“Hey, who?”

Chen Luo picked up his mobile phone and connected the call.

“Chen Luo, I want to talk to you.”

“Oh, it turned out to be Chairman Xiao, I don’t know what Chairman Xiao wants to talk to me about?”

Hearing Chen Luo’s voice, Xiao Yongqiang’s blood pressure continued to soar, and he endured his anger, Xiao Yongqiang said in an icy tone.

“I know that the pouring snow is in your hands, let the pouring snow go, and the conditions can be opened by you.”

“Chairman Xiao, what are you talking about? I don’t understand your words, you said that President Xiao is in my hands, this is completely slander, it is false, if you say this again, I can sue you for slander. ”

Chen Luo directly denied it.

Of course, he couldn’t admit it, what if Xiao Yongqiang didn’t talk about martial virtue and came to a recording to call the police? He will definitely be in trouble then.

“Chen Luo, let’s open the skylight and say bright words, the people who want to kill you and Zhao Yingxuan were sent by me, and the grudge between us, there is no need to involve other people.”

Xiao Yongqiang felt that Chen Luo captured Xiao Yixue to take revenge on him, in fact, it was not wrong, it was indeed to retaliate against Xiao Yongqiang.

“What, you sent someone to kill us?”

Chen Luo’s tone was full of shock and surprise, and he was very angry.

“You’ve already guessed, are you still pretending? Is it meaningful in front of me? ”

Xiao Yongqiang’s tone was cold, and Chen Luo still pretended not to know, this was treating him as a fool.

“Chairman Xiao, I didn’t expect you to send someone to kill us, wait, I will seek justice through legal channels.”

At this moment, Chen Luomeizi did not expect Xiao Yongqiang to deliberately send the handle to him.

If you don’t get something from Xiao Yongqiang, wouldn’t it be a waste of the opportunity Xiao Yongqiang gave.

“Just now our call has been recorded, you wait for the police to investigate.”

Chen Luo’s tone was a little playful, and then he hung up the phone.


As soon as the five numbers were counted, the mobile phone that Chen Luo had just hung up rang again, still Xiao Yongqiang’s phone.

Drinking tea, Chen Luo was not in a hurry.

When the phone rang for the second time, Chen Luo answered.

“What else does Chairman Xiao have to advise? If not, don’t get in my way. ”

“Chen Luo, what do you want?”

From Xiao Yongqiang’s voice, a little anger could be heard.

“I’m a greedy person and want a lot.” Chen Luo replied with a light smile.

“We can talk.”

“Okay, Chairman Xiao wants to talk to me, how dare I refuse, but I heard that Chairman Xiao is hospitalized and his health is fine, don’t force it if it doesn’t work.”

Xiao Yongqiang was full of anger and gritted his teeth: “I’m very good now.” ”

Then Chen Luo and Xiao Yongqiang made an appointment at the location, and they met to talk.

Leaving the villa, Chen Luo did not bring anyone else and came to the agreed tea house alone.

“Chairman Xiao is worthy of being the chairman, the shelf is really big, I have been waiting for ten minutes.”

After waiting in the tea room for a while, Xiao Yongqiang arrived, and followed by Xiao Yongqiang was Ye Chen.

Chen Luo glanced at Ye Chen, this guy really resisted and was beaten by him mercilessly, and in less than two days, he ran out of the hospital alive, this guy is the reincarnation of Xiaoqiang.

Even if his physique is far beyond ordinary people, his resilience is far beyond ordinary people, and it is outrageous that he is good so quickly.

Sensing Chen Luo’s eyes, Ye Chen’s gaze full of killing intent stared at Chen Luo.

“Ye Chen, you seem to be very dissatisfied with me, how about I go?”

Saying that, Chen Luo stood up directly.


Xiao Yongqiang immediately stopped Chen Luo.

