The girls, Qi Lin, replied, "We were frightened by you standing here suddenly, so of course we would yell!"

"Wait a minute! Are you saying there are people in front of you?"

When Qi Lin heard the questions from those girls, he nodded to them.

"That's right, the front is full of people, I think you should not go forward, there are so many people in front, it's better to take the original road.

After hearing Qi Lin's words, the girls sighed in frustration and said.

"There are really too many people here. We finally found a small path to go there, but we didn't expect that there were still so many people..."

Qi Lin heard what they said, and he asked these girls.

"Are you here to eat too?"

The girls nodded. Although they were frightened by Qilin at first, Qilin was not vigilant behind them, because Qilin was very handsome.

They are all relatively young girls, and they take it for granted that a handsome man is not a bad person.

"We just came here to eat. Our stomachs were almost starved, but we didn't expect that there were so many people outside. No matter how crowded we couldn't get in, we had no choice but to find a small path." (acfd)

"Now it seems that even Xiaolu can't take us to eat delicious food, what do you think we should do?!"

When Qi Lin saw these girls saying this, he thought for a while, and then he said to these girls.

"Otherwise, let's go with me, and I'll see if I can take you to eat something.

The girls looked at each other, and they asked Qi Lin.

"Is what you said true? Do you really want to take us to eat? I want to kidnap us and sell our kidneys?"

Qi Lin answered these girls dumbfounded: "Do I look like someone who will kidnap you to sell your kidneys?"

The girls glanced at Qi Lin's face, and then shook their heads very sincerely.

Qi Lin really didn't look like someone who would abduct them to sell their kidneys.

After Qi Lin saw them shaking their heads, he sighed and replied to them.

"Thank you for thinking that I am not the kind of person who would abduct you to sell your kidneys. It is a good thing to be vigilant. I promise you that I will never abduct you to sell your kidneys. 17

"Then you come with me now."

The girls nodded, and then they followed Qi Lin, who took them to another famous restaurant.

This entire alley is full of well-known local restaurants and pubs. The reason why restaurants and pubs are famous is not because of how delicious they are, but because their consumption here is particularly expensive.

When those girls saw Qi Lin bring them here, their faces were all terrified.

"Are you crazy? How can you bring us here, don't you know that the consumption here is notoriously expensive?!"

Those girls were really very afraid of them, afraid that they would be abducted to cut their kidneys if they had no money to pay off their debts after eating.

Of course, Qi Lin was what they were most suspicious of. They thought that Qi Lin might be a trustee in that kind of restaurant, looking for people to spend money in such an expensive restaurant.

Seeing how scared they were, Qi Lin shook his head with a smile, and said to these girls. .

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