“Which is it? This is not my home. ”

Chen Luo patted his somewhat tingling head, looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, his expression a little confused.

I remember having dinner with colleagues from the company last night, drinking a little too much, he got into a taxi crookedly, and then he couldn’t remember what happened.

“This… This is. ”

Chen Luo, who was slightly awake, after seeing the situation in the room clearly, took a few steps back in horror and looked at the corpse not far away with wide eyes.

A figure was lying in a pool of blood, looking at so much blood on the ground, it was definitely cold.

“I don’t want to kill people, do I?”

Chen Luo was a little nervous.

What to do? Call the police? The thought was dismissed as soon as it arose.

Now in this situation, even if he is not a murderer, he will be regarded as a murderer.

[Ding, the host has been detected to wake up, and the equivalent trading system has officially started! ] 】

“System? Systems in fiction? ”

Chen Luo’s brain was a little confused, first he saw a corpse, and then he bound the system, and he couldn’t slow down for a while.

“Wait, how is this corpse on the ground exactly like me?”

After taking a closer look at the corpses on the ground, he found that the corpses on the ground were almost ninety-nine percent similar to him, and the twins were not so similar.

[System prompt, the world where the host is located is no longer the original world, last night when the system bound the host, the host encountered danger, and took you to this world in an emergency. ] 】

[This corpse is you in a parallel world, and you were frightened when you saw the sudden appearance, accidentally fell, and your head hit the corner of the table and died. ] 】

“Me in a parallel world?”

Chen Luo looked at the corpse on the ground, his expression was very complicated, he reached out and tested his snort, and sure enough, it was already cold.

The ground is full of blood, and if this amount of blood is not cool, it is non-human.

“You said that I was in danger, so you took me through in an emergency, what danger did I encounter?”

Chen Luo couldn’t help but ask towards the system.

[The car that the host got on yesterday was a black car, and the driver was a murderer! ] 】

“I lean, why am I so unlucky, can you send me back?”

[The host can’t afford to travel back, not for the time being! ] 】

“System, can you help me dispose of this corpse?”

The smell of blood is so strong, sooner or later he will be discovered, and if he is discovered, he will definitely be arrested.

[This system is an equivalent trading system, if you want to get something, you must pay something equivalent, the host wants the system to help you dispose of the corpse, first think about what to trade, there is no free lunch under the sky! ] 】

[Now the system sees that the host has just crossed, temporarily answer your questions for free, and if you want the system to answer the questions in the future, you need to make a transaction. ] 】

“Do you have any newbie benefits?”

Chen Luo’s face was not very good-looking, and he actually asked for money to ask a question? It’s too dark!

[Yes, but the host has already used it, and when you encounter danger, taking you automatically through to avoid the death crisis is a newbie benefit.] 】

“What kind of newbie benefit is this?”

Chen Luo’s face was even more ugly.

He lived well in the original world, but was thrown into a strange world by the system, and there was still his corpse lying on the ground.

“Forget it, if it comes, it will be safe.”

“System, what can I trade on me.”

[As long as it is something that belongs to you, you can trade with the system, such as your lifespan, soul, seven emotions and six desires, clothes on your body, lighters, etc.].

Chen Luo’s heart moved when he heard this, and then he pointed to the corpse on the ground and asked.

“System, this corpse does not belong to me?”

[Count yours].

“I’m such a genius, system, this corpse is my trading item.”

[Ding, the host chooses to trade items: “a small valuable corpse”, please select the thing that needs to be traded! ] 】

“Can you choose anything?”

[Host please remember the principle of equal value, as long as the value you pay is large enough, you can really choose anything, you can become the controller of the heavens and realms, provided that you can pay enough to buy the value of the item! ] 】

“Equivalent trading, then I can’t earn nothing, your system is really rubbish.”

Saying that the system is garbage, in fact, Chen Luo knows that this system is very powerful, the premise is to see how to use it.

“I’m going to trade all his memories to replace his identity.”

A corpse, wanting to trade the power of the immortal god must be a fool’s dream, and he can only trade what he needs most at the moment.

In an instant, a scale that only Chen Luo could see appeared in front of him, and the corpse on the ground turned into a streamer and appeared on the left side of the scale.

On the other side, there was the memory that Chen Luo wanted to trade, a white ball of light.

Reaching a balance between the two sides is an equivalent transaction.

At this moment, the right side was slightly cocked, and the value of the corpse was actually a little higher.

“I thought I had to make up the difference.”

Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: “Add the currency of this world until it is balanced.” ”

In addition to the white ball of light on the right, there were two more piles of soft sister coins, and then the scales tended to balance.

[Ding, congratulations to the host transaction closed].

The body disappeared, and the white ball of light merged into Chen Luo’s body, and a series of memories made Chen Luo’s head swell a little.

At the same time, there are 20,000 more soft sister coins around.

After a long time, it was noon, and Chen Luo accepted all the memories.

“I’m actually an orphan in the parallel world, but it’s good to save trouble.”

He is also called Chen Luo in the parallel world, but his life experience is completely different, and the “Chen Luo” of this world is an orphan.

He is different, in the original world he has a pair of parents who although nagging, but love him very much.

“Alas, I hope my father and mother are not too sad, fortunately, I still have a brother, even if I disappear, they will not be left without care.”

The corpse transaction left, “Chen Luo”‘s mobile phone, bank card, ID card were left, receiving the memory of Chen Luo in the parallel world, and he skillfully unlocked the mobile phone password.

“Oh, it’s so poor.”

The deposit is only a few hundred yuan, and if it were not for the transaction and got 20,000 yuan, I am afraid that I would have to cross over and eat soil.

He is too miserable in this world.

“But he seems to have found a good job, fortunately he will work tomorrow, not today, otherwise he will be absent from work on the first day of work, and I am afraid that he will be fired.”

The bodyguard work, with a monthly income of 10,000 taels, is much higher than his salary when he just entered the workplace in his previous life, and Chen Luoke does not plan to give up this job.

Until you find a way to make a lot of money with the system, you can’t give up your work.

Although he may be able to trade a lot of money with his lifespan, according to Chen Luo’s personality, he will not exchange his life for money before he is cornered.

He is willing to trade life with money, but unfortunately he lacks money, 20,000 yuan to trade life, it is estimated that he can’t even trade a day’s life.

“How do you clean up the blood on the ground?”

Looking at the pool of blood on the ground, Chen Luo’s expression was embarrassed, cleaning up was definitely not so easy to clean.

It is also a trouble to be discovered, it is difficult to explain why there is a pool of blood here, if the landlord knows it, he will definitely call the police, and Chen Luo, who is embarrassed, thinks of the system again.

Bodies can be traded, and the blood on the ground should also be traded.

May Day reading book day heavenly music, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 30 to May 4)

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