One person fought three people alone, and Ye Chen was beaten without temper.

Ah Da, Ah Er and Ah San are not much weaker than Ye Chen, and under the cooperation of joining forces, the role played is 1+1+1 is greater than 3.

“If this continues, I will surely die.”

Looking at the three people who surrounded him, Ye Chen knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely be killed by the three of them.

He was stabbed in the abdomen, the ribs in his chest were also broken, and there were many injuries on his body, and Ye Chen’s situation was not good.

Now the only way to save his life is to escape, and Ye Chen can’t care about losing face, and forcibly break out from Ah Er’s side.

“Catch up.”

Seeing Ye Chen escape, the three people chased Ye Chen over, as for whether there would be any movement, they didn’t care.

It was not simply Luo Mingde’s task that they wanted to kill Ye Chen, and Chen Luo also ordered them to kill Ye Chen at all costs.

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body, ran at full speed, and threw off the three people behind him.

Stop a car from the road, drag the driver directly, get in the car and kick the accelerator away.

No matter how powerful they are, they can’t catch up with Ye Chen who is driving.

The three of them can fight Ye Chen together, but they can’t stop Ye Chen from escaping, if Ye Chen chooses to run from the beginning, it is estimated that Ye Chen will not even be injured.

“Brother Luo, failed, let Ye Chen run.”

Ah Da contacted Chen Luo first and told Chen Luo the news that Ye Chen had run away from them.

“Okay, I see.”

Things did not surprise Chen Luo, and they didn’t expect Ah Da to kill Ye Chen, so Chen Luo couldn’t talk about disappointment.

“You let Ye Chen run away?”

Luo Mingde knew that after Ye Chen ran away, his face was very ugly.

“Forget it, let’s find another opportunity next time.”

Luo Mingde did not blame these three people, after all, they would be used in the future, and they would also need to make a move when dealing with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen, who fled, ran all the way back to Li’s house.

“What’s going on with your injury? Who did you provoke again? ”

Seeing Ye Chen come back full of injuries, Li Zhong frowned and asked Ye Chen coldly.

He was very dissatisfied with Ye Chen in his heart, but his daughter cared about this man, and Li Zhong couldn’t help it, unless one day his daughter empathized with Ye Chen and didn’t like him.

Otherwise, even if Ye Chen causes some trouble outside for the sake of his daughter, he will help Ye Chen wipe his ass.

Ye Chen’s eyes were a little gloomy.

“The person who attacked me is either Chen Luo or the Luo family, it is possible that they have joined forces.”

“Chen Luo and the Luo family.”

Li Zhong’s brows furrowed, he knew that Chen Luo and the Luo family both wanted to kill Ye Chen, and before they were discussing how to deal with Ye Chen.

Who knew that the creation of people would not only give up his previous hatred for Ye Chen, but also help Ye Chen.

“I’ll help you contact the two of them and try to resolve your grudges.”

Li Zhong said to Ye Chen.

He did this not for Ye Chen, but for his daughter Li Ting, and also for the Li family.

If he didn’t help Ye Chen put this matter in order, Chen Luo and the Luo family would deal with the Li family sooner or later in order to deal with Ye Chen.

“The deep hatred of the sea of blood cannot be resolved.”

The grudge between Ye Chen and the Luo family is good to say, and the grudge between him and Chen Luo, even if Chen Luo wants to resolve it, he will not agree.

The hatred between him and Chen Luo was too deep.

His subordinates were all destroyed by Ye Chen, and he lived so badly in the demon capital, he couldn’t get rid of Chen Luo.

In addition, Xiao Yixue, the woman he liked, also fell into the hands of Chen Luo’s beast.

“There is no hatred in this world that cannot be resolved.”

Li Zhong glanced at Ye Chen, and then contacted Chen Luo and Luo Mingde respectively.

“Li Dong wants to invite me to the banquet, no problem, I will definitely give Li Dong’s face.”

After Chen Luo received Li Zhong’s call, he did not refuse Li Zhong’s invitation.

