Although the facts are indeed like this, he cannot let Qi Lin think that the facts are like this.

"How can I know your identity? What is your identity? Can you tell me?"

Seeing Xiao Zhao's poor acting skills, Qi Lin shook his head, and then he said to Xiao Zhao.

"It seems that you are obviously not very familiar with the business of acting. With such poor acting skills, if I were the director, "370" would definitely not hire you.

"I know that you already know my identity and my name. If you don't know my name, how can the little brother who just came to me know what my last name is?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhao patted his forehead regretfully. He was negligent. He didn't expect Qi Lin to deduce it based on these details. He already knew Qi Lin's identity.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhao took a deep breath and asked Qi Lin seriously.

"Are you angry then?"

Qi Lin asked a little confused.

"Why should I be angry?"

In fact, Xiao Zhao thought that if he found someone to investigate Qi Lin in private, it would probably make Qi Lin angry, so he didn't want to reveal this matter so quickly.

Now that he heard Qi Lin's question, he was also a little confused.

"Aren't you angry at all? After all, I found someone to investigate you in private. If I didn't investigate you, I wouldn't know your name, let alone your name.

Hearing this, Qi Lin laughed loudly, and then he replied to Xiao Zhao.

"What does it matter? If you know it, you will know it. If you investigate it, you will investigate it. It is normal for you to investigate me. I never meant to cover it up.

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Qi Lin would be angry. As long as Qi Lin wasn't angry, that's all.

"Great! We happen to have some wine, let's have a drink together."

Qi Lin smiled without moving, and said to Xiao Zhao.

"It's true that you are not angry, but I remember that I have told you that if the opportunity is missed, it is missed. Since you have missed this opportunity, then we have no place to cooperate.

What Xiao Zhao is best at is being thick-skinned and shameless. If he wasn't good at something, he wouldn't be the boss in this kind of gang...

"What you said is too extreme. Even if we can still discuss some things, I think since you are pulling us into business, it means that we still have something you can appreciate."

Qi Lin still had a smile on his face and said to the other party.

"Since you said that, tell me what I like about you."

Xiao Zhao did not expect Qi Lin to ask him this question in return. He was speechless for a moment. After about two minutes, he answered Qi Lin.

"Maybe it's because of our thick skin, although I don't know what you like about us, but don't worry, as long as we have something that makes you like us, we will definitely make use of this advantage! "

After Qi Lin listened, he laughed louder, and after a while, he said to Xiao Zhao.

"Okay, since you have already said that, then I will tell you frankly that the person I fancy is you. If you want, you can do business with me. If you don't want to, then this opportunity is gone. Already."

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