He gave the people on both sides of them a hard look, then turned and left.

After the big star left with his manager and staff, the hotel manager directly bowed to Qi Lin and Xia Taotao.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know about this..."

Xia Taotao saw the hotel manager's face now, she felt that the manager was extremely ridiculous, and she wanted to let the security guard drive them away just now.

"I don't think you need to work in this hotel anymore. Dogs see people as inferior!"

Now that Xia Taotao has already said that, Qi Lin will naturally not let him stay in the hotel. Just two minutes ago, he asked his assistant to buy this hotel.

As the richest man in the world, buying a hotel is a breeze for him.

Originally, this matter was easy to solve, but this hotel manager wanted to fight hard, so he had no choice but to use a more ruthless method to solve it.

"Then pack up and leave."

After Qi Lin finished talking to the hotel manager, he asked the front desk to lead them to the presidential suite.

...asking for flowers...

The hotel manager's face was pale, and he moved his lips to plead for mercy, but when he thought about what happened just now, he felt that no matter how much he pleaded, it was useless.

So he could only pack his things and leave in despair.

After Xia Taotao and Qi Lin went to the presidential suite together, Xia Taotao was still talking about what happened just now.

"It really pissed me off! Could it be that a big Hollywood star can be so arrogant and unreasonable?"

"Could it be that he and I are filming a movie? If this is the case, then I don't want to act in this movie!"

Xia Taotao was really very angry. She was most angry with that big star, but he was just a star. She didn't think he was qualified to show off.

Seeing Jia Taotao's angry look, Qi Lin patted Xia Taotao's head, and then said to Xia Tiaochao.

"If you're really angry, I'll be by your side when you're filming tomorrow."

When Xia Taotao heard this, she nodded to Qi Lin, jumped up and said to Qi Lin.

"Yay! I knew you were the best four!".

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