Then when Li Zhong contacted Luo Mingde, Luo Mingde would not be polite to Li Zhong.

“Li Zhong, you still have the face to contact me.”

Luo Mingde’s words were sarcastic, and the appearance of holding a gun and a stick showed his dissatisfaction with Li Zhong.

“I know Brother Luo, you are dissatisfied with me, we can meet and talk about something.”

“There’s nothing to talk about with you.”

“Brother Luo, Chen Luo has already agreed, are you sure you can’t come and take a look?”

Hearing Li Zhong say that Chen Luo agreed to his invitation, Luo Mingde in the study frowned, why would Chen Luo agree to Li Zhong’s invitation?

Forget it, let’s go check it out.

Luo Mingde also agreed to Li Chong’s invitation, and Chen Luo and Luo Mingde came to Li’s house.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, the two of them actually arrived at the same time.

“Chen Luo, how could you agree to Li Chong’s invitation?” Luo Mingde couldn’t help but ask Chen Luo.

“Of course, I came to see what medicine is sold in Li Chonghulu.”

“Hmph, he must be here to help Ye Chen.”

Luo Mingde snorted coldly, probably guessing the purpose of Li Zhong’s invitation to come over.

“What is your attitude?” Luo Mingde asked.

“Luo Dong rest assured, if I let Ye Chen go, I will definitely not agree.”

Chen Luo absolutely couldn’t agree to let the protagonist Ye Chen go, this guy didn’t kill the endless troubles, how could Chen Luo let him go.

“That’s good.”

Luo Mingde was afraid that Chen Luo would promise to let Ye Chen go, so that the people who dealt with Ye Chen would be left with the Luo family, and there would definitely be no way to treat Ye Chen with the support of the Wang family and the Li family.

“Mr. Chen, Mr. Luo, please come in.”

The housekeeper of the Li family took Chen Luo and Luo Mingde in, and when he saw them, Li Zhong immediately stood up and greeted them with a smile.

However, Luo Mingde did not give Li Zhong any good face.

In addition to Li Chong, Ye Chen was also here, Chen Luo’s gaze glanced at Ye Chen, Ye Chen’s face was pale, and the situation was not good at a glance.

Also, after being stabbed, he also suffered heavy blows everywhere on his body, if Ye Chen’s condition is good, then it is strange.

Luo Mingde’s icy eyes glanced at Ye Chen.

“Li Zhong, there is no need to say polite words, just say the purpose of your invitation to us.”

Luo Mingde didn’t have the heart to say anything polite to Li Zhong here, he was about to tear his face, he wasn’t in the mood.

“I invited you here this time because I wanted you to give me face.”

“Give you face, how much is your face worth?” Luo Mingde had a sneer on his face.

Chen Luo squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Luo Mingde, Luo Mingde was taking gunshots, he actually didn’t give Li Zhong face so much, Chen Luo felt that Luo Mingde’s temper was a little unexpectedly irritable.

According to his previous contact with Rominde, he should not be this kind of personality.

Luo Mingde has a cautious personality, and now he would actually do such an exit to offend Li Zhong to death, Chen Luo felt a little discordant.

“Could it be that the negative effects of the villain BUFF affected him?” Chen Luo guessed slightly in his heart.

It is very likely, Chen Luo also found that Luo Mingde was much more irritable, otherwise he would not have asked him for manpower to directly attack Ye Chen before.

Luo Mingde’s words made Li Zhong’s face very ugly, he thought that even if Luo Mingde was dissatisfied with him, he would give him a face on the surface, but he didn’t expect to speak so unceremoniously.

“Luo Dong, we might as well let Li Dong finish speaking first and listen to what he has to say.” Chen Luo said.

“Then listen to you.”

Luo Mingde did not give Chen Luo face, he and Chen Luo now belong to the same camp, and they all regard Ye Chen as an enemy.

Chen Luo spoke, which also eased Li Zhong’s ugly expression, but there was still a cold light in his eyes when he looked at Luo Mingde.

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