
Bang bang bang——!!!

Fierce gunshots rang out, and Liang Xinghu stood up abruptly and looked out with an ugly face.

“Big brother, it’s not good, someone killed in.”

Liang Xinghu’s younger brother ran in in a panic and reported to Liang Xinghu.

“Don’t panic, how many people are coming?”

Liang Xinghu took a deep breath, listening to this gunshot, I am afraid that there is more than one person coming.

“No… I don’t know. ”

“What do you say, you tell me you don’t know.” Liang Xinghu almost collapsed him with a gun, and everyone else killed him, he actually said he didn’t know.

“That person’s speed is very fast, only one black shadow can be seen, it should be only him.”

Looking at the gun on his head, the younger brother immediately replied, afraid that the angry Liang Xinghu shot him.

“Take your brothers and withdraw with me.”

Taking a deep breath, Liang Xinghu spoke.

It was definitely Chen Luo, and the person who killed him was definitely Chen Luo, he had already lost his sharpness long ago, and he didn’t want to fight with Chen Luo.

“Yes, big brother.”

The younger brother immediately nodded and ordered the others to prepare for retreat, in this small factory, they have long prepared cars, or bulletproof cars.

Chen Luo held two sand eagles in his hand, harvesting life like the god of death, and in just a few moments, there were already more than a dozen people who died in his hands.

“Is this trying to run?”

Chen Luo wore a night vision device, even at night, it would not affect Chen Luo’s vision.

“Block him, try your best to block him for me, I will give each of your families 10 million when you die.”

Liang Xinghu shouted to his little brothers.

“Chen Luo, I know it’s you, you want to kill me dreaming, you just wait for my revenge.”

Leaning against the human wall to block Chen Luo’s bullets, Liang Xinghu ran to the car, and only after getting into the car did he feel safe.

His car was bulletproof and specially prepared to escape.

“Do you think you can leave?”

At this time, Liang Xinghu’s younger brother was almost dead, holding a sand eagle that did not need to change bullets, and Chen Luo was Yan Shuangying’s eagle.

Liang Xinghu’s people were simply not enough for Chen Luo to fight.

Chen Luo spent money and the system to trade a bazooka, or a bazooka containing armor-piercing shells.

Even if the tank armor can be pierced, a small bulletproof car still wants to block armor-piercing bullets?

“Boom !!!”

The fire was particularly dazzling, and the car that had just started was directly blasted by Chen Luo, and Liang Xinghu on the car certainly couldn’t survive.

Backhand then traded the bazooka to the system, that is, to kill Liang Xinghu, Chen Luo spent money for an armor-piercing bullet.

“This feels really exciting, when fighting with Ye Chen, maybe you can give him a few shots.”

A few barrels of gasoline were traded from the system, and then Chen Luo set the entire factory on fire with a torch, and then left here.

From Chen Luo’s start to the end, no more than five minutes before and after, Liang Xinghu, who could barely be regarded as the number one person in the magic capital, hung up.

This time the matter will definitely be strictly investigated, but it will definitely not be found on Chen Luo’s body, and he is wearing a human skin mask with his hands.

“I should get a human skin mask from Ye Chen and blame Ye Chen.”

Only afterwards did Chen Luo remember that if it was not good to blame Ye Chen, even if he could get rid of the suspicion, it would be very troublesome.

Next time, next time must blame Ye Chen.

Ye Chen snorted at this time, feeling as if he was being targeted by something.

Chen Luo returned to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa, it was more than eleven o’clock at this time, Zhao Yingxuan had not rested, and after seeing Chen Luo return, Zhao Yingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

“Let my sister worry me so much, how should you compensate my sister?”

Zhao Yingxuan circled around Chen Luo, only then did he make sure that Chen Luo was not injured.

“Does this woman really care about herself or does she not care about herself?”

Chen Luo was a little confused, but he didn’t have to be so defensive against her.

“How about I promise you a condition?”

“Well, that’s what you said, I won’t forget, sister I’m going to rest, do you want to join me?”

Zhao Yingxuan winked at Chen Luo.

He didn’t respond, although he was moved, Chen Luo still felt that it was not too late to make a decision after another day to have a showdown with her and figure out her purpose in seducing her.

The next day, the morning news reported that an accidental fire had occurred in a factory on the outskirts, and three workers had accidentally been killed by the fire.

This factory Chen Luo is too familiar, the fire incident, burning three workers, Chen Luo couldn’t help but laugh.

Normally, it must not be reported that there was a fire fight in the suburban factory, and forty-eight people died.

“Liang Xinghu is dead.”

Ye Chen’s face was ugly, and he originally planned to use Liang Xinghu’s power to deal with Chen Luo, but Liang Xinghu died.

“It was definitely done by Chen Luo.”

In an instant, Ye Chen had a suspicious object, this matter was definitely done by Chen Luo, except for him, Ye Chen could not think of anyone else who could kill Liang Xinghu.

Ye Chen only knew that Liang Xinghu died, but he didn’t know exactly how Liang Xinghu died.

Liang Xinghu’s death, except for some people who traded with Liang Xinghu were more panicked, everyone else was very dull.

It is the police who are investigating Liang Xinghu’s affairs.

Chen Luo followed Zhao Yingxuan to her cosmetics company like a nobody, and Chen Luo was also very concerned about the performance of her cosmetics company.

Because Chen Luoke has a quarter of the profit share.

“What is the profit?”

“You care more than I do.”

Zhao Yingxuan glanced at Chen Luo, and then said with a smile: “Don’t worry, the sales are very good.” ”

After removing costs, there is already a profit of 15 million, which is the net profit after removing costs.

It’s not a month yet, not even half a month.

This month’s minimum profit will also be above 30 million, and cosmetics sales are continuing to improve, and it is only the beginning.

As a new cosmetics, being able to make so much profit has exceeded Zhao Yingxuan’s expectations.

“If I can control Yongqiang Group now, using the channels of Yongqiang Group, it will double sales and double profits.”

Zhao Yingxuan’s words seemed to imply that Chen Luo helped her control the Yongqiang Group.

And if you want to really control the Yongqiang Group, then you can only let Xiao Yongqiang disappear, and for Xiao Yongqiang, Zhao Yingxuan has no feelings at all.

Initially, he would be with Xiao Yongqiang, but it was just for his money.

Otherwise, if she is so young, how can she look at Xiao Yongqiang, she simply looks at Xiao Yongqiang’s money and power.

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