"You don't have to rack your brains to think of what to say goodbye to me. For me, there is actually no need to say goodbye.

"Because we parted for the next time we meet. It doesn't matter even if we don't meet next time. It's enough to go through this experience."

Xiao Zhou also laughed when he heard this long paragraph. He nodded vigorously to Qi Lin and answered.

All in all! Thank you! Thank you for teaching me so much, and thank you for being willing to drink and chat with me.

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and replied.

"Okay, then I'll accept your thanks.

After the two said a friendly goodbye, Qi Lin returned to his hotel room and decided to go back tomorrow.

He has been here for a long time, and he is afraid that his wives will protest if he does not go back.

Several people called him a few days ago and asked him when he would go back.

After he decided to go back, he had a meal downstairs in the hotel and then went back to rest.

After one day passed, I went out early the next morning.

He also had a special breakfast before going out.

The assistant was already waiting for him at the hotel entrance.

Seeing the assistant waiting for him at the door, he nodded to the assistant and then asked the assistant.

"Nothing happened at home, right?"

Upon hearing Qi Lin's question, the assistant shook his head and Qi Lin answered.

"Except that the ladies miss you too much, there is nothing else."

When Qi Lin heard this, he laughed a few times, then bent down and sat in the back seat.

The assistant drove him back to the villa himself. Because the distance was relatively far, it took about a few hours of driving.

When he returned to the villa, he was very tired.

But because he slept for a long time last night, even if he was tired when he returned to the villa, he didn't feel like sleeping.

"Who's free right now?"

After finding that he was not sleepy at all, Qi Lin called his assistant and asked the assistant who was more available.

When the assistant heard this meaningless sentence, he was a little confused for a moment. After a while, he answered Qilin.

"Are you talking about the employees in the company?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he replied to his assistant.

"Of course I'm asking about the bosses who work with us. I haven't greeted them recently. I just happen to be free now to go greet them."

After the assistant listened, he replied to Qilin.

"`[[Okay, Mr. Qi, let me ask you now, but in fact, as long as you want to greet them, they will come over to meet you regardless of whether they are free or not."

Qi Lin replied to the assistant with a smile.

"Then let's go and invite them to the conference hall on the top floor of the company. I want to have a meeting with them."

The assistant agreed.

After Qi Lin informed his assistant about this, he slowly got out of bed, washed up, and prepared to go out to the company.

After a trip to other places, he started thinking about business again.

After arriving at the company, my employees and I were very surprised because they had not seen their boss for a long time.

This is the first time they have seen their boss in several years.

I saw some employees looking at me with their mouths wide open, which made them nod and say.

"good afternoon?".

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