After the waiter finished serving the food, he said to them.

"I'm really sorry just now. We didn't mean to anger you. It's actually those guests who have been asking us to negotiate with you."

"That's why we are like this. To express our apology, we have given you two dishes as a gift. I hope you won't be angry."

When Xiao Zhou heard this, he glanced at the waiter and saw the frightened expression on the face of the "120" waiter. He replied to the waiter.

"Forget it, it's okay. You are also victims. What else can you do when you encounter such a weird guest?"

Although the waiter didn't say anything, he strongly agreed with Xiao Zhou's words.

Those who work as catering staff are also victims. They encounter countless weird people every day. What calendar can they have?!

Xiao Zhou didn't want to say anything more, so he nodded to the waiter and replied.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can go down first, we need to eat."

Upon hearing this, the waiter immediately nodded and replied.

"Okay, I'll go down immediately."

After saying that, the waiter opened the door and walked away.

When only Xiao Zhou and Qi Lin were left in the private room, Xiao Zhou said to Qi Lin.

"Actually, I'm not angry, I just think those people are really shameless. I helped them so much before, but now they think I broke up with them because of money."

"Okay, actually this conclusion is indeed correct, but I think they should be at least a little grateful to me."

"But I found that they didn't. They just thought I was treacherous. If that's the case, how could I maintain face with them?!"

When Xiao Zhou said this, he picked up a piece of fish and put it into his mouth. He seemed to have regarded the piece of fish in his mouth as the human flesh of those people.

Seeing Xiao Zhou's angry look, Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then he asked Xiao Zhou.

"Since you said that, do you want us to go and solve it?"

When Xiao Zhou heard this, he asked Qi Lin in confusion.

"How to solve it? How to solve it?"

Qi Lin laughed, and then he replied to Xiao Zhou.

"Of course, let's resolve it in every sense of the word. Aren't they making you unhappy? If they are making you unhappy, then why are you still sulking?"

"Just find someone to tie them up, and then you can beat them randomly and treat them as venting your anger..."

When Xiao Zhou heard this, he opened his mouth wide. He did not expect Qi Lin to come up with such an idea.

"We are now a society governed by the rule of law..."

Because Xiao Zhou was so surprised that he stuttered a little when he spoke. Seeing Xiao Zhou's surprised look, Qi Lin burst into laughter.

"Do you need to be so surprised? Is it possible that you haven't had a fight since you grew up??"

When Xiao Zhou heard this, his face turned a little red.

"I can't say that I have never had a fight. I had a fight once when I was in elementary school, but that was a long time ago in 2.0..."

“And since it’s an adult matter, I think it’s better not to use this kind of violence again.

Qi Lin smiled and shook his head and replied.

"I don't think this is a form of violence between primary school students. In fact, I think adults should sometimes use a little non-violence and non-cooperation.",

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