Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

096: Sorry, I Went To The Wrong Place

Those girls couldn't believe that Qi Lin had actually reserved an entire private room just like that.

Qi Lin had already handed the card to the waiter, and they had no choice but to follow Qi Lin into the private room.

After arriving in the private room, they finally couldn't help but ask Qi Lin.

"Why did you give your card to that waiter? Didn't you see that that waiter just looked down on others?"

"He just thought we couldn't afford so much money, so he said that on purpose."

"When we were talking behind him, he kept looking at us with that mocking smile, didn't you see?"

Seeing how angry these girls were, Nalin hurriedly replied to comfort them.

"I understand what you mean, you just don't want to continue to be angry here, but since we have come here, of course we have to drink first and then talk."

"Besides, our best counterattack is not to walk out of this pub, but to drink here.".

"He thinks we can't afford to drink. If we really leave, don't we really become the kind of people who can't afford to drink in his eyes?"

When the girls heard what Qi Lin said, they were all silent.

Indeed, if they had left just now, the waiter would only think that they were indeed people who couldn't afford to drink.

When these girls thought of this, they became extremely angry, and they felt that their personalities were insulted.

Qi Lin was not as angry as they were, probably because his confidence was there.

He himself knows that he is richer than everyone in this world, so even if he is said to have no money, he will not be angry.

After these girls complained a few words, they didn't say anything more.

Anyway, they are all here, since they have already entered the private room, it is useless for them to say more.

Qi Lin saw that the girls had calmed down, so he asked the waiter to bring some bottles of wine.

The quality of the wine in this tavern is still very good, and the price is not in vain.

Even if they don't know much about wine, those girls can drink it, and the wine they brought up is really good.

Qi Lin took care of those girls, and all the wines he ordered were sweet wines, but these girls' drinking capacity was relatively light, even if they only drank a little, they were still poured on the table in the end.

In less than an hour, all these girls were drunk.

Qi Lin looked at these girls with some regret. He originally thought that these girls could drink him down.

Just when Qi Lin was drinking alone, there was a knock on the door, and he said to the person at the door.

"Come in."

He originally thought that the person outside the door was coming in to deliver drinks, but he didn't expect that the person standing outside the door was an unknown person.

Seeing the other person holding a bottle of wine in his hand, he asked the other person with a puzzled look.

(Zhao Haohao) "Who are you? What's the matter?"

With two red clouds on the other person's face, he answered Qilin.

"Oops, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong place..."

The other party said this, but had no intention of leaving. He walked directly into the room and put the wine in his hand on the table.

Seeing that the other party looked so familiar, Qi Lin frowned and said to the other party.

"Hey, I don't know you. You went to the wrong private room."

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