"Don't tell me, I really think so. I think you are too naive. They have been doing this for several years and have not been able to succeed.

"Why do you think that after you join them, they will succeed?"

After the other party listened, he didn't say anything. He just poured himself another glass of wine and took a sip.

He understands the truth, but it is difficult for him to let go of his relationship with his brothers.

And many things are difficult to sum up in one word.

Thinking of this, the other party took several more sips of wine. Seeing the other party's depressed look, Qi Lin had no intention of continuing to drink with him.

"If you want to hide here with me, then you can hide here. I'll go back first." 1

When the other party saw that Qi Lin was leaving so soon, he quickly grabbed Qi Lin and asked Qi Lin.

"Don't, if you leave, won't there be no one to drink with me?"

Qi Lin replied to the other party dumbfounded.

"You don't need me to drink with you, I see that you are very excited to drink alone, and it's the same when you drink here alone

When the other party heard this, he hiccupped, and then Qi Lin replied.

"Don't say that. It's really boring for me to drink alone. Even if you don't drink, you can stay here with me."

Qi Lin was really not that boring. After hearing this, he thought for a moment, then took out a business card from his pocket, and put his business card in front of the other party.

"I won't be with you anymore. I'll go back to rest. If you have any other ideas, you can contact me tomorrow according to the contact information on the business card."

The other party was obviously drunk. Hearing Qi Lin's words, he glanced at the business card on his desk, and then he read out the words on it word by word.

Seeing that the other party was quite drunk, Qi Lin shook his head, and then he walked out of the box directly.

After walking out of the private room, the previous manager who looked down on people immediately came up to him and said.

"Hello sir!"

Seeing the other party's polite appearance now, Qi Lin smiled and said to the other party.

"So polite now, you weren't like this when we came."

When the manager heard this sentence, he immediately replied.

"It's all our problem! I'm really sorry to make you feel neglected!"

After the other party finished saying this, he bowed a ninety-degree bow to Qi Lin, and Qi Lin didn't want to care about these things, he was already used to these people who step on the low and praise the high.

"Okay, I'm going back. Give me the card."

The manager was like a dog's leg. He smiled very brightly at Qilin, and then asked the waiter to help with the checkout.

After settling the bill, Qi Lin went back to the hotel to rest.

The next day, he received a strange phone call.

"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Qi?"

Hearing this sentence, Qi Lin asked with sleepy eyes.

"It's me, who is it?"

The person on the phone heard Qi Lin's voice (from Nuoma), and the other party replied excitedly.

"I was the one who drank with you last night. I wonder if it would be inconvenient for you to come out today?"

Upon hearing the question, Qi Lin glanced at the time displayed on his phone, and then they answered each other.

"Okay, I just have to go to dinner. If you want to chat with me, just go to the restaurant and find me."

After Qi Lin told the other party the address of the hotel, he hung up the phone. .

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