When only Xiao Zhou and Qi Lin were left in the private room, Xiao Zhou said to Qi Lin rather speechlessly.

"I'm really convinced. Why are there always such strange people? Since there are other private rooms, why don't you just go to other private rooms and disturb our mood here."

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled and said nothing. Since he came out to travel, he has seen everything, including this kind of thing.

He had seen the kind of people who jumped in line and insisted on taking the private room before.

Qi Lin shared this incident with Xiao Zhou as a joke. After Xiao Zhou heard about it, he asked Qi Lin with wide eyes.

"Is what you said true or false? Is there really such a person? Isn't that really disgusting?"

Qi Lin replied to Xiao Zhou.

"I look like a liar, so there are many wonders in the big world. In fact, the few friends you met are not so strange."

"That's just simply treating you as a fool, and you don't have to think too much..."

After Xiao Zhou listened, he was amazed.

"So I have to say that your psychological quality is really strong, and you can still be so calm when you encounter this kind of thing."

Qi Lin replied to Xiao Zhou.

"Don't say I am calm, in fact I was not very calm at that time."

Anyway, you don’t really understand. "

While the two of them were chatting, the door of their private room was knocked again. They thought it was the food that was finally delivered, but it turned out not to be.

The waiter walked into their private room alone, with regret and embarrassment on the other side's face.

"I'm really sorry, can you change to a private room? Because the guests downstairs insisted on it all the time, and they proposed a way to compensate you.

"Your bills today will be borne by them."

When Xiao Zhou heard this, he immediately laughed angrily. He pointed to his nose and asked the waiter.

"Do you think we are short of money? Just tell the people downstairs that we don't want to, or we don't want to!"

"Stop harassing us, we've been waiting for so long, and the food hasn't come yet, what's going on with your restaurant?!"

Seeing that Xiao Zhou was really angry, the waiter quickly replied to Xiao Zhou.

"I'm really sorry, I'll urge the back kitchen, and the food will be delivered as soon as possible."

The waiter knew that there was no way to persuade the two guests, and when he was about to turn around and leave, the door was knocked again.

After the waiter opened the door, he found that the guests from downstairs came up, and he looked at these guests with surprise.

Those guests were not going to spend time with the waiter here, they wanted to talk to Xiao Zhou and Qi Lin directly.

After arriving in the box, Xiao Zhou realized that these people were his friends.

The friends didn't expect that the people in the private room were Xiao Zhou and Qi Lin. When they saw Xiao Zhou and (Zhao Zhao) Qi Lin, they all froze in place.

"How could it be you?!"

Xiao Zhou didn't speak, he was silent.

Qi Lin picked up a chopstick and put it into his mouth, and he replied to the other party while chewing.

"I should be asking you this sentence, why are you here? Could it be that you are deliberately following us?"

When those friends heard this, they quickly shook their heads and replied, "Khan." .

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