“Who the hell is it?”

After a long time, Su Han got up viciously, his body was in great pain, even if his medical skills were superb, the injuries on his body would take a long time to recover.

The power that the dragon-shaped jade pei left in his body had been exhausted, and it was difficult to recover from his injuries quickly.

Looking at the corpse of the person who helped him deliver the medicinal herbs, Su Han dragged the injury over.

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Han dialed a number.

“Junior Brother, have the medicinal herbs been delivered?”

“Senior brother, something happened, the person you sent to send me medicinal materials died, and the medicinal materials were also snatched.”

“How could something happen? Who stole the medicinal herbs? ”

Yu Wenfeng hurriedly asked.

He was Su Tianche’s named disciple, not a personal disciple, and there was only one personal disciple.

“I don’t know who snatched it, but I have a suspect, and I want Senior Brother to help me investigate that person.”

“In addition, the master is also dead.”

Su Han once again told Yu Wenfeng a news that shocked him.

“How is it possible, master, his old man’s strength is so terrifying, who can harm his old man?”

Yu Wenfeng’s first reaction was not to believe that his master Su Tianche was holding Dan strength, how could he die.

“The person who killed the master is called Chen Luo, and this time the medicinal materials were robbed, I suspect that he also did it.”

That’s right, Su Han suspected Chen Luo.

Strong people at the peak of their strength are rare, and if anyone can be mobilized, the only person Su Han can doubt is Chen Luo.

Thinking of those women around Chen Luo, their strength was very terrifying, they were all the strength of the peak of their strength, and he suspected that these four women were also Chen Luo’s people.

“I want to ask you to help me investigate Chen Luo’s specific information.”

Thinking that he had been an enemy of Chen Luo for so long, even Chen Luo’s specific information was not known, and the information that the Luo family could give him was all superficial information.

Even many of them were considered false information by Su Han, and Su Han wanted real information about Chen Luo.

Yu Wenfeng was silent for a moment, and then said, “Okay, I’ll help you investigate.” ”

“You have to be careful in the devil, if you really can’t, come to me.”

He has a good relationship with this junior brother, the other party is in trouble, and he doesn’t mind helping, but this time the trouble is too big.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Wenfeng fell into deep thought, he is not a young man, so he thinks a lot.

Don’t look at Yu Wenfeng is just Su Han’s senior brother, in fact, the age difference between the two of them is nearly thirty years, and Su Han is not as old as Yu Wenfeng even if he is × 2.

Therefore, Yu Wenfeng was very sensible, and for the death of his master, Yu Wenfeng did not mention revenge.

For his master, Yu Wenfeng is very respectful, but if you want to take revenge, you must also look at your own jin two, that Chen Luo can kill his master who holds the Dan, he is definitely not an opponent.

Yu Wenfeng is only in the late stage of transformation, and if he really fights, he may not be stronger than Su Han now.

As for the power of the family, sorry Yu Wenfeng can’t use it, if the people of the family know that he is going to use the power of the family to deal with a Grandmaster of Baodan, they will definitely refuse, even if he says that the helm of the family will be rejected.

The interests of the family are greater than everything, and in the face of the interests of the family, personal grievances must be put aside.

And even if the Yu family really wanted to help Su Han, they couldn’t help, and the strongest person in the Yu family was just the peak of Hua Jin, and did not hold Grandmaster Dan.

If you want revenge, it is to deliver dishes.

Therefore, Su Han did not propose to Yu Wenfeng to let him help take revenge, because even adding a Yu Wenfeng was useless.

The only way to take revenge was either to find Grandmaster Baodan, or he Su Han broke through to Grandmaster Baodan.

But there are no medicinal materials at the moment, even if Su Han wants to break through to the peak of Huajin, it will be difficult, let alone Grandmaster Huandan.

Yu Wenfeng planned to help Su Han investigate simply, and then give him the information, which could be regarded as the end of benevolence.

