Chen Luo did not reveal the cooperation he talked about with Xiao Yingxue with Zhao Yingxuan, and Zhao Yingxuan did not continue to investigate further.

The days of the past few days have been relatively dull, Zhao Yingxuan has not run to the Yongqiang Group, and has also attracted some people, which should be to fight Xiao Yixue.

“President Xiao, there is an effect, there is really an effect, the scar on my arm has disappeared.”

In Xiao Yixue’s office, assistant Xiaoli shouted to Xiao Yixue with great joy.

Hearing Xiao Li’s happy cry, Xiao Yixue glanced towards Xiao Li’s arm, and she knew that Xiao Li’s arm had a relatively shallow scar.

However, if you look closely, it is still easy to see, so Xiaoli basically does not wear short sleeves.

“It’s really gone, this ointment has an effect.”

After Xiao Qianxue knew that this ointment had an effect, her expression became more serious.

“Chen Luo should be in the company, you go and find him over.”

Xiaoli nodded, and then immediately went to Zhao Yingxuan’s general manager’s office to find Chen Luo.

“General Manager Zhao.”

When facing Zhao Yingxuan, Xiaoli was more polite.

Although she knew that the relationship between Xiao Yixue and Zhao Yingxuan was not good, Xiaoli did not dare to blend in.

“What are you going to do?”

Zhao Yingxuan asked Xiaoli indifferently.

As Xiao Yixue’s assistant, she can already represent Xiao Yixue to a certain extent, so Zhao Yingxuan naturally has no good tone.

“It was President Xiao who asked me to invite Chen Luo over.”

Xiaoli quickly replied.

Hearing this, Zhao Yingxuan couldn’t help but glance at Chen Luo, Xiao Yixue, that little slut, shouldn’t it be that he took a fancy to Chen Luo?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingxuan’s heart was a little unpleasant.

“Chen Luo can’t go over something, and besides, Chen Luo is not an employee of Yongqiang Group.” Zhao Yingxuan said lightly.

“Okay, you go out.”

Xiaoli was directly sent away by Zhao Yingxuan.

“Why did Xiao Yixue see you?”

After Xiaoli was sent away, Zhao Yingxuan asked Chen Luo.

Chen Luo touched his nose: “Who knows, probably because I look so handsome.” ”

“You are my sister’s bodyguard, you can’t be abducted.”

To be honest, Zhao Yingxuan was really worried that Chen Luo would be abducted, after all, Chen Luo’s guy didn’t have much restraint, and if Xiao Yixue spent a lot of money, it was really possible to poach Chen Luo.

“How come, I have always been loyal to President Zhao.”

Chen Luo immediately assured Zhao Yingxuan that he would never betray him.

Zhao Yingxuan rolled her eyes and said amorously: “You are loyal to money.” ”

“I am indeed on your side.”

He is the villain, Zhao Yingxuan is also the villain, they are on the side.

Chen Luo knew what Xiao Qianxue called him for, but Xiao Qianxue was not in a hurry, and it was Xiao Qianxue who should be anxious now.

It is estimated that it will not be long before Xiao Yixue will come to him.

Sure enough, Xiao Yixue came after a while, and her face was not very good-looking.

After coming in, Xiao Yixue glanced at Zhao Yingxuan indifferently, and then looked at Chen Luo’s body.

“I’ll talk to you about the ointment.”

Hearing Xiao Yixue’s words, Zhao Yingxuan’s ears moved, ointment, what ointment? Could it be the business that Chen Luo and Xiao Yixue talked about.

“I don’t know how President Xiao wants to talk.”

Chen Luo’s eyes looked at Xiao Qianxue like he was looking at a big fat sheep.

“I’m very interested in your ancestral prescription, you make a price.”

“Make an offer? President Xiao, I’m afraid that if I make a price, you can’t afford it.” ”

For Xiao Yixue’s tone, Chen Luo was a little unhappy in his heart, but no matter what his attitude was, it was important to make money.

Hearing Chen Luo say that he couldn’t afford it, Xiao Qianxue’s brows frowned slightly: “You said how much money you need.” ”

“Three hundred billion, I wonder if President Xiao can take it out?”

Chen Luo said a sky-high price with a calm face.

“You didn’t want to talk about it at all, did you?”

Three hundred billion, Chen Luo really dared to speak, Xiao Yixue almost couldn’t maintain the expression on his face.

“Does President Xiao think it’s expensive? Isn’t this prescription worth the price? The benefits it can create are far more than 30 billion. ”

Chen Luo felt that the price was very fair, if it was about income, this scar removal ointment was definitely more popular than cosmetics.

Who does not have a few scars on his body, as long as the effect is good, he will definitely not worry about selling.

Xiao Qianxue pondered slightly, of course, 30 billion can be taken out, to be honest, this business cannot be regarded as a loss.

Spending these 30 billion is likely to open a market of more than 100 billion or even hundreds of billion, but Xiao Yixue still feels that this price is too high.

After all, if you want to open this market, the cost of the intermediate cost must also be calculated, and it is still unknown when the 30 billion spent will be repaid.

In addition, the funds of Yongqiang Group have other uses, and taking out these 30 billion yuan may lead to the rupture of funds for other projects.

“In fact, President Xiao, we still have a way to cooperate, that is, I will sell you with goods.”

Chen Luo had no intention of selling the prescription to Xiao Yixue before, of course, if Xiao Yixue could really come up with the money to buy it, Chen Luo would not mind selling it to her.

After all, if you trade with the system, you only need ten billion, and Chen Luo can directly earn two billion ah.

“How to cooperate specifically, President Xiao can think about it first, and then come to me when it is considered well.”

No matter how Xiao Yixue chose to cooperate, Chen Luo could accept it.

“Ten billion I buy out your prescription.” Xiao Yixue looked directly at Chen Luo.

“Hehe, if President Xiao has no intention of cooperating, then this business is not done.”

Chen Luo’s attitude became cold.

He needs to spend ten billion, doesn’t he make money? Chen Luo is not a charity.

“Okay, President Xiao, you go back and think about it first, think about it and then talk to me, there is one opportunity left, it depends on whether you want to seize it.”

Xiao Yixue took a deep breath, looking at Chen Luo’s attitude, he knew that it was impossible for Chen Luo to lower the price.

Turning her gaze and glancing at Zhao Yingxuan, Xiao Qianxue understood that she didn’t have time to think about it.

If she really wasted time to consider the gains and losses, Zhao Yingxuan, this woman, would definitely come to cut off her beard.

“Sign the contract, you provide the ointment, I will sell it.”

In the end, Xiao Yixue chose the second one, which was also expected by Chen Luo, after all, it is risky to spend 30 billion yuan to open up a new market, in case of loss.

And if you really want to develop, you don’t only need 30 billion, you also need to build a pharmaceutical factory, buy raw materials, open sales channels, plus publicity and advertising, which requires too much to spend.

Why spend tens of billions in the system to equivalently trade prescriptions with hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions of market value? It is because if you want to realize the value of the prescription, you need to pay a lot.

Spending tens of billions on transactions is just a prescription.

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