Chen Luo stopped and glanced back at Xiao Yongqiang: “I don’t know what else Chairman Xiao has to advise?” ”

“Everything can be discussed, it’s wrong for me to be late, I apologize to you, and Ye Chen doesn’t have an opinion about you.”

Xiao Yongqiang bowed his head to Chen Luo, God knows how much Xiao Yongqiang was aggrieved in his heart, bowed his head to apologize to his life and death enemy, it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

“Xiao Dong apologized to me, it really flattered me, well, then I will give Xiao Dong a face and don’t pursue it.”

In the first confrontation, Chen Luo temporarily gained the upper hand.

After all, Xiao Yongqiang’s handle and daughter are in Chen Luo’s hands, even if he doesn’t bow his head, Xiao Yongqiang bows his head for his daughter.

“I want to hear the sound you recorded before.”

Before because of his unclear mind, he left a big flaw, if Chen Luo really recorded and passed the recording out, even he would have great trouble.

Even if his forces themselves were fine, the Yongqiang Group would be affected, and those competitors would definitely not miss the opportunity to attack him.

Hearing Xiao Yongqiang say the recording, Chen Luo gestured a five to Xiao Yongqiang.

“Fifty million?” Xiao Yongqiang looked at Chen Luo expressionlessly.

“Xiao Dong, you are also too petty, you are also the richest man in the magic capital, 50 million doesn’t look down on you, so you have to add a zero to the back.”

“You lion open your mouth?”

With Xiao Yongqiang’s heart, he almost didn’t stabilize.

“Business, pay attention to your willingness, if you don’t want me, I won’t force it, but this police call may be called.”

“In addition, I will find someone to help Xiao Dong publicize it on the Internet, I don’t know if Chairman Xiao can bear the charge of hiring murder.”

Chen Luo took a sip of tea and said slowly.

“Okay, I can give it to you, I hope you talk about credit, otherwise don’t blame me for breaking the net.”

Xiao Yongqiang stretched out his hand to Chen Luo, and Chen Luo silently took out a note with a bank card number and handed it to Xiao Yongqiang.

Xiao Yongqiang looked indifferent and called his assistant to transfer money.

“There are not many people who have made me suffer in this life.”

He Xiao Yongqiang has never suffered many losses in his life, and anyone who makes him suffer losses will end up miserable.

His things are not so easy to take, and sooner or later he will spit it out.

“Is it? Hearing Chairman Xiao say this, I suddenly felt honored. ”

Chen Luo smiled and looked at his mobile phone, Xiao Yongqiang’s 500 million has arrived, obviously it is a large transfer, the speed is quite fast.

“Xiao Dong rest assured, I always talk about rules.”

First let Xiao Yongqiang listen to the recording, and then Chen Luo deleted this recording directly.

Chen Luo did not leave a backup, and the rules were still told.

In addition, if he really wants to blood Xiao Yongqiang, he may really want to break the net with himself, it is not worth it, and it is enough to earn 500 million.

In fact, Chen Luo’s bottom line is not 500 million, it is good to get 100 million, and getting 500 million has already made a lot of money.

Xiao Yongqiang did not believe Chen Luo’s words, but if Chen Luo dared to pit him, he would let Chen Luo know his true anger.

Now he is soft on Chen Luo, and even follows Chen Luo, mainly because Xiao Yixue is still in Chen Luo’s hands.

Otherwise, a recording threatens him, is it too small to underestimate him, the richest man in the magic capital.

“Now it’s time for us to talk about something else.”

“Oh, does Xiao Dong have anything else to talk to me about?”

Chen Luo had a puzzled expression.

“Chen Luo, don’t fill me with garlic and release the pouring snow, otherwise I will make you pay.”

The first one who couldn’t help it was Ye Chen, who directly stood up and looked at Chen Luo angrily.


PS: Ask for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets, it will be on the shelves soon, it will definitely explode after it is on the shelf, please support the flowers, the author is here to thank you!!!

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