That’s all he can help, and if he wants to make him contribute, he can’t do anything about it.

Chen Luo was counting the medicinal herbs that Chunmei and they had snatched at this time.

“This shot is really right, these medicinal materials are not less than a hundred years.”

Chen Luo’s eyes lit up, the medicinal materials here are all good things, worth at least ten billion, as for wanting to buy them outside, you can’t buy them even if you take out 100 billion.

“Maybe you can do a medicinal herb business.”

The eyes flashed slightly, in fact, if you trade in the system, the medicinal materials are not particularly expensive.

Take 100-year-old ginseng as an example, traded in the system, the price is only 900,000, but in reality, a century-old ginseng needs at least two million to three million.

The point is that there is no market for the price, in fact, the price should overflow.

There are warriors in this world background, and warriors need medicinal materials to assist in cultivation, so it is not surprising that the premium is several million.

The price on the market is more than two million to three million, but the actual purchase is likely to overflow this price.

With such a big profit, there is no need to worry about the market, it is a pity if it is not developed.

However, there is also a trouble in selling medicinal materials to make money, that is, it will be targeted, in the case of scarcity of medicinal materials, what kind of sensation will the emergence of a store with an unlimited supply of medicinal materials of various years cause?

How many people will target Chen Luo because of this, these are unknowns.

“To be targeted is to be targeted, but what needs to be done is still to be done.”

Chen Luo is not afraid of being targeted now, even if he is targeted, at least in the current world view, Grandmaster Huodan is the ceiling.

Chen Luo’s strength in the later stage of holding Dan is enough to deter all the juniors, even if he is a peak powerhouse in Huodan, don’t want to get benefits from Chen Luo.

As long as he can make money, Chen Luo’s strength will be improved to a higher level, and then there is no need to worry about being targeted.

“I’m going back.”

Chen Luo said to Gu Wanyu.

The sale of medicinal materials still has to be handed over to Zhao Yingxuan and Xiao Qianxue to do, although Gu Wanyu is trustworthy, but Gu Wanyu’s business talent is not very good.

The Li family is completely supported by the people provided to her by Chen Luo, otherwise Gu Wanyu would not be able to take the Li family’s stall.

“So when will you be back?” Gu Wanyu asked Chen Luo.

“I’ll come over when I have time, and you can go find me too.”

“Forget it, I’m not on par with that Zhao Yingxuan, I’m waiting for you to come to me.”

Mentioning Zhao Yingxuan, Gu Wanyu’s tone had a touch of coldness, Chen Luo’s women were not so harmonious.

After seeing Zhao Yingxuan, she had a anger in her heart, the anger of wanting to confront Zhao Yingxuan.

As long as the matter between women does not fight, Chen Luo will not easily mix, because the more mixed it is, the more chaotic it is.

Chen Luo drove back to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa, saying that he had been staying here for Gu Wanyu for several days, and he didn’t know if Zhao Yingxuan would have resentment.

There will definitely be resentment, and Zhao Yingxuan will call Chen Luo every day in the past two days to urge Chen Luo to go back.

“You’re finally back, I thought you forgot about me, little scoundrel.”

Zhao Yingxuan looked at Chen Luo resentfully.

It’s been nearly a week since I left, and if Chen Luo doesn’t come back, Zhao Yingxuan can’t help but go to Gu Wanyu’s fox spirit and pull Chen Luo back.

“Gu Wanyu, that fox spirit is really attracted to you.” Zhao Yingxuan’s tone was resentful and sour.

In the face of Zhao Yingxuan, who was bursting with resentment, the best way to eliminate resentment was to exchange the imperial daughters in the Yellow Emperor’s inner scripture.

Pick Zhao Yingxuan up, and then Chen Luo entered the bedroom, including Elsa was also pulled in by Chen Luo, if Xiao Yixue was there, Xiao Qianxue would also be pulled in by Chen Luo.

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