The moment Xia Taotao was splashed with water, she was a little dazed, but out of professionalism, she continued to take up the lines, but unexpectedly, the male lead was that big star, and she laughed outright.

"That's really embarrassing, I accidentally laughed, why don't we do it again?"

After Xia Taotao heard the director call out, she directly questioned the big star.

"What do you mean? Didn't you hear what the director said? The director asked you to splash water on my clothes, not my face!"

Hearing this sentence, the 28th star shrugged his shoulders, and then replied to Xia Taotao.

"So what? I think the plot splashed on your face will become more reasonable."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask the director, I believe the director also thinks it's better to post it on your face.

When the director heard the big star's words, his expression became embarrassed, and he said to Xia Taotao with some confusion.

"Actually, it is indeed like this, or you will sacrifice it?"

Xia Taotao took a deep breath, she told herself to bear it, Qi Lin was not on the set at this time, he went to buy a drink for Taotao and lost it.

He never bought drinks for just one person, he bought all the drinks for the whole crew.

It is precisely because of this that everyone in the crew likes them very much.

Big stars don't like their appearance the most, thinking that they are just buying people's hearts.

Xia Taotao felt that Qi Lin was not here, she didn't need to argue with them, she said to the big star.

"Okay, just splash it! But I hope some people will have a little professionalism and stop laughing!"

The big star didn't speak, he raised his eyebrows, with a mocking smile on his face, Xia Taotao saw the expression on the big star's face, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

The director sat back in his seat, and then he stared at the machine with the walkie-talkie and said.

"Three two one, start!"

After turning on the phone, Xia Taotao immediately returned to the state of the character itself, and she spoke coldly with emotion every word.

The big star splashed water very early this time, before she finished her lines, the big star splashed water on her face directly.

The director frowned very tightly, and he called out very quickly this time.

"what's up?"

The big star had a hypocritical apology on his face: "Oh, I'm really sorry, I'm so nervous in my heart, just now you said that to me, I didn't think I could be there, and I accidentally splashed it too early."

"It will definitely not happen next time, come, come, come again."

The director had no choice but to hold back his temper and nodded.

Xia Taotao still endured it, she closed her eyes and asked the makeup artist to touch up her makeup again, and started shooting again.

The rhythm of the first half of this time was very good, and the director also felt that this time should be almost passable, but unexpectedly, the big star suddenly forgot the words.

After the big star forgot his words, he paused for a while, and then he laughed again.

"That's really embarrassing, your appearance is so funny, look at the drowned look on your face, hahahahaha!"

Xia Taotao finally couldn't bear it anymore, she overturned the table directly.

"What do you mean? You did it on purpose, didn't you?